Nigeria has 100+ million people, and 47% of Nigerians earn annual salaries of just one tenth (yes, 10%) of the average Chinese income. That's $100 in Nigeria for a year of labor, versus $1,000 per year in China.
Yet the outsourced jobs are going to China, not Nigeria.
Silly analogy. 1. Nigeria has a deserved reputation as a den of thieves and scammers. 2. A country of raging religious warfare is a poor investment climate. 3. Pervasive failed state violence in the region. 4. Poor communications infrastructure.
No, it's a spot on target analogy because it just got you to think of reasons why merely having cheaper *labor* aren't the end all and be all of where the jobs go.
Average Nigerian labor (for 47% of their population) is $100 per year. Average Chinese labor is $1,000 per year, ten times the average Nigerian labor rate. Ergo, something *else* besides cheap labor is in play. That's the whole point.
People who claim that they are only being replaced by "cheap labor" can't explain why the even cheaper Nigerian labor isn't beating the Chinese and Indians.