I'm still waiting to see the suppressed 911 pics- bodies of those that jumped, etc.
Someone has them, and we may need a reminder of what exactly we are up against, as if the Berg video wasn't enough.
A clear double standard. We are shown ficticious porno pictures and told its real by the Boston Globe [man that state is working overtime right now!], because that shows how effective Clinton was in sliming up our military's ethics with Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and have women and Barney Frank types bunk with naked GIs, sharing showers with them. But when it comes to actual photos that would scare the devil out of Spain, don't show those photos to red blooded Americans. We would want to invade Syria, liberate Iran, Moab any resistant villages and simply shoot un-uniformed enemies on sight. I guarantee you, if we were more Spanish and French, they would show us those photos.