What a birthday present to President Bush, for Senator Kerry to have failed to select Senator Breaux, Sam Nunn, or former President Carter as his VP candidate!
Picking a trial lawyer who has personally *raised* healthcare costs for a VP candidate?! Hilarious!
And announcing his selection this early was also a mistake, as has been the majority of JFK's campaign so far.
He should have sent an email message out to everyone with modern cell phones on the Boston Convention floor seconds before he announced, in Prime Time, to the crowd his choice on the final day of the Democratic Party convention.
Junior Senator Edwards couldn't win in the Presidential primaries, couldn't win re-election as Senator in his home state, and certainly can't win in 2004.
The only redeeming quality about this pick is that it is so bad that we are going to have to shelve a few of our many attacks lest we be seen as bullies piling on against the helpless.
Heck, Kamp Kerry put it out on the news before the end of last week that a decision would likely be announced today! He might as well have taken out a full page ad in the Slimes about it. It isn't only about trying to deflect attention away from Kerry saying that life begins at conception, as Rush opined on his show today. Although that might play a part, but the decision about announcing on Tuesday was already made.
I think Kerry Kamp has to gin up enthusiasm everywhere they look, pure and simple.