The New York Democrat senator told the London-based Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat that the Bush administration had not been "frank" with the American people concerning the human and financial costs in Iraq.Can you believe this? This statement by the junior senator from New York is unfathomable. But we must not DARE question the left's patriotism. I'm seething over this.
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To: Lando Lincoln
I see your seething, and I raise you a LIVID!
2 posted on
04/28/2004 4:31:39 PM PDT by
(Kerry has more flip flops than Waikiki Beach)
To: Lando Lincoln
The arrogance and bad faith of this repulsive woman are staggering.
3 posted on
04/28/2004 4:31:47 PM PDT by
(And furthermore, I am of the opinion that Fallujah ought to be destroyed.)
To: Lando Lincoln
I am praying that a daring reporter will stand up to the next person who makes this charge and ask "what stability?"
4 posted on
04/28/2004 4:31:54 PM PDT by
To: Lando Lincoln
ie, Bush is not taking terrorism in the ME laying down, like Hillary expected Bill's rape victims to.
5 posted on
04/28/2004 4:32:46 PM PDT by
(Shall a living man complain? Oh how much fewer are my sufferings than my sins;)
To: adamyoshida; lainde; FairOpinion; gatorbait; Tolik; MeekOneGOP; kabar; mgist; BlueLancer; ...
I'm pinging this out to a convenient ping list on this machine. Hope you don't mind.
To: Lando Lincoln
Traitor alert. Traitor alert. Beep. Beep. Traitor alert.
"This is a traitor alert. Please suspend all normal activities and go to your battle stations until you receive the all-clear signal. This has been a traitor alert."
7 posted on
04/28/2004 4:33:55 PM PDT by
(To the 9/11 Commission: It was Al Qaeda, stupid!)
To: Lando Lincoln
Where do these treasonous termites get such a talent for giving aid and comfort to the enemy..?
9 posted on
04/28/2004 4:35:15 PM PDT by
(John Kerry's been AWOL for two decades on issues of National Security!)
To: Lando Lincoln
The New York Democrat senator told the London-based Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat that the Bush administration had not been "frank" with the American people concerning the human and financial costs in Iraq.
The New York Democrat senator told the London-based Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat that the Clinton administration had not been "frank" with the American people concerning their lack of action in fighting terrorism...</sarcasm>
11 posted on
04/28/2004 4:35:59 PM PDT by
(A Concerned Citizen)
To: Lando Lincoln
Hillary Clinton says Bush endangering Mideast stability Of course, she is right! First, he made Saddam's position unstable. Iran and Syria are next. Hopefully, because a thriving democracy in Iraq will destabalize these despotic regimes.
To: Lando Lincoln
I'm not completely prepared to say that all Democrats are traitors, but I'm getting closer. If their leadership keeps saying things like this that gives our enemies aid & comfort during wartime, why do they keep polling at 45%+
13 posted on
04/28/2004 4:36:08 PM PDT by
(If 9/11 didn't change you, you're a bad human being)
To: Lando Lincoln
Yup, because we ALL know how stable the Mideast was before we went in to steal the oil!
GRRRR! She makes me nuts!
14 posted on
04/28/2004 4:36:28 PM PDT by
(What a Tangled Web We Weave . .when first we practice to deceive!)
To: Lando Lincoln
Hillary is simply ignorant. Stability was precisely the problem. Stability gave us oil-fed armed thugs, terrorist camps outside Baghdad (and still outside Damascus), and sanctuaries for these darlings that were protected by the force of the international opinion that is her inspiration and guide. Stability got 3000 people killed in New York.
Bush decided a little instability was in order, and he was absolutely correct.
To: Lando Lincoln
She's repugnant. |
Ugly, too.
16 posted on
04/28/2004 4:37:24 PM PDT by
(© 1950)
To: Lando Lincoln
The New York Democrat senator told the London-based Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat that the Bush administration had not been "frank" with the American people concerning the human and financial costs in Iraq.While you'd like for the world to believe otherwise Hillary, the American people have always understood what the costs would be. You cold-hearted woman, you.
17 posted on
04/28/2004 4:37:51 PM PDT by
(New mantra for the Democrats: "Anyone but Kerry!")
To: Lando Lincoln
Hillary Clinton says Bush endangering Mideast stability Is there a problem with this? I don't understand what she is complaining about. Would she rather have despots who kill hundreds of thousands to millions of people each year instead? Anything is better than the status quo.
She want more of this?
18 posted on
04/28/2004 4:38:31 PM PDT by
(It's the "Statue of Liberty," not the "Statue of Security.")
To: Lando Lincoln
Hillary Clinton says Bush endangering Mideast stabilityThat's not a flaw, that's a feature!
20 posted on
04/28/2004 4:39:46 PM PDT by
To: Lando Lincoln
Former US first lady Hillary Clinton said .... There are at least three good reasons right there to read no more.
21 posted on
04/28/2004 4:40:00 PM PDT by
("If everything is just barely under are not going fast enough" - MA.)
To: Lando Lincoln
This (and I loosely use the term) woman, and her (and I loosely use the term) husband, are both (and I begrudgingly use the term) citizens of our nation, both of which have (and I use this term with great forethought) 'sold their families, communities, states and nation out' more often than Benedict Arnold did.
These two obviously think there will be no day of reconing. I believe there is a God, and these two will have to answer just as I will. There isn't a chance that I'd tempt the Lord like these two have.
Good luck Hillary. Good luck Bill. You're both going to need it.
To: Lando Lincoln
Hillary Clinton says Bush endangering Mideast stabilityWhat next?
Hillary Clinton says FDR, Allies endangering Axis stability
Hillary Clinton says Ike endangering Pyongyang stability
Hillary Clinton says Enola Gay endangering Hiroshima stability
Jeeze, woman. If you want to wipe out a bunch of hornets, you're going to have to stir up a few of them, and people will get stung. But the alternative is letting the hornets multiply and strengthen.
23 posted on
04/28/2004 4:41:11 PM PDT by
To: Lando Lincoln
Is this not treasonous?
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