But the real issue in the West is that we have allowed a combination of Leftist theorists and spoiled airheads to denigrate the historic progression of generations in our various ethnic heritages. In Europe, the justification for the EU is complex, but in elevating an abstraction over a thousand years of history, it has destroyed the concept by which the manhood of each generation, measures their mettle against that of preceding generations. But much the same process has taken place in America, with the embrasure of diversity as a positive moral good.
One of the clearest examples of the breakdown in moral fibre, connected with a downplaying of ancestral identifications, came in what happened in the throes of the great drive to integrate school populations, both North & South in the late 1950s through the 1960s. The illegitimacy rates in both races exploded. Since this time period also corresponded with enormous advances in the availability of contraceptives, it is difficult to ignore the obvious relationship between breaking down the sense of community identification in each race, and the breakdown in family structure.
Just some random thoughts.
William Flax Return Of The Gods Web Site
slightly overstated considering we still have troops in Germany and Japan, it is important that we complete the job
On your larger point I hear you can see the minarets popping up all over major European cities, some day soon Europe will be the front line in this war.