Yes, Seattle and King County. That's why we have Jim McDermit or McDimWit as senator for this state. McDermit you remember went to Iraq before the start of IraqiFreedom and praised Saddam. Also received 5K in cash plus trip and expenses to publish his comments prior to the invasion.
Kennewick,Richland - the former site of Hanford Nuclear Reactor and now defunct WPPSS, 5 proposed nuclear power sites - is also a government=leftist controlled population.
This state is firmly linked to the socialist adgenda and needs a serious awakening of conservatives outside the Seattle area.
The conservative populaton is too damn conservative! They won't stand up and demand to be heard in the state assembly nor at the voting booth. The majority of the population of Soviet Russia also passively submitted to the rule of Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev... because they would be killed if they resisted. This is AMERICA! Where is the soul in the residents of this state, where is the committment to liberty, principles? Who will fight for you if you will not fight for what you, yourself, believe ?
Amen brother. But at least we don't have a state income tax. If the libs go after that, the revolution begins.