To: Indy Pendance
Thank you for the link. I'll have to check it out and see what I can find there. I wonder how come they can archive articles when we can't. If there's no good reason, then the papers haven't a leg to stand on demanding Jim not archive.
To: DoughtyOne
They might not be right, but FR doesn't have the big bucks to fight a battle to the US supreme court, battling libs along the way. Check that link out, I've found lots of stuff there when researching. It's kind of cumbersome, but, I've always eventually found what I was looking for.
Free Republic is breaking that media glass ceiling the liberals had maintained for decades. Now, they're running scared, and I have to believe this is an orchestrated effort to silence us. What's more scary is if the dems get control of the internet....
To: DoughtyOne; Jim Robinson
Another thought, possibly they aren't posting and trashing their reporting? Of course it's all an attack against conservatives. We have a voice now, that's more powerful day by day. Look at how they're trying to shut down talk radio. Now, the internet. Can we host FR overseas (That would be ironic) without penalties? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson