International support for the sanctions is waning, since it appears to have failed in stoppingor, at least, in monitoringweapons development. More importantly,
from a moral perspective, it is itself a weapon of mass destruction,
causing the deaths of people and the suffering of many others who have no power to effect the political outcomes the Security Council set out to achieve.
Many people are mobilizing to effect a change in this failed international policy. Iraqi-born U.S. citizen Samir Vincent, who has lived in the United States since 1958, calls action on the embargo a political dead end.
Samir Vincent: 7 million
He should be HUNG!
Shakir Alkhalaji who exec produced that sensational documentary
"In Shifting Sands: the Truth about Unscom and the Disarming of Iraq," helmed by renowned auteur Scott Ritter
Shakir Alkhalaji: 10.5 million
He should also be HUNG!
"He should be HUNG!"I think you mean that he should be HANGED. Being "hung" is, well, being, er...