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Right March ^ | Chuck Muth

Posted on 06/15/2004 8:50:45 AM PDT by Cedar

CANNON URGES ILLEGALS TO DONATE ILLEGALLY Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah) was interviewed by Jose' Elibardo Rivera on Spanish-language radio station KBJA (1640 AM) on Saturday morning, May 22nd. Also on the air with the congressman was Cannon aide Marco Diaz. An English translation of the transcript from the show reveals the Cannonites explaining how they think illegal aliens could legally contribute to Cannon's congressional re-election campaign and get around the FEC laws.

"You, you, you... are illegal, as, as I was a long time ago," says host Rivera to his audience during the interview. "Let's say you are illegal. Does that eliminate you from the political race (between Cannon and Throckmorton)? On the contrary, you more than anyone have to vote, have to pull out your money. If you can't vote, give money."

Diaz must have realized at that point that they were treading on dangerous campaign finance ground, asking for money from illegal aliens, but he really only dug himself, and his candidate, in deeper by replying, "... really if you are undocumented you must find, we welcome this money, but you have to find someone who is legal in order to donate money."

Diaz reiterates that they want the money from illegals, but that it had to be donated "with precaution." The following exchange took place a little later in the interview...

RIVERA: Good, there is one thing and it is this. The question for you, Marco, or for the Congressman is, can citizens who are minors donate money?

CANNON: Again... The minor children of citizens, yes they can donate.

RIVERA: Minors?

DIAZ: Any person, if you, if your child is a citizen can.

At that point, Rivera chimed in with something which was unintelligible; however, Diaz responded: "Very good! I hadn't thought of that! But if your child is a citizen, you can donate in the name of your child. The only thing that you need is, is to be a citizen. Many of you, perhaps, have children who are citizens." Diaz then urged listeners to send $10 by purchasing a money order in the name of their children and sending it to Cannon's post office box.

There's only one teensy-tiny problem with Cannon's and Diaz's solicitation: It's illegal.

Federal election law clearly states: "It shall be unlawful for a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election." A "foreign national" is defined in the law as, "an individual who is not a citizen of the United States or a national of the United States and who is not lawfully admitted for permanent residence."

Pretty cut-and-dried.

Now, that same federal law also states that "No person shall make a contribution in the name of another person or knowingly permit his name to be used to effect such a contribution and no person shall knowingly accept a contribution made by one person in the name of another person." Uh-oh. That's just what Diaz encouraged people to do.

Here's another part of that law: "An individual who is 17 years old or younger shall not make a contribution to a candidate..." Oops. Didn't Cannon just say it was OK for minors to donate to his campaign?

Furthermore, the law also states that "It shall be unlawful for a person to SOLICIT (our emphasis), accept, or receive a contribution or donation... from a foreign national." It appears painfully obvious that Diaz and Cannon broke this law on the air for all the world to hear by encouraging illegal aliens to donate money illegally to the congressional champion of amnesty for illegal aliens. Cannon and Diaz have some serious 'splainin' to do.

They better hope no one reads this and files an official complaint with the FEC... the forms for which can be obtained online at

CANNON RUNS SCARED FROM AMNESTY CHALLENGE "The Deseret Morning News reports that embattled U.S. Congressman Chris Cannon has refused a challenge to let an objective panel of attorneys decide a controversy roiling the Republican primary in Utah's third congressional district. His opponent, on the other hand, the surprising newcomer Matt Throckmorton, told the Salt Lake City paper that he was willing to accept the challenge, which ProjectUSA issued to both campaigns May 21.

"The controversy centers on whether Congressman Cannon is telling the truth when he denies he supports amnesty for illegal aliens. Throckmorton points out that, since Cannon is sponsoring or cosponsoring several amnesty bills in Congress right now, it's hard to swallow the congressman's denials. The congressman argues in response that his amnesty bills aren't really amnesty bills, they are only bringing-illegals-out-of-the-shadows bills.

"To settle the question, ProjectUSA offered to provide a panel of attorneys, selected by a respected independent arbitration organization, to read the bills in dispute and issue a professional legal opinion on whether the Cannon bills are amnesties or not. We even offered to sponsor a press event in Salt Lake City -- co-hosted by the local media organizations -- at which the panel's findings would be publicly revealed for the first time. Even ProjectUSA wouldn't know the outcome of the panel's investigation beforehand.

"The stakes: Both candidates had to agree to abide by the panel's findings. As we put it in our original challenge: 'If the panel finds that Congressman Cannon supports amnesties, Chris Cannon will publicly admit that he does indeed support amnesties for illegal aliens and his claims of distortion by his critics were false, and he will issue a public apology to Matt Throckmorton. If the panel finds the Congressman does not support amnesties for illegal aliens, Matt Throckmorton will publicly admit that his claims that Congressman Cannon supports amnesties were false, he was distorting his record, and he will issue a public apology to Chris Cannon.'

"It says a lot that Cannon has run away from our challenge, while Throckmorton has accepted it." - Craig Nelson,, 6/2/04

FATTEST OF FAT CATS "Rep. Chris Cannon still appears to be the richest member of a wealthy Utah congressional delegation, according to belated disclosure forms he filed with the House. They show the two-term Republican's net worth is between $6.53 million and $28.79 million, not counting homes and cars, which need not be disclosed.

"... Because of a loophole in disclosure laws, Cannon's form does not mention one investment that caused him some headaches earlier this year: a company called C4, or Conservative Campaign Consulting and Communications. C4 technically was owned by Cannon Industries, so Cannon never had to disclose on forms that he held the sole financial interest in it. Cannon merely had to disclose his holdings in Cannon Industries, but not where its investments go." - Deseret News, 6/22/02

THE DEADBEAT CONGRESSMAN "A failed Internet political consulting company that U.S. Rep. Chris Cannon started with a $1 million investment three years ago has once again come back to bite the Utah County Republican. Chet Poulton, former creative director of C-Four (Conservative Campaign Consulting and Communications), filed suit Wednesday in 4th District Court in Provo claiming Cannon and the company owe him between $76,000 and $87,500 in unpaid wages. 'I'm not greedy. I'm not out to suck up every dollar I can,' Poulton says. But he says that after months of unemployment and with 2-year-old twins to care for, he is tired of being stiffed by Cannon and other officers of the insolvent company." - Salt Lake Tribune, 10/2/02

DEADBEAT CONGRESSMAN STIFFS WORKERS "Chet Poulton, the former creative director for C4, an acronym for Conservative Campaign Consulting and Communications, filed a lawsuit Wednesday in 4th District Court against the company and (Rep. Chris) Cannon, saying he is owed $87,504 in wages.

"... A third former C4 employee has also come forward with allegations that he is owed for back wages. David Scholes of Hyrum said he was hired as a computer programmer for C4 and says he is owed $36,000. Scholes said he feels betrayed and angry. 'We felt that because Chris was a congressman, we felt we could rely on him,' Scholes said. 'That's why I hung on so long without getting paid.' Scholes said he is considering joining Poulton's suit against Cannon and C4." - - Geoffrey Fattah, Deseret News, 10/2/02

WHAT'S CANNON HIDING? "Rep. Chris Cannon has asked a judge to seal documents in a lawsuit claiming he was a deadbeat employer... The motion for a protective order was filed Wednesday in 4th District Court. It responded to a plaintiffs' motion filed earlier this month asking Judge Lynn Davis to order CFour and Cannon to turn over requested documents and appear for depositions. Among the documents sought are correspondence and e-mails between Cannon and the company.

"... (Chet) Poulton, CFour's one-time creative director, claims Cannon and the company owe him between $76,000 and $87,500 in unpaid wages, while (David) Scholes alleges he was stiffed for some $36,000.

"A key issue in the case is Cannon's level of involvement in the company. The congressman-venture capitalist never was listed as an officer or director of the company, and he claims he played no active role in its operation. Poulton, Scholes and former Cannon employee Mark Stoddard insist the congressman was running CFour. 'He was very much in charge, very much calling the shots there,' Poulton said in an earlier interview. Stoddard said he recalled sitting in a conference room listening to Cannon make calls from a list of House colleagues attempting to sell them the company's services." - Salt Lake Tribune, 10/25/03

THE LAWSUIT MAGNET: AN UNUSUALLY SHADY HUCKSTER One of our readers did a little public record search and discovered that Chris Cannon has been sued at least 13 times - five times in Utah County and eight times in Salt Lake County. These are only cases actually taken to court; they do not include persons Cannon has paid off to avoid trial... or folks who were just too intimidated by the congressman to stand up for themselves. The case numbers and plaintiffs are listed below should anyone wish to investigate further.

Utah Fourth District Court, Utah County

020402046: CIT Communications vs. Chris Cannon 998400159-SC: Brad Sears/REMS Inc. vs. Chris Cannon 926409037: Utah State Tax Commission vs. Chris Cannon/Cannon Industries 926409038: Utah State Tax Commission vs. Chris Cannon/Cannon Industries 0204404442: Chet Poulton/David Scholes vs. C4 Communications, Inc., Integrated Campaign Systems, Inc., and Chris Cannon Utah Third District Court, Salt Lake County

930003572-CV: Salt Lake County vs. Chris Cannon 958000271-SC: Deseret First Credit Union vs. Chris Cannon 966905979: Industrial Commission vs. Robert Watson/Chris Cannon 980903909: Crelley Mackey vs. Chris Cannon 990123-CA: Crelley Mackey vs. Chris Cannon 910907365: Valley Bank and Trust vs. Promintory Sys. Inc. & Chris Cannon 930902338: Dieter Kunkel vs. TerraNova Dist. & Chris Cannon 900900290: Lloyd V. Owen vs. Fresh Air Inc. & Chris Cannon



WATER ON THE BRAIN "I can say unequivocally that Representative Chris Cannon of Utah lacks the basic common sense and mental acuity of a bucket of water." - Author Frosty Wooldridge

CANNON SEEKS TO RESURRECT GOV'T BUREAUCRACY "Created in 1964 as an independent agency made up of private attorneys, judges, academic experts and agency regulators to serve as a think tank and regulatory-process problem solver, the (Administrative Conference of the United States) was swept away in 1995 as part of a Republican-led frenzy to shrink the federal bureaucracy. . . . Now, the same subcommittee that helped put the conference out of business is building a case to reauthorize it. Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah), its chairman, wants a new conference to examine current regulatory challenges such as how science is used in rulemaking and the litigation that results from regulation." - Washington Post, 5/26/04

IF IT WALKS LIKE A DUCK & QUACKS LIKE A DUCK... Both President Bush and Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah) go to great pains telling everyone that their illegal alien amnesty proposals aren't "amnesty" proposals. They call 'em a lot of other things - such as "guest worker" programs - but amnesty is amnesty no matter what you call it...and even folks who favor such proposals know it. Take the Provo Daily Herald, located in Cannon's back yard, for example. In a May 25th editorial, the paper lamented the efforts of conservatives fighting against illegal immigration and made arguments in favor of Cannon's myriad legislation. Here's what they wrote: "A reasonable solution has been proposed: amnesty for immigrants who have a stable job history, combined with a worker program, supported by President Bush and U.S. Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah. . . . A responsible amnesty program won't solve everything. But it is an important step toward bringing order to the system and recognizing the vital contribution immigrants make to America." See? Even SUPPORTERS of the "guest worker" proposals acknowledge they are "amnesty" proposals. Remember this the next time you hear Chris Cannon say he does not support "amnesty." Frankly, he's not telling the truth...and he's scared to death of being caught. Witness...

CANNON REJECTS INDEPENDENT EVALUATION "Rep. Chris Cannon denies his Republican primary challenger's claim that Cannon supports amnesty for illegal immigrants. A group advocating immigration curbs suggests the question be submitted to an arbitration panel. . . . Craig Nelsen, ProjectUSA director, wants the National Arbitration Forum to create a panel of impartial lawyers to evaluate immigration legislation Cannon supports and decide whether it fits the definition of amnesty. . . . Matt Throckmorton, Cannon's opponent in a June 22 primary, thinks that's a great idea. Cannon doesn't." - Associated Press, 5/28/04

AMNESTY, AMNESTY, AMNESTY "Congressman Chris Cannon, R-Utah, and challenger Matt Throckmorton...met Tuesday night to answer questions from 3rd Congressional District residents and show voters the differences between them. . . . Although Cannon and Throckmorton share the same basic political philosophy, their opinions diverge on the issue of immigration and education. "'We need a process that encourages individuals to come here legally first,' Throckmorton said. Throckmorton supports tighter border controls and opposes plans to allow now-illegal immigrants legal status -- proposals he calls amnesty. . . . Cannon sponsored a bill in Congress last year that would allow some illegal immigrants to gain legal status. . . . 'It is amnesty, amnesty, amnesty, amnesty,' Throckmorton said. 'It is amnesty. It is by every definition of the word.' "Cannon disagrees. . . . Cannon said...his proposal doesn't give citizenship to all illegal immigrants in the country." - The Daily Herald, 5/26/04 (EDITOR'S NOTE: Cannon has really "pulled a Clinton" on this one. What Cannon is trying to fool you into believing is that he does not support "amnesty" for illegal aliens since his bills do not grant amnesty to "ALL" illegal aliens, only some of them. What a shyster.)

IMMIGRATION & EDUCATION "It was experience versus elocution. That was the main contrast during Tuesday's debate between U.S. Rep. Chris Cannon and former state Rep. Matt Throckmorton at City Hall. Immigration and education were the main issues in which a clear divide emerged between the Republican rivals for the 3rd Congressional District. A four-term incumbent, Cannon touted his political experience, while Throckmorton was more articulate. "To wit: Cannon clearly is in President Bush's corner on allowing undocumented immigrants to legally work in the United States as 'guest workers' in certain areas and in supporting No Child Left Behind, the president's education-reform law. "Throckmorton adamantly opposes both. . . . (He) blasted Cannon's support for No Child Left Behind, saying it could cost Utah public schools hundreds of millions of dollars. 'It's a bad bill, and I'm a 100 percent committed to repealing it,' said Throckmorton, who added that Cannon had aided the largest federal encroachment into education in a century." - Salt Lake Tribune, 5/26/04

NO FEDERAL EXPANSION LEFT BEHIND "The two candidates (Cannon and Throckmorton) also disagree on education. Cannon supports and voted for the federal No Child Left Behind Act. . . . Throckmorton, however, supports repealing the act. He says the act has done more to empower the federal Department of Education, taking away local control." - The Daily Herald, 5/26/04

ALL HAT AND NO CATTLE Out of one side of his mouth, Chris Cannon says he strongly supports expanding the federal government's involvement in education by bear-hugging the No Child Left Behind Act. Out of the other side of his mouth he said in his debate with Matt Throckmorton that he supports the dismantling of the federal Department of Education. But does he? Or is this just another example of Cannon talking the talk without walking the walk? Cannon's put in a TON of bills to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, but how many has he introduced to dismantle the Department of Education? Zero.

CANNON LOSES ANOTHER SUPPORTER "As a voter who has voted for Chris Cannon on every occasion in the past, I will no longer do so again. . . . It was evident from the debate (with Matt Throckmorton) that Chris Cannon no longer has my or our interests in mind. He still supports the No Child Left Behind Bill. In spite of the problems and the loss of local control of our schools he still supports it! Talk about a out of touch politician! He no longer listens to the people. He also continues to run bills supporting amnesty and more benefits for illegal aliens. I thought he would have pulled back from these policies. I see no signs of it. Part of the reason for this is Cannon receives 95% of his campaign funds from out of state special interests." - Anonymous, The Daily Herald, 5/26/04



CANNON STICKS IT TO BUSH, PENTAGON "The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a $422 billion defense bill Thursday that would...protect military bases from closure for at least three years. While the Bush administration urgently wants the defense bill, the White House has threatened a veto if it retains a provision to delay further military-base closings until after 2007. The Bush administration wants to begin closing more bases next year to free up money for other military priorities. The House ignored the veto threat and voted 259-162 against the White House position. ...Chris Cannon...voted in favor of delaying the Base Realignment and Closure process." - Knight-Ridder News Service, 5/21/04

UTAH SHAFTED, CANNON SHRUGS "A year after federal lawmakers began ambitious discussions to give Utah a fourth congressional seat as amends for a census miscount, interest in the proposal has waned to the point that the state's senior House member says, Why bother? 'Why would we fool around with a seat now when we are going to pick one up, and possibly two, after the next census anyway?' said Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah." - Salt Lake Tribune, 5/24/04

LEAVE NO FEDERAL PROGRAM BEHIND "No Child Left Behind is the brain child of President George W. Bush in an attempt to raise the bar on public education. Not all Utahns, however, are excited. 'To me, No Child Left Behind epitomizes the federal government's intrusion in state affairs,' said Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Richard Mack. 'We do not need that program or any other federal program that requires Utah to compromise its standards in order to comply with federal mandates.' Mack said he thinks local school boards should make all educational decisions. However, Congressman Chris Cannon, R-Provo, supports No Child Left Behind." - BYU NewsNet, 5/20/04

AMNESTY SUPPORT BITES INCUMBENTS "Republican congressmembers all around the country are having to answer tough questions when it comes to immigration and where they stand, as they battle primary election challengers in their home states. . . . Rep. Christopher B. Cannon, a Utah Republican and a prominent legalization supporter is among those feeling the fall-out for his support of undocumented immigrants working in some agricultural areas to gain legal status. Cannon recently failed to win the required 60 percent of the vote at a Republican nominating convention a little more than a week ago and now faces a primary in June against Matt Throckmorton, a former state legislator who is running hard on the immigration issue." -, 5/21/04

MALDEF'S MAN IN WASHINGTON "How hot is the amnesty issue? . . . In Utah, Rep. Chris Cannon was denied renomination by a GOP convention for supporting amnesty and has been forced into a June 22 primary against former state Sen. Matt Throckmorton. In his campaign to win renomination at the convention, Cannon reportedly outspent his challenger 18-to-one.

"Throckmorton is pounding Cannon on his support for amnesty and obstruction of every proposal to get immigration under control. Writes Joe Guzzardi of, the premier website on the immigration question, 'Cannon has either voted for or co-sponsored nine bills since 2001 that are de facto amnesties.' Throckmorton's campaign has now attracted Big Media and backing from patriot groups demanding that the feds start defending our borders as well as we do Korea's and Kuwait's, and enforcing our immigration laws rather than figuring out ways to get around them to pander to the Hispanic vote.

"Cannon is so far out, he won the Excellence in Leadership Award from the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund - a Ford Foundation-funded Latino group. In his acceptance speech for the MALDEF prize, Cannon did an excellent imitation of Vicente Fox: 'We love immigrants in Utah. And we don't make the distinction very often between legal and illegal. In fact, I think Utah was the first state in the country to legislate the ability to get a driver's license based on the matricula consular, and of that I am proud.'

"The matricula consular is an ID card handed out by Mexican authorities to aid illegal immigrants. Unfortunately for MALDEF's man in Washington, Republicans in Utah do make a distinction between legal and illegal immigration. But because politicians like Cannon do not, America is host to between 8 million and 14 million illegal aliens, with millions more heading for our border to take advantage of Bush's proposed amnesty." - Columnist and former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan,, 5/24/04

JUSTIFIABLE OUTRAGE "Clarification of U.S. Rep. Chris Cannon's proposals for amnesty for illegal immigrants can explain the outrage by many Republicans over his legislation. Rep. Cannon has proposed multiple bills...that could grant permanent residence, and eventually citizenship, to millions of illegal immigrants, including students, farm workers and others. His proposals are far broader than those of other Republicans such as President Bush.

"My anger over his legislation has been fueled by studies released this month by Harvard economist George Borjas showing that the earnings of native-born American men have declined by $1,700 per person annually due to mass immigration. When will Rep. Cannon start sponsoring legislation to help U.S. workers rather than illegal immigrants?" - Christopher S. Edwards of New York City, Salt Lake Tribune, 5/23/04

UNFRIENDLY CANNON FIRE "It's called, 'friendly fire' in the US Army when our own commanders or Air Force planes accidentally drop bombs on our troops. . . . But what is happening to America today is worse. Our own elected officials in Congress proceed with an agenda that aims the deadly guns of immigration with point blank salvos into the heart of America's mid-section.

"...Such are the results of congressional representatives like Chris Cannon of Utah and many others. In the past decade, Cannon, a Republican stood as one of the foremost champions of illegal immigration into America. He introduced every bill possible to aid, assist, abet and encourage illegal immigration into the United States. Today, Utah is over-run with an estimated 65,000 illegal aliens costing Utah taxpayers millions of dollars. Their schools suffer language crisis and medical problems beyond solving.

"...Cannon, with eight years in Congress, is a member of the Judiciary Committee's immigration subcommittee. He blocked all legislation to crack down on illegal immigration. He is the darling of the national immigration lawyers association and the Mexican-American Legal Defense Fund. He was celebrated by MALDF, which is one of the most anti-American advocacy groups in the United States.

"...Cannon's latest AgJobs amnesty bill shoots Utah voters with a gut shot. . . . Cannon would love flooding Utah with an added 100,000 even 500,000 immigrants. He does not understand limits. If Cannon had his way, he'd open up immigration floodgates to the world. Not only would he create water shortages, language chaos, medical mayhem from illegal aliens--Chris Cannon would kill what it means to be an American citizen." - Author Frosty Woldridge, The Washington Dispatch, 5/19/04

CANNON BILLS ENHANCE TERROR THREATS "An anti-immigration group has taken out thousands of dollars worth of radio advertisements that attempt to link U.S. Rep. Chris Cannon's proposed legislation to the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center attack. Cannon, a four-term Republican facing a June 22 primary battle with former state Rep. Matt Throckmorton, is backing a House bill that would permit undocumented immigrants in certain agricultural areas to stay and legally work in the United States as 'guest workers.'

"A group known as the Coalition for the Future American Worker calls that an encouragement for mass immigration. 'Chris Cannon's bill comes at a time when immigration is costing Utah taxpayers millions,' says the radio advertisement playing on several stations along the Wasatch Front. 'When Utah's classrooms are overcrowded, the state is facing water shortages and 15 million Americans can't find full-time jobs. When we now know two of the first World Trade Center bombers were -- you guessed it -- agricultural guest workers driving taxis in New York.' " - Salt Lake Tribune, 5/20/04

TOPICS: Extended News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Utah
KEYWORDS: aliens; amnesty; campaignfinace; chriscannon; electionushouse; fec; fundraeising; illegalaliens; illegals; immigrantlist; republicanturncoats
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To: Cedar; All

Also, the real answer to the problem, IMO, would be if Mexico got it's own economic house in order.

41 posted on 06/19/2004 2:07:47 PM PDT by Dane
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To: Dane

Yes, I agree. If Mexico improved its situation there for its own citizens and workers, then they wouldn't need to sneak into the U.S.

Not that I think Mexico should turn into one big factory and ruin their countryside. But there must be ways...surely someone who is better with details than I can figure this out!

42 posted on 06/19/2004 3:10:56 PM PDT by Cedar
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To: Cedar; Dane

My problem with Chris Cannon is more basic than the “Issue” that is being discussed. It goes to rule of law, are they here illegally, or not? If they are lawbreakers, then enforce the law. IF we want more “Migrant workers from Mexico” then make it legal. Just don’t break the law, and tell me it’s the right thing to do. All I am asking is that we do what we say, is that too hard?

On the other hand, Matt Throckmorton ( ) (Google, thanks Dane :-) seems to be a conservative on things other than Illegal Immigration, but I’ll have to do more research… But let me ask this, where in the Constitution did it mention schools, and exactly how long did we get along with out federalizing the schools?

43 posted on 06/20/2004 8:42:08 PM PDT by DelphiUser
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