But it's like 1 out of a million people with peanut allergies so bad that even peanut dust could set them off. Why should the entire rest of the country re-arrange how they live for such a tiny number of people? People that have food allergies need to think ahead, I know plenty of people with plenty of different food allergies and they just cope, that's what you're supposed to do in life, not demand the world change for you.
No - its not like 1 out of a million. Its like 10,000 out of a million. And I am not asking for the rest of the people to rearrange their lives. We do cope and have been doing well so far.
The so called "peanut fascists" have asked for three things that I can think of off the top of my head
1. A section at a ballpark where no peanuts are served.
2. No peanuts on airplanes.
3. Full labels of ingredients on packaged foods.
I would like to hear how any one of those things has "rearranged" your life.
I concur.