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Mansoor Ijaz slamming Richard Clarke on Fox'N Friends
Fox News Channel
Posted on 03/22/2004 4:28:39 AM PST by ReleaseTheHounds
Mansoor Ijaz just called Richard Clarke essentially a liar. Challenged virtually all of his claims -- and accused Clarke of stonewalling Ijaz's efforts to capture Bin Laden via the Sudanese.
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 60minutes; bias; ccrm; foxnews; ijaz; media; richardclarke; stophillary; sudan
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To: sirchtruth
Read "While America Slept" by Gerald Posner. The Clintoons were Clinclueless or perhaps they ignored what was going on because they had a different agenda for America.
Some how I just can't see the Clintoon staff giving a whole lot of help to the incoming Bush administration.
I find Mansoor Ijaz more credible than Richard Cyber Clarke who guess what, has a book coming out this week. WOW what a coincidence.
posted on
03/22/2004 5:05:30 AM PST
(Never forget.)
To: Impeach the Boy
That is probably being done. That does not mean these people will not speak up or act out. They like their power.
posted on
03/22/2004 5:08:11 AM PST
(Protect my grandchildren's future. Vote for Bush/Cheney '04.)
To: Judith Anne
Ijaz said that in the negotiations he was trying to arrange to get Bin Laden in US custody, CLARKE personally blocked his way. Why he waited with saying this until Clarke broke the ranks?
posted on
03/22/2004 5:10:04 AM PST
A. Pole
(<SARCASM> The genocide of Albanians was stopped in its tracks before it began.</S>)
To: Terp
She looked fine to me. Her voice always sounds a bit shaky. This morning she lost most of that quivering pretty fast since she was so mad.
posted on
03/22/2004 5:11:00 AM PST
(in the event of the rapture.......the Bush White House will be unmanned)
To: an amused spectator
Wow. Sounds like Mansoor Ijaz has got quite a track record of BS, sirchtruth. Can you post up 4 or 5 examples of this BS, just off the top of your head? I mean, should be pretty easy, neh?Look, don't get me wrong here. I want to believe what this guy says, but not at the expense of just liking his rhetoric.
I asked for someone to show me some facts and freepers responded with sources for me to check out. I'm going too. I believe this guy is legit, I just haven't seen his claim come about.
I posted an example in my previous reply.
To: risk
I'm so grateful to see this level of sanity and courage from a Pakistani immigrant.
Ijaz is of Pakistani descent, but he is not an immigrant. He was born in the US.
posted on
03/22/2004 5:13:25 AM PST
To: mewzilla
Another interesting point Ijaz made is that Bubba and Halfbright didn't mention AQ in their briefings to their incoming opposite numbers. Tellijng omission. And anyone who doesn't think the 9-11 Commission is there to cover Bubba's backside should take note of the timing of Clarke's testimony. It's no accident.
I'm not clear on this. Monsoor Ijaz is saying that Clinton admin. did NOT brief them properly on al Quadea. But I'm not hearing Condi say that. I could have missed it. What's your take on this.
To: Terp
Condi Rice didn't look shaken to me. She did, however, look angry as all get out. :o)
posted on
03/22/2004 5:14:36 AM PST
(So there.)
To: ReleaseTheHounds
This is just part of the coordinated campaign to discredit the Bush administration.
There will likely be lots more of these type of totally false accusations and outlandish claims from "insiders".
The Bush administration seems to be more than a match for Team Kerry.
To: ReleaseTheHounds
Who was the heavy-set guy on Fox, after Condi was on talking? He was talking about a meeting with lower level people, during the transition period. He mentioned that they received a slide show with info, and only slide #30 mentioned OBL in passing. Nothing important etc., and that is all they received. Who was he, and I wonder how he saw these slides etc. We need more info on this.
posted on
03/22/2004 5:15:22 AM PST
To: ReleaseTheHounds
Is every politician in someones pocket or crooked?
posted on
03/22/2004 5:16:20 AM PST
( The more you try to change my convictions the more resolved I am to keep them.)
To: sirchtruth; ReleaseTheHounds; governsleastgovernsbest
Sounds like governsleastgovernsbest has partly backed your claim about Mansoor Ijaz's reputation for sensationalism, so you needn't look too hard to further impress us.
Although I will tell you all I haven't seen one thing Mansoor has said about Iraq WMD that has been true. He has made some pretty bold allegations especially to FoxNews, and O'Reilly about WMD and the Iraq war that to date have not shown themselves to be substansive.
I'm not quite sure why everyone gets uptight about "WMDs". I view any speculation either way on the WMDs the same way I view testimony from an ordinary computer user about why their computer broke. I wasn't there on the Syrian border, so I don't know what went on, period, and somebody is prolly omitting stuff and shading the facts to cover their keister.
One thing that really PMO was he stated to O'Reilly that sometime around the SOTU address (2004) we would have found a WMD lab underground along with WMD...Why would he state such a thing unless he was 100% sure, because that's what he led O'Reilly to believe.
AH! Now here's a good example of the sensationalism that you & governsleastgovernsbest are concerned about! You might be right about the "new sources". ;-)
posted on
03/22/2004 5:17:07 AM PST
an amused spectator
(John Kerry: Future Leader Of The Traffic Citation On Terror)
To: risk
The most feared man in America by Democrats
(Now a FoX News Analyst for the FoX News Channel, seen often GRETTA VanSUSTREN's weeknight TV Show and also seen on Weekends reporting from abroad. He broke the story of the current Pakistani hunt for OSAMA bin LADEN's No. 2)
posted on
03/22/2004 5:17:58 AM PST
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
To: A. Pole
Why he waited with saying this until Clarke broke the ranks? Ijaz has many times condemned Clinton and his administration for passing up on capturing Bin Laden. To my knowledge, he hasn't mentioned Clarke by name until now.
You can't respond to a lie until it's told--Clarke went on TV and told lies, Ijaz responded this AM.
posted on
03/22/2004 5:18:00 AM PST
Judith Anne
(Is life a paradox? Well, yes and no...)
To: elli1
[Ijaz Mansoor] was born in the US. Thanks for the correction!
posted on
03/22/2004 5:18:04 AM PST
To: mewzilla
I saw a post last night that Clarke's publisher is owned by Viacom - same as CBS is owned by Viacom. Sorry, I can't remember the name of publisher.
To: baseballmom
To sum it up, it sounds as though Toon didn't bother to make it clear from top to bottom on the way out that AQ was an immediate menace. Makes perfect sense. If they had, then someone could reasonably have asked them why in Hades then didn't they do anything about it. This is something the 9-11 Commission should be looking into. What the Toon admin passed along to 43. But the Commission won't. Not properly. And if I recall correctly, not under oath, either. Which is a necessity when dealing with Clintonoids.
posted on
03/22/2004 5:18:36 AM PST
To: baseballmom
Free Press, which is an imprint of Simon & Shyster. Which is owned by Viacom.
posted on
03/22/2004 5:19:33 AM PST
To: KE
Who was the heavy-set guy on Fox, after Condi was on talking? He was talking about a meeting with lower level people, during the transition period. He mentioned that they received a slide show with info, and only slide #30 mentioned OBL in passing. Nothing important etc., and that is all they received. Who was he, and I wonder how he saw these slides etc. We need more info on this. That was Mansoor Ijaz, subject of this thread.
posted on
03/22/2004 5:20:38 AM PST
an amused spectator
(John Kerry: Future Leader Of The Traffic Citation On Terror)
To: arasina
Alexander Haig just gave the Dims heck and said that Kerry is consorting with the enemy in a time of war.
posted on
03/22/2004 5:20:50 AM PST
(So there.)
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