Posted on 05/23/2004 6:27:23 AM PDT by veronica
Now that the memorial services are complete and Nick Berg has been buried, we as a nation can get back to business as usual, which is a tragedy in itself.
As I drive down the street, I see cars that display faded "Never Forget 9-11" bumper stickers. It is horrible to say but I believe that we as a nation have forgotten. One will no longer see the name "Nick Berg" as a headline on a newspaper as the top story on evening news. Instead the liberal mainstream media will move on, or should I say go back to other stories such as that of the Abu Ghraib prison-abuse story.
I agree that the action of the 10 or so soldiers at Abu Ghraib may not have been morally correct, but does that compare to the 3,000 lives that were lost on Sept. 11, 2001, or the beheading of Berg? It seems as if the mainstream media and liberal America think so. News of this story will sure to be in the headlines for weeks or even months to come, yet the murder of Berg, Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl and the American contractors that were killed and then burned and hung for public display will and have faded away like the colors on the bumper stickers.
It seems as if the mainstream media and liberal America have forgotten what this country and our great soldiers are up against. Rather than focusing on the good that 150,000 American soldiers have achieved in Iraq, not to mention Afghanistan, the media and liberal Democrats are focusing on a handful of individuals as a way to politicize the war for their own gain. They also seem to forget the fact that a brutal dictator and regime have been toppled in Iraq and that our military is in the process of creating a democracy for a nation that has been suppressed for decades.
After Sept. 11, President Bush vowed that he was going to fight terrorism on all fronts including nations and groups that support terrorism. Saddam Hussein and his regime not only supported terrorism but were some of the most evil terrorists in history. President Bush has displayed the courage to fight this evil regime and all terrorists head on, which is more than can be said for the Clinton administration. We as a nation cannot afford to have a president who will not take proper action against this evil force and who will require the permission of other countries to ensure our safety, just as Bill Clinton did and U.S. senator and presidential candidate John Kerry will do if elected president.
We as a nation need to realize that these are the most evil and hate-filled people this world has ever encountered and we need a leader that will do whatever it takes to insure the safety of this great country. Come November, I can only pray and hope that the citizens of this great country will realize that President Bush is the man to do this job. In the mean time, one should place a new "Never Forget 9-11" bumper sticker on his or her car.
The writer lives in West Grove.
Too bad this will never see the light of day in a daily printed newspaper
Very good letter to the editor. It's a wonder it didn't get spiked.
Yes. As a nation, Americans have been lulled back to sleep, like the pathetic herd animals they are. They have their bread and circuses, or in their case, their low-carbs and reality TV.
I, and a handful of Americans in uniform have not, and never will, forget. Even when The Sheep voter GWB out in November.
Bush will be reelected.
QP: I agree - we've forgotten, therefore another must occur before The Herd moves again.
V: That's where we differ. The Sheep will vote for whoever their fave celebs tell them that "the vote rocks" for.
Not me.
In many ways we have forgotten that this is a war on terrorism, not just Al Qaeda.
A common post on DU is that it is horrible that soldiers carry pictures of 9-11 in Iraq since Iraq did not attack us.
This type of narrow thinking demonstrates the dangerous nature of the left. As posted many times, Iraq supported terrorism. This is a war on terror. That is why we are in Iraq.
Many forget the past, but on the left, more re-write it to serve their ends.
Welcome to FR.
Actually Sarge, I'd say as a nation, Americans have been drowned out by the same handful of obnoxious, loudmouthed kumbaya-singing, white flag wearing people who think "violence begets violence" and a "dialogue" with terrorists will solve all our problems. The majority of Americans knows what's right, you just don't hear from them as much. We'll know in November.
Remember the Lost and Suffering on September 11, 2001
It will, our government is inherently reactive not pro-active. There will be no consensus on a course of action until the suicide bombers start going off regularly in our cities, even one or two will not be enough. I'm afraid NYC will have to look like Tel Aviv before the American public is stirred.
9/11 was too 'isolated' an incident, sure it made people angry but since we have not been hit since most people think it will never happen again. So we are back to whining about jobs and the price of gasoline.
I know its cynical but it's also obvious. Look at the division on the Iraq action - the American people have no strategic intelligence. This is partly Bush's fault IMO, his "War on Terrorism" makes people think a small group of people are the enemy, most of them were in Afghanistan so as far as John Q Public is concerned we already beat them. Only when America wakes up to the fact we are engaged in a long term war with Islam will consensus develop.
I'm too young to know what it was like when the Cold War started but I do know by the 50's America knew we were at war with an idealogy, it wa only that certain knowledge that Communism was BAD that enabled us to win.
Question is can we develop the consensus that Islam is BAD in our politically correct world?
We'll remember this summer when another big one hits in prelude to the November elections.
I no longer have the confidence I once held in The Sheep. The only voice they hear, is indeed that of the loud Left. And the last voice heard is always the loudest. TheLeft has made certain theirs is the only voice EVER heard.
IMHO, that should be your tag line for a while....
Welcome to FR!
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