I read something some time ago about WMD's. Some had been found, and it wasn't reported. I was wondering why. This article said it was because they had not found huge stockpiles they were discounting it. So this today might also "not count" with the liberal media. Where are the huge stockpiles they would ask.
I think if any at all are found it counts. They just haven't found where the rest is. And a bunch could be in Syria.
And then they'll figure out a way to blame the President for it.
They're shameless............and I told CNN that today in an e-mail.......
Did you read that there were "Syrian technicians" on that train that crashed (? really?) in No. Korea.
And that the reason it took so long to get ictures out was because the Kook that runs No. Korea didn't want the world to see his troops in chemical/bio/nuclear warfare gear.
But according to someone on Fox News, the people out there, cleaning up the mess, were working with Turn-of-the-Century tools. They had wooden shovels and hammers. Really old, really poor.
Anyway, I didn't read/see/hear anywhere anything about Syrian technicians.
Makes me think, all the more, that Saddam sent his WMD's across the border into Syria. And oh yeah, that Country is really stable and well-run.
Re the media discounting the WMD's because they are being found piecemeal in small quantities:
What would Uncle Sam do to YOU if you were found in possession of just ONE of those things?
I say that quantity does not count. It's possession of a banned substance, in defiance of the UN decrees, that counts. Otherwise, the media is just applauding Saddam for being so clever at hide and seek.