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To: GraceCoolidge
Grace, I am with you. BTW should I feel bad that my grandsons cheeks aren't exactly satin. They usually are kind of sticky with food and covered with a layer of Texas dust. And one of them was born with a desire to go to war, since he was so small, he has played with guns, been enchanted with all military things, insists his room is red white and blue and loves the flag. He is six and I am convinced will command a bunch of soldiers someday. His cheeks aren't satin either. Have I failed? Has my daughter failed?
40 posted on 03/30/2004 5:20:31 AM PST by cajungirl (<i>swing low, sweet limousine, comin' fer to Kerry me hoooommmee</i>)
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To: cajungirl
Boys with satin cheeks must be sitting inside watching TV, when they're not at the spa getting facials (sorry, we had another "metrosexual" thread last night :-). Real boys should be outside playing war and getting dirty!

I have a son who should get early admission to the Marine Corps, too. A calling to serve your country in the military is a gift, and parents should encourage it just as they would a desire to be a doctor or scientist.
56 posted on 03/30/2004 5:54:43 AM PST by Tax-chick (Mother of a teenager for THREE days, and I'm still as sane as I ever was!)
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