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To: A. Pole

Pat pretty much nails it once again. The world does not even remotely resemble the cartoonish vision of good and evil spewed forth by Bush or in the stunningly simplistic rants of children like Perle and Frum.

America has a lot of house cleaning of it's own to do.

63 posted on 05/19/2004 5:53:21 AM PDT by Burkeman1 ("I said the government can't help you. I didn't say it couldn't hurt you." Chief Wiggam)
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To: Burkeman1
Pat pretty much nails it once again. The world does not even remotely resemble the cartoonish vision of good and evil spewed forth by Bush or in the stunningly simplistic rants of children like Perle and Frum.

You are right, and the most outrageous aspect of the wacko Perle/Frum doctrine, is that it completely rejects the whole moral basis for relations between nations. Let me start with the man whom the Founding Fathers considered the foremost authority on the Law of Nations, Vattel:

A nation then is mistress of her own actions so long as they do not affect the proper and perfect rights of any other nation--so long as she is only internally bound, and does not lie under any external and perfect obligation. If she makes an ill use or her liberty, she is guilty of a breach of duty; but other nations are bound to acquiesce in her conduct, since they have no right to dictate to her.

Since nations are free, independent, and equal, and since each possesses the right of judging, according to the dictates of her conscience, what conduct she is to pursue in order to fulfil her duties; the effect of the whole is, to produce, at least externally and in the eyes of mankind, a perfect equality of rights between nations, in the administration of their affairs and the pursuit of their pretensions, without regard to the intrinsic justice of their conduct, of which others have no right to form a definitive judgment;....

When the silly poseurs, like Frum, talk about imposing morality on others, they show how completely they fail to understand morality, as a quality. (Oh, and yes, I take George Washington as an authority over Canadian pseudo-intellectual Yale boys. And Washington understood that morals were what directed the individual, not something a collective imposed upon other peoples in distant lands.)

Of course, the Feminist Agenda, that Perle endorsed in the Buchanan quote, is the furthest thing on God's green earth, from moral values.

William Flax Return Of The Gods Web Site

306 posted on 05/19/2004 11:18:49 AM PDT by Ohioan
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