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Talk Show Host Ratings - Levin, Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, Crowley, Grant, Savage, O'Reilly (VANITY)
| Self
Posted on 05/05/2004 10:46:28 AM PDT by NYC Republican
I can only comment on the talk show hosts that are on WABC or WWOR radio in the NY Metro region, all can be heard live here (except for Rush). Feel free to add your comments.
Top Tier:
Rush Limbaugh
- Strengths -incredible insight, extremely politically savvy, good listener - patient, educational... solid conservative credential on all fronts, can be funny at times, excellent at satire. Weaknesses - can be full of himself at times. Even though many of his comments (talent on loan from God, maja-Rushdie, the all-knowing...) are said tongue-in-cheek, it gets a little old... his self-promotions can be a bit tough to digest, especially when his book was released.
Rush is the cream of the crop.
Mark Levin
- Strengths -quickly becoming my favorite. NO self-promotion, shoots from the lip, says exactly what's on his mind... is EXTREMELY bright (constitutional lawyer), NOTHING politically correct about this guy - unlike Hannity, who tends to play softball with some of his guests, Levin only serves up hardballs. He actually seeks out liberal callers to destroy their logic... GREAT sense of humor... He's a fellow FReeper!!! Weaknesses: can definitely be VERY abrasive at times.. short temper.
If you haven't heard Mark Levin, treat yourself. Especially after a bad political day... He's a breath of fresh air (ABC from 6-7 EST).
Very Good
Laura Ingraham
- Ok - NO apologies for having a bigger pic of Laura. She's hot! Strenghts - Very bright, sarcastic (in a good way), intuitive, enjoyable program... humorous, insightful, love the way she blows away the libs and their platforms, stoic delivery is fantastic IMO. Weaknesses - shameless promotion of her book... awful at mimicing others (her British accent during Travelocity ads is atrocious).
Sean Hannity
Strenths- Huge exposure -can, and does, make a big dent in getting the message out... the hardest-working conservative around... right on target on all major conservative issues... will confront most libs head-on, though on occasion will play softball... DESPISES the Klintons more than just about anyone I know, does not hold back in expressing his outrage at libs... isn't afraid to challenge the J. Jacksons of the world... excellent at tearing apart libs like Kennedy, Dean, Huffington, etc... excellent at staying on message, and breaking it down to a level that the average non-political soccer-mom can understand... gets the TRUTH out, and exposes the LIB lies!... Weaknesses - shameless self-promotion of his book - thankfully that's ended... not the most informed (yesterday he was calling Kosovo a city)... throws softballs at people like Specter, other libs... Needs to improve his interview skills - needs to become a better listener.
Monica Crowley
Strengths- very knowledgeable about international events... forceful, energetic conservative - no holds barred, shoot from both barrels, take-no-prisoners assault on libs... STRONG supporter of the War on Terror, enjoyable program, frequent contributer to the Batchelor (and formerly Alexander) show weaknessTends to spend an inordinate amount of time on the same topics. While Israel is important, the amount of time she spends talking about them is overkill IMO... not a very good interviewer -loses patience quickly.
Bob Grant
StrenthsHas always had solid conservative credentials... not afraid to stand up to, or go head-to-head, with anyone... Excellent at discussing local issues... huge supporter of the WOT. weaknessesSadly, his best days are behind him - he's made a few strategic verbal blunders that have turned off his listeners, and had him PANNED by the media... can be VERY abrasive on the phone... Voice can be very grating, sounds like he's 85 (he's not that far off).
Below Average:
Bill O'Reilly
strentgthswhen taking on the conservative side of an issue, can be very forceful, attacks the libs without mercy... HATES the Klintons and Franken as much as anyone... Very good speaking voice, speaks very clearly and fairly eloquently, is fairly patient with callers weaknessesA blowhard... tries so hard to shake the "conservative" label, that he bends over backwards to support liberal issues where ever he can... shameless self-promoter- of his book, of his various shows, etc
Michael Savage
Strengths - very conservative (though libertarian on other issues) on most issues - excellent views on immigration, despises the libs, Hollywierd... can be very funny and entertaining... very bright guy overall weaknessesThe most shameless self-promoter I've EVER heard. He brings up his book constantly, MONTHLY after its release, he offers tickets to his shows if callers answer questions correctly, he says that he, and HE ALONE, takes credit for having Bush elected, because of his "Passionate Conservative comment"... Is overly shrill - after President Bush proposed (note proposed, it's DOA), Savage called for Bush to be impeached... VERY nasty on the phone, interpersonal skills are awful... Had a caller yesterday say that he's sick of the Right-Wing Propoganda/Bias on talk radio, the same way he used to be sick of liberal bias. Savage agreed!!! He's part of it! He could have said that talk radio doesn't claim to be fair and balanced!... biggest ego I've EVER heard on the radio....
I'm sure I'll be flogged for some of my opinions, but they're just that, my opinions... Please enlighten us on any other talk show hosts that we should listen to (Melved, etc).
TOPICS: Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: junkie; talkradio
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To: quidnunc
I've got to agree with you on Medved. Here in the People's Republic of Philadelphia, Michael Medved is on against Hannity. I now have to switch the dial after Rush.
posted on
05/05/2004 11:11:20 AM PDT
(Exile - Helen Thomas tried to lure me into her Gingerbread House.)
To: ken5050
Thanks, my gaol was two-fold. First, I wanted to share with others my views on guys like Mark Levin, who's FANTASTIC. Second, I wanted to know who else is out there, I'd love to be turned on to someone new...
Most of these folks are doing us a great service - trying to counter the liberal media by getting the truth out there- we should all be appreciative of their efforts.
posted on
05/05/2004 11:11:50 AM PDT
NYC Republican
(It's President Bush, not Bush. He deserves respect, NOT the scorn Disgraceful Libs dole out.)
To: Marathoner
Boortz isn't really a conservative, he's a curmudgeonly small-L libertarian (and proud of it). He comes at things from a different angle than most of the other hosts. He is pro-choice (and will not allow the discussion of abortion rights on his show, period), and I'm not sure but I think he may be atheist or agnostic, as he's made comments slamming the "religious Right" before. He also has zero use for Southern heritage supporters in his hometown of Atlanta, calling them "flaggots." (He went to school at Texas A&M and has lived in Atlanta forever, and has no trace of a Southern accent. None. I'm not sure how he's pulled that off.)
He reminds me of that crotchety fifty- or sixty-year-old guy that holds court in a corner of the coffee shop, reading the paper and bitching about everything that's wrong with the world, how stupid people are, etc. If you come at the show from that angle, it's pretty entertaining. Personally I can't take him in large doses, especially when he starts cracking on "flaggots" and pro-lifers (I fall into both categories).
I'm usually listening to Tony Bruno followed by Jim Rome on the local Fox Sports Radio affiliate anyway. :)
posted on
05/05/2004 11:11:58 AM PDT
(Those who serve--thank you. May you find us worthy of the sacrifices you make.)
To: LanPB01
"Am I the only Freeper that enjoys Savage the most? "
Out of the ones listed, I too enjoy Savage the most, purely based on entertainment value.
Thanks to FR, I don't hear very much 'new' on talk radio and only Savage has ever made me laugh as hard as he did when he said that the Russell Crowe movie "Master and Commander" should actually be called "NAMBLA Goes to Sea".
Boortz is a phony liberdopian who's actually a (R), but masquerades it so he can straddle the fence on issues like abortion and homosexual marriage. Hannity is a Bushbot blowhard and I don't even try to listen to Rush, mostly because his hours conflict with when I'm able to listen to the radio.
posted on
05/05/2004 11:12:17 AM PDT
To: rdb3
600 KSKY has him at 6:00pm. They also have Medved from 2:00 to 5:00. All their stuff during the day is live (that's their big selling point).
posted on
05/05/2004 11:12:22 AM PDT
(Ask me about my turn paper. It's about diaramas.)
To: .38sw
Did you know Savage wrote a book?You mean "Deliver Us From Evil", the book Hannity talks about ad nauseum on his program?
posted on
05/05/2004 11:12:25 AM PDT
To: genghis
Thanks, that's what I'm looking for, in NY, we have no exposure to Hewitt. I heard he's really good though.
posted on
05/05/2004 11:13:51 AM PDT
NYC Republican
(It's President Bush, not Bush. He deserves respect, NOT the scorn Disgraceful Libs dole out.)
To: McGruff
Mark Levin has called into Rush's show some - not lately. He calls Sean frequently/briefly.
posted on
05/05/2004 11:14:34 AM PDT
(Protect my grandchildren's future. Vote for Bush/Cheney '04.)
To: genghis
I just started listening to Hewitt the last couple of weeks. I like him. They only play an hour of his show from 5:00-6:00 live, then play the last two hours from 9:00-11:00 so I only hear one hour.
posted on
05/05/2004 11:14:59 AM PDT
(Ask me about my turn paper. It's about diaramas.)
To: NYC Republican
What do you FReepers think of Glenn Beck??
posted on
05/05/2004 11:15:20 AM PDT
(LANTIRN - Designed to kill, maim, and destroy ....America's enemies...)
To: bootless
When I lived in Richmond about 8 years ago I used to listen to Ken Hamblin. I always liked the Black Avenger, he had a very different viewpoint on things.
And I miss the G-Man. G. Gordon Liddy was the first conservative talker I ever listened to (on WJFK in Washington), even before I found Rush during the Gulf War. Liddy was really one of the pioneers of the conservative talk format and I don't think he gets the credit he deserves. I always enjoyed Liddy's eleven-o'clock hour, where he'd read from various editorials and news stories and comment on them.
posted on
05/05/2004 11:15:23 AM PDT
(Those who serve--thank you. May you find us worthy of the sacrifices you make.)
To: NYC Republican
Your rankings are right on. I would add to the negatives for Rush, however, that he's not as good looking or intellectually gifted as Laura Ingraham. And I would add to the negatives for Laura Ingraham that she refuses to go to bed with me. (I'll admit that that I haven't actually asked her, but I'm pretty sure I know the answer). Also, I suspect that Steve Malzberg wouldearn a "very good" rating if he had more air time. Levin is the man!!!
To: GSWarrior
Lee Rodgers is very good. He is very well-informed, articulate, entertaining, and an excellent interviewer. And, he doesn't suffer fools. I don't like to miss the show.
posted on
05/05/2004 11:16:10 AM PDT
To: Blzbba
In the Bay Area we have a choice of tape-delayed Hannity or live Savage. I usually choose Savage. I got tired of Hannity gushing over Charlie Daniels, and other has-been or wanna-be country performers.
posted on
05/05/2004 11:16:33 AM PDT
(I find this tagline high-spirited and a genuine toe-tapper.)
To: Marathoner
"OK, I would love to hear opinions on Neal Boortz. I've never been able to listen to him except for brief snippets, so I'm wondering if he's worth listening to."
Boortz is worth listening to and is probably the most middle-of-the-road 'conservative' talk show host I've heard. His tendencies are certainly to the right, but he's clearly on the left on such hot-button topics as abortion and homosexual issues. He's pro-gun & pro-Bush, except for Bush's dismal fiscal spending record. He claims to be a liberdopian, but I think I read where they dis-invited him (or something) to their convention due to his right-leaning stances of late.
Biggest drawback (IMO): He has a tendency to focus on local Atlanta issues at times, which may not be of interest to people in other regions (which is not me, since I live in ATL area). But I once won $45 from his Money Booth at a Braves game and so have a soft spot for him.
Oh, and that Laura Ingraham pic is smokin'!
posted on
05/05/2004 11:16:36 AM PDT
To: McGruff
Who is this Levin guy anyway? He's always giving out free government cheese, but only to liberal callers. I see you didn't even mention Kurtis and Commie. I wouldn't include them either. What about IMUS?Levin's Govt cheese is a knock on the fact that most libs want entitlements for everything
Kuby is a Marxist/Commie, and Curtis Sliwa is border-line conservative. Overall, their show is all over the place.
Imus is a senile buffoon, Kerry boot-licker. I limited this thread to conservative, or conservative-leaning hosts.
posted on
05/05/2004 11:16:49 AM PDT
NYC Republican
(It's President Bush, not Bush. He deserves respect, NOT the scorn Disgraceful Libs dole out.)
To: cyborg
do you know where we can hear Mark Levin on internet radio? I love that guy!!
posted on
05/05/2004 11:16:58 AM PDT
To: NYC Republican
Actually, I think the best of all is Steve Marlzberg..who does the overnight 1am-5am..he was superb last night o the Kerry Swift boat presser. Marlzberg uses a lot of original audio clips...then riffs on them...when I'm up late reading, I'll usually get to listen to the first hour before I fall arlzberg..what's really funny is that he's an occasion guest comentator on the 6am hour of Fox and Friends...I'm up at 5 every morning, so I'll put the show on in the background..and he's so's this guy, been up all night, drinking oddles of coffee no doubt, not he has to put a suit over to the TV station, and start ranting...he's soooooowired..
posted on
05/05/2004 11:17:47 AM PDT
(Ann Coulter needs to have children ASAP to propagate her genes.....any volunteers?)
To: smiley
posted on
05/05/2004 11:17:55 AM PDT
To: NYC Republican
I used to despise Savage also, but I now like him better than I used to. He's still not a favorite, but he's worn a bit better over time. I think he's much better when he's not foaming at the mouth over current events. His calmer, quirky, normal personality is better radio, and eliminates most of his flaws.
Laura Ingraham probably has the best new show I've heard. Unlike most pundits who take to the airwaves, she has natuarally good radio instincts. But she has her problems. The show is a little too canned - it's the first radio show I've heard where almost every "bit" (like "the lie of the day") seems scripted in advance rather than having been improvised at some point. She also has an ironic tendency to whine in a very "elite" sounding way.
A couple excellent ones that didn't make your list (perhaps because they aren't on WABC):
Hugh Hewitt: Very tuned in to the blogosphere, and as a result offers insight an commentary that hosts relying on major media often miss. Also has an outstanding and diverse guest list.
Michael Medved: Perhaps the best pure debater on radio. At his best when he's being intelligent and respectful of his opponent (which is most of the time). Has an annoying tendency to try to be cute in a "Rush-like" manner (e.g. giving pet-names like "Weasely Clark" to prominent libs), which he can't quite pull off.
Dennis Prager: Very unusual show content. Focuses on morals and social issues far more than current events. Consistently brings guests on for interesting conversations, as well as being another excellent debater.
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