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Moby's Dick ^ | Jun 23, 2004 | Ann Coulter

Posted on 06/23/2004 5:58:45 PM PDT by perfect stranger

According to the front page of the New York Times – so it must be true! – the release of Bill Clinton's latest round of lies, "My Life," has "many of his old antagonists ... gearing up again." Among many others, MSNBC's Bill Press said the book was "bringing all the Clinton haters out from under their rocks. I mean, they're salivating because they get another chance to get into all of these issues."

We're not salivating with anticipation – that's drool as we fall into a coma.

Since Clinton was impeached, liberals have been trapped in a time warp. They just can't seem to "move on." Books retelling Clinton's side of impeachment – only since the decadent buffoon left office – include: Joe Conason's and Gene Lyons' "The Hunting of the President: The 10-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton" (endorsed by America's most famous liar!), David Brock's "Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative," Sidney Blumenthal's "The Clinton Wars," Joe Eszterhas' "American Rhapsody," Joe Klein's "The Natural: The Misunderstood Presidency of Bill Clinton," Hillary Rodham Clinton's "Living History," and now, the master himself weighs in with "My Life."

As far as I know, conservatives have produced one book touching on Bill Clinton's impeachment in this time: In 2003, National Review's Rich Lowry decided it was finally safe to attack Clinton and thereupon produced the only Regnery book with Bill Clinton's mug on the cover that did not make the New York Times' best-sellers list. That's how obsessed the Clinton-haters are.

Now there's even a documentary version of liberals' Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy fantasy, "The Hunting of the President." O.J. had more dignity.

If we're so obsessed with it, why do they keep bringing it up? OK, uncle. You win, Mr. President. If I buy a copy of your book, will you just shut up once and for all, go away, and never come back? It will cost me $35, but, judging strictly by weight, that isn't a bad price for so much cow manure. At 957 pages, this is the first book ever published that contains a 20-minute intermission. Readers are advised to put it down and read a passage from Clinton's 1988 Democratic National Convention speech nominating Dukakis just to stay awake. This thing is so long, he almost called it "War and Peace." Or, I suppose, more properly, "War and a Piece."

Considering how obsessed liberals are with turning their version of Clinton's impeachment into the historical record, it's interesting how these books spend very little time talking about Clinton's impeachment. In lieu of discussing the facts of his impeachment, Clinton simply makes analogies to grand historical events – events notable for bearing not the remotest relationship to his own sordid story.

Clinton claims, for example, that conservatives decided to target him in lieu of the Soviet Union after the Cold War ended and conservatives needed a new villain. In other words, Clinton is equating himself, in scale and importance, to the Soviet Union, the global communist conspiracy and the Marxist-Leninist Revolution. Nope, no ego problem there. ("My Life" was Clinton's second choice title, after the publisher balked at naming the book "I Am God, and You Are All My Subjects.")

Alternatively, Clinton claims conservatives hated him because he represented "the '60s." As is now well-known, four lawyers, toiling away after hours and on weekends, worked quietly behind the scenes to propel the Paula Jones case to the Supreme Court and bring Monica Lewinsky to the attention of the independent counsel. All four of us were 5 to 8 years old when Bill Clinton graduated from Georgetown in 1968. (Actually, it was the '70s that I really hated, but that's another column for another day.)

So I'm pretty sure it wasn't our anger about "the '60s" that inspired feelings of contempt for Bill Clinton. It must have been something else – some ineffable quality. Let's see, what was it again? Ah yes! I remember now! It was that Clinton is a pathological liar and sociopath.

If Clinton wasn't the Soviet Empire or "the '60s," then he was Rosa Parks! Clinton actually compares his battle against impeachment to civil-rights struggles in the South. Haven't blacks been insulted enough by the constant comparison between gay marriage and black civil rights without this horny hick comparing his impeachment to Selma?

And that's when Clinton is even talking about his presidency. From what I've heard, roughly half of Clinton's memoir – hundreds and hundreds of pages – is about every picayune detail of his life before becoming president. Through sheer force of will I shall resist the urge to refer to this book as a "blow by blow" account of Clinton's entire miserable existence.

Most presidential memoirs get right to the president part, on the assumption that people would not be interested in, for example, Harry Truman's deal-making as Jackson County executive or Jimmy Carter's initiatives as a state senator in Georgia – let alone who they took to their junior high school proms. When Ulysses S. Grant wrote his memoirs, he skipped his presidency altogether and just wrote about what would be most interesting to people – his service as a Civil War commander.

But Clinton thinks people are dying to read 900 pages about his very ordinary life. He views being president as just one more episode in a life that is fascinating in all its stages because he is just so fascinating as a person – at least to himself. In a perverse way, it's utterly appropriate. What actually happened during the Clinton presidency? No one can remember anything about it except the bimbos, the lies and the felonies. Fittingly, in the final analysis, Clinton will not be remembered for what he did as president, but for who he did.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Editorial; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: anncoulter; anncoulterlist; books; coulter; mylife
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To: perfect stranger
The last paragraph is perfect.

Says it all.

41 posted on 06/23/2004 7:13:56 PM PDT by Recovering Hermit
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To: Huck

Wow ....that girl is an intellectual..

Ann's column is good but so is that picture

42 posted on 06/23/2004 7:17:25 PM PDT by woofie ( 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.)
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To: Recovering Hermit
Not a big fan. Not saying be mean to em. Just not singling them out. Thanks for the heads up, though.

Are porcupines rodents?

43 posted on 06/23/2004 7:17:51 PM PDT by Huck (Be nice to chubby rodents. You know, woodchucks, guinea pigs, beavers, marmots...)
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To: woofie
Ann's column is good but so is that picture

Sorta covers all the bases, doncha think?

44 posted on 06/23/2004 7:18:36 PM PDT by Huck (Be nice to chubby rodents. You know, woodchucks, guinea pigs, beavers, marmots...)
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To: TomGuy
{She looked like she had been hit on the head.)

She should have been hit on the head for saying how beloved Clinton is by the people lining up to buy the book.

I wonder if she ever considered a career in acting?

Being able to deliver lines like that surely could be put to better use than trying to screw the country, yet again.

45 posted on 06/23/2004 7:18:50 PM PDT by Calvin Locke
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To: perfect stranger
"My Life - Because I could" by Slick Willy
46 posted on 06/23/2004 7:21:05 PM PDT by TigersEye (Intellectuals only exist if you think they do!)
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To: Tax-chick

I so cannot wait for Ann to kick Tina Fey's ass.

47 posted on 06/23/2004 7:24:35 PM PDT by txhurl (Goodbye, Kitty.)
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To: Huck
Are porcupines rodents?

As a matter of fact, they are.

48 posted on 06/23/2004 7:25:31 PM PDT by Recovering Hermit
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To: Paul Atreides
Ann sure knows how to heap scorn. Monica was the high point of his term in office.

The "Former Occupant of the Oval Office, 1993-2001" once had so much promise, and it it was all unfilled. He could have been so much better than he was. Now, he has no way of redeeming himself, forever damaged goods.

49 posted on 06/23/2004 7:27:47 PM PDT by alloysteel (Opinionated bigotry - not just a tag line, a way of life.)
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To: perfect stranger; Liz; Howlin; ALOHA RONNIE; RonDog
In lieu of discussing the facts of his impeachment, Clinton simply makes analogies to grand historical events – events notable for bearing not the remotest relationship to his own sordid story.

On Hannity's radio show yesterday, Dick Morris explained how *Squirt is repeating the strategy used back in the early 90's. *Crinton was faced with either chatting about Jennifer Flowers or dodging the draft. The Flowers story kept the dodging story out of the news - mission accomplished. This time around, we get the privilege of listening to Moanica stories instead of serial perjury tales. It really doesn't matter. Either way, the *doofus keeps stepping in it even deeper...

50 posted on 06/23/2004 7:57:37 PM PDT by Libloather (I STILL blame Carter for disco...)
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To: perfect stranger
Moby's Dick

Call me Bubba.

51 posted on 06/23/2004 8:04:24 PM PDT by Mike Darancette (Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.)
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To: Huck

Hubba-hubba! Floats my boat.

52 posted on 06/23/2004 8:09:20 PM PDT by DoctorMichael (The Fourth Estate is a Fifth Column!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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To: Libloather


...In June 2003 DICK MORRIS confirmed on the air twice on 'The Judicial Watch Report' Talk Radio Show that BILL CLINTON personally told him that he refused 1 Offer in 1995 and 1 in 1996 from the Sudan during the 1990's... give us OSAMA bin LADEN.

...The only reason DICK MORRIS couldn't confirm BILL CLINTON's refusing a 3rd OSAMA Offer in 2000 was because DICK MORRIS was no longer in the CLINTON White House.

Signed:.."ALOHA RONNIE" Guyer / A Witness


53 posted on 06/23/2004 8:12:46 PM PDT by ALOHA RONNIE (Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
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To: Revolting cat!
I was watching an auction on ebay earlier tonight. It was for a signed copy of the slick book, plus a signed copy of Hilliary's book.

The final price for the 2 of them was $4000, though I'm a bit puzzled why anyone would so desperately want those books, signed or not.

54 posted on 06/23/2004 8:24:01 PM PDT by texasbluebell
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To: perfect stranger
... Clinton will not be remembered for what he did as president, but for who he did.

Ann's conclusion sums up in a single sentence Clinton's legacy. Its a devastating one. And I suspect the reason why Clinton spent 900 plus pages talking about everything else is the truth he threw it all away is just too much for a man of his monumental ego to bear - and Clinton has an ego bigger than the gap in the Grand Canyon. The inability of his apologists and defenders to "move on" can be explained by the fact their anti-hero doesn't have a single redeeming quality to him. Try as they might they can't build a great presidency when there's nothing there to build it up with and not even the Master Liar himself could name one personal accomplishment that's made America safer and left the world better. All I can say to Clinton and the liberals is, "Sorry but Clinton will never be Reagan." No wonder they're still obsessed with The Gipper.

55 posted on 06/23/2004 8:26:20 PM PDT by goldstategop (In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
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To: perfect stranger
[ Through sheer force of will I shall resist the urge to refer to this book as a "blow by blow" account of Clinton's entire miserable existence ] -AND-

[ Not what he did as president but WHO he did.... ]


56 posted on 06/23/2004 8:45:32 PM PDT by hosepipe (This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole....)
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To: Miss Marple

I heard a clip of his BBC interview this AM on the Laura Ingram show. krinton is around the bend and heading for the rest home. His accusations went well beyond bizarre; he's headed for deep space.

57 posted on 06/23/2004 8:46:49 PM PDT by WorkingClassFilth (Back to an old favorite: DEFUND NPR & PBS - THE AMERICAN PRAVDA)
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To: Old Professer
Figures, no Moby, only dick.

Or as we say down here in Texas, "All dick, no Moby."

58 posted on 06/23/2004 9:10:19 PM PDT by ItsForTheChildren
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To: StarFan; Dutchy; alisasny; BobFromNJ; BUNNY2003; Cacique; Clemenza; Coleus; cyborg; DKNY; ...
Ann Coulter ping!

Please FReepmail me if you want on or off my infrequent ‘miscellaneous’ ping list.

59 posted on 06/23/2004 9:12:42 PM PDT by nutmeg (God bless President Ronald Reagan)
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To: glock rocks
You're in violation of FR rules, Section 6, Section 2, subsection 4-6.

I haven't got that far yet.....
I'm still on Section 5, Subsection 1089, paragraph 344.

60 posted on 06/23/2004 9:18:51 PM PDT by Fiddlstix (This Tagline for sale. (Presented by TagLines R US))
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