The propellant's specific impulse and the projectile mass determine the MINIMUM range. Inside that range, the projectile will not penetrate--it's still traveling too slowly.
Rocket-boosted KE rounds have min-ranges more suited to fighting in open terrain than in urban warfare.
As to your last point, when you are deling with these Islamofascict Jihadists...that point is not as relevant. Their concern about surviving the engagement is not a given at all, therefore they only need to get the shot off.
Last month: true. This month: not-so-true.
As to Jihadists being willing to commit suicide by Abrams...in Iraq, amongst Iraqis, the number has never been too high...it's the outsiders I believe, and we are reducing their numbers. conaiderably..but until we pacify the entire Mid East, including Palestine...they will keep finding those who will do so...ergo, there will be those for whom cover is not critial except to conceal them until they pop out and shoot.
This latest event --- possibly involving a shoulder fired weapon of some type ---- should give all the Reuters and Al Jazerra "journalists" with large cameras, a severe case of the "puckers"...
It's become harder and harder to blame our kids for lighting up "journalists" pointing large shoulder mounted "items" at them....
In their world, they have to make their life or death decision in a matter of seconds.....
Who is to say, that an enemy who has used U.N. Ambulances would not use a "Press Car" to gain position on our guys?
Semper Fi