Well, I'm sure that George Soros is glad that he's getting something for all the millions that he's funneling under the table to the DNC.
I don't think it's going to buy him what he really wants though -- a President who will legalize his drug use.
Criminal Number 18F
IF Americans can find out more about John Kerry the man and John Kerry the candidate (let alone his VP choice, the leading Democrat known as "The Unknown Democrat"), he doesn't stand a chance at winning this election:
(Iraq) What Would Kerry Do As President? Senator Doesn't Always Answer
According to a CNN transcript, anchor Judy Woodruff asked Kerry, "What exactly -- right now -- would you do differently?"Kerry: "Right now, what I would do differently is, I mean, look, I'm not the president, and I didn't create this mess so I don't want to acknowledge a mistake that I haven't made.
How do we know these things? Because one media source quoted the transcript (not paraphrase) of another media source and the entire text was circulated for comment at FR.
If Big Media won't linger on the lack of a response from this man who "would be" President, then the alternate media must take up the slack.