Well that's one thing but claiming that you can "buy" an annulment is cynical and slanderous. And calling the children of an annuled marriage "bastards" is not only cruel it is simply incorrect. Legitimacy is a legal matter that has to do with inheritance, child support, and knowing who one's parents are. It has nothing to do with canon law and sacramental marriage.
Sure in the example you give it seems like, based on what you know on the surface, the marriage was sound. But you can't go just by what is on the surface. The information they tribunal gathers is very extensive, confidential and in depth. I mean they probe deep into the lives of the couple. They interview relatives, they get phychiatric records if there are any aviailable.
While I tend to agree that there might be too many annulments I can't be sure because what is on the surface is not all that is there.