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To: Cincinatus' Wife
Once a woman has a child, all children become her children, and she casts her net of compassion and empathy far and wide to embrace them.

Here's this mom's take: you pathetic bunch of self-centered morons-- keep you "net" away from my children. I am raising mine to be strong patriots who know that some things are eternally important... and one of them is freedom. I want my children to be brave Americans who can look beyond this revolting "what's in it for me" attitude that you foster. Oh, and incidentally, I guess we are to assume that your "net of compassion and empathy," doesn't stretch quite as "far and wide" as Iraq, right? I think perhaps your article should say that "[o]nce a woman has a child, all children become her children, except for those ones in Iraq, they can see their families tortured and killed, just so long as my 401(k) is doing all right and my little Brittany and Tyler and Duncan can get to all their enrichment activites on time."

27 posted on 03/30/2004 4:46:34 AM PST by GraceCoolidge
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To: GraceCoolidge
Excellent take on it!! As a mother, I'm with you!
32 posted on 03/30/2004 4:58:16 AM PST by fortunecookie
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To: GraceCoolidge
Grace, I am with you. BTW should I feel bad that my grandsons cheeks aren't exactly satin. They usually are kind of sticky with food and covered with a layer of Texas dust. And one of them was born with a desire to go to war, since he was so small, he has played with guns, been enchanted with all military things, insists his room is red white and blue and loves the flag. He is six and I am convinced will command a bunch of soldiers someday. His cheeks aren't satin either. Have I failed? Has my daughter failed?
40 posted on 03/30/2004 5:20:31 AM PST by cajungirl (<i>swing low, sweet limousine, comin' fer to Kerry me hoooommmee</i>)
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To: GraceCoolidge
And here's THIS mom's take: My three sons couldn't be more proud of their dad, especially while he was over in Iraq. The oldest (12) is into technology and wants to design futuristic weapons for the military. The middle (11) wants to become an Army officer. The youngest (9) is leaning toward policeman or fireman (both extremely dangerous jobs). And *I* couldn't be more proud. Of course I don't want them to go off to war or face bad guys on the street or blazing infernos every day--what mother does? But if they did, I would express all of my pride and none of my fear and treat them like the heroes they are.

How DARE these generic mothers in this article presume to speak for ME?

74 posted on 03/30/2004 6:30:52 AM PST by shezza
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