What a man and the woman he's married to do in the privacy of their own home is their business. It always has been. (It's even sanctioned in the bible)
Homosexual behavior should be illegal wherever it takes place, just as murder or child molesting is illegal under any circumstances. It has been illegal for most of our history and should be illegal again.
This is not an equal protection issue, and the ruling by the court was a tragedy and wrong. People who practice homosexual behavior have and had all the same rights as I do. They had the right to marry same as I. The thing they don't have the right to do is to commit illegal behaviors such as child molesting (or in a rational world, homosexual behavior).
You are not only missing the point but you are obscuring the facts.
First, many state governments have legislated what a husband and wife can and cannot do in their bedroom. For example, sodomy (I hope I do not have to explain the explain the details of heterosexuals sodomy) many states prohibited heterosexual sodomy between a husband and wife.
However, Texas permitted Sodomy between heterosexual couples while prohibiting it for same sex couples. Georgia, for example, prohibited Sodomy for both gay and straight couples.
If you recall, the last Sodomy case to be brought to the SC was a case out of Georgia and was upheld because the Georgia law did not make a exception for same sex couples.
Second, where exactly does the Bible Sanction heterosexual sodomy?