Then there are the machinations of the left/LiEberals in Canada, which make the aforementioned look like pikers when it comes to misleading and lying to the populace.
The LiEberals in Canada "own" the national (gov't) network, and the "other" network is owned by a family that is the single largest donor to the LiEberal party. This same family also owns the VAST majority of newspapers in the country.
At least the Americans have SOME diversity in their press. You and we are seriously screwed!
I agree - this is a special class of corruption. It is as if the US Democrat is twice as powerful (those Canadians who says that in the US moneyed class dominates everything only need to remember that the real tycoons are mostly leftists, and in Canada, they are allied with the Libs since time immemorial), coupled with the power of the chattering and political classes in Britain and NZ.