To: Jim Robinson
Or we could add some money to the quarterly budget and buy a LexisNexis account and then distribute the password to everyone who pays their dues. (or something similar). FReepers would be able to dig out articles that have been yanked and then post a paragraph or two when it's relevant.
This wouldn't solve the current problem, but it may help counteract this power play on their part.
Nothing would terrorize the Left more than hundreds or thousands of bored, inquisitive FReepers with nothing to do but LexNex. :-)
To: Nita Nupress; Howlin
Nothing would terrorize the Left more than hundreds or thousands of bored, inquisitive FReepers with nothing to do but LexNex. :-) Some of us were thinking about that Lexnex ..
128 posted on
04/08/2004 10:21:15 PM PDT by
(Make Michael Moore cry.... DONATE MONTHLY!!!)
To: Nita Nupress
"Or we could add some money to the quarterly budget and buy a LexisNexis account and then distribute the password to everyone who pays their dues. (or something similar). FReepers would be able to dig out articles that have been yanked and then post a paragraph or two when it's relevant." What an interesting idea! That needs to be explored more. Certainly there are many freepers that warrant this. For a fee, I'd be willing. Also, it might be time to start thinking about fees for some services, like freepmail....
To: Nita Nupress; Mo1
Well, I have a CD writer and a great email program. I intend to save ALL the articles AND threads I read that I think I may *need* in the until this election is over.
136 posted on
04/08/2004 10:23:51 PM PDT by
To: Nita Nupress; Jim Robinson
I'm sure someone could write a script that will take any article and translate it into Pig Latin. Then, Freepers can post the un-translated version in subsequent posts.
I can just see the headlines on the day after the November election . . .
Ushbay Niay Ay Andslidelay!!
166 posted on
04/08/2004 10:31:47 PM PDT by
Alberta's Child
(Alberta -- the TRUE north strong and free.)
To: Nita Nupress
"Nothing would terrorize the Left more than hundreds or thousands of bored, inquisitive FReepers with nothing to do but LexNex" Teehee...I find that thought delightfully amusing.
340 posted on
04/09/2004 6:27:33 AM PDT by
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