To: kattracks
I, too, noticed at least three questions about "mistakes" or errors" at the press conference. Broad, open ended questions, not narrowly specific ones like, "Do you think, in hindsight, that April 15th might not have been the best day to announce your new tax increase?" I've never heard such questions before in a Presidential press conference. I smell collusion or some type of single source -- Democrat Talking Points -- for the similarity of questions last night.
31 posted on
04/14/2004 3:30:05 AM PDT by
(liberty is not the problem)
To: laredo44
I was really surprised to hear the several questions of "do you admit personal responsibility?"
I have never heard another president, mayor or governor asked such a question about taking personal responsibility for bad things that happen - shootings, thefts, fraud, etc. Bush must have been somewhat prepared (or quickly recognized the political trap).
It reminded me of the old question of "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
62 posted on
04/14/2004 9:32:21 AM PDT by
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