OK now!! I've got another letter ready to go to our paper (in response to a total idiot's letter that was in yesterday), and I PROMISE not to send it until I get some feedback (not that I'll take anyone's suggestions! LOL!)
Here it is, with the names being changed to protect the guilty..........
I am bewildered by John Does use of the term immoral war in his recent letter. What does he think is immoral about ending brutality, the raping of women before their families, torturing dissidents, and imprisoning children? What is immoral about enabling Iraqis to create a constitution, allowing freedom of religion and speech? Where is the immorality in improved economic conditions, potential for prosperity, or education of boys and girls in safe, clean schools?
Our son has just spent one year of his young life serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and we are proud that he has participated in something so noble and right. We are proud that he is serving under a Commander in Chief who respects, and is respected by his troops; who values their lives and sacrifice, and who weighed heavily the costs before engaging troops in Iraq as part of the greater War on Terror. Iraq under Saddam Hussein bred and supported terrorism, and actively developed WMD programs, without which, the region, and the world are more secure. There is nothing immoral about ending his regime.
Ironically, Does candidate John Kerry voted for the war he considers immoral. But Kerry also voted against supporting the troops with protective vests, supplies and pay. Now Kerry claims he is against the war and for the troops, in spite of the record, and said, I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it. Is that because he supported the troops before he didnt support them? Perhaps his problem is that he lacks core values on which to base his political decisions.
The prospect of a Commander in Chief like Kerry, whose values sway with the political winds; who votes against weapons and military pay, and who will rely on opinions of foreign leaders to determine his policy on American security, frightens many who have family members in the military.
In the coming months we will see distortion and omission by a media attempting to hide the reality of who John Kerry is. Kerrys truth depends on the crowd he is addressing; President Bush just tells the truth.
Soooo..........I want to send it by the end of the day. Any comments/gentle critiques would be greatly appreciated!