~Herman Goering
People in Glass houses should not throw stones, as you can see from the quote above, it is the US foreign policy that is more in line with Nazi and Aztec culture and most FReepers go right along with it like sheep.
And you also mentioned Pyramids, maybe you forget already about your Abu Gharib pyramid stacking, the raping of a young boy and killing of unarmed naked prisoners (The red cross stated that 70-90% of prisoners held were innocent of any crime)or maybe you may call this a little fun, well the Nazis would have also called it a little fun.
No need to tell Americans this. We saw it on TV. Your friends made their intentions very clear.
Hey Saladin: If you hate us so much, all I can say is what President Bush said: Bring it on! You and your ilk have been spoiling for a fight with us for a long time, so I'm here to tell you the battle will be joined.
Salidin 2004. Since 06-02-2004. I see Viking Kittens in his future.
Hey, Osama!
Your mother does pigs.
And just how did the Red Cross arrive at that little statistic? Picked out of thin air, I bet.
In any large population, you will have a certain number of criminals.
The point that you Islamists will never admit in regards to Abu Gharib is that such conduct was reported by an American soldier and investigated by the U.S. Army who then pressed charges. The photos were leaked to the news media by the uncle of one of the abusers when the U.S. Army refused to drop the abuse charges against his nephew.
That is the difference between us.
We denounce and prosecute the crimminals within our society even if the crime is the killing of a handful or merely humiliation.
You glorify the crimminals within you society even if the crimes are the killing of tens of thousands, cutting off hands and feeding prisoners alive into shredders.
That Nazis ? You mean your allies.
Islam was founded by a pedophililic, traitorous murderer.
ZOTted to the Allahu Snackbar!
Enjoy the complementary chicharonnes, Don't forget to pay your tab before you leave.
You lack knowledge, lack truth,and lack shame. It takes awhile but we have bled and died to make men free...sometimes we are slow to get it right...but we bring freedom instead of tyranny. We cannot free everyone..but we can aid and encourage.
Unsurprised to see you are already gone. Dream on with the username. Your philosophy of religious-political conquest will be destroyed.
If Ms. England hadn't stacked them up, they would have eventually done it themselves, just like at Gitmo.
Amusing to hear that you are concerned about prisoner "abuse" while the Islamic killers cut the heads off of people and feel God commands them to do so. This shows the corrupt understanding of God which has unbalanced this bunch and unleashed this war.
Should the "abuse" be multiplied by 10 it still wouldn't amount to much and the Iraqis have pretty much laughed these absurd charges off having great familiarity with REAL abuse.
Obviously you have no knowledge of the Nazi's methods or you would not have made such a ridiculous comparison. Nor have you indicated any willingness to face the truth of the Nazi/Islamic connection during that era. This connection provided the war machine with soldiers and intelligence against the Allies.
Your Goering quotation is meaningless since American leaders did not have to TELL the people they were under attack; it was painfully obvious on 9/11 that we were and it was clear from which quarter that attack came, the Islamic terror movement. This movement will be destroyed and the only question is how much of Islam will go down with it. Or will it decide that civilization is better than oblivion?