OK, I'm filing a demographic complaint.
Whenever I see the '65-'82 Gen-X category, I get grumpy, because it throws me into the tail end of the Baby Boomer category. My parents are certified Baby Boomers, both born in '47. But then somehow I'm a Baby boomer, too?? How did that happen? Is it possible to be the same generation as one's own parents?
I remember a time when my generation was called the Baby Busters. There were Baby Boomers, then Baby Busters, followed by Generation Xers, but somewhere along the line the Baby Busters got divided in "half" with almost 65% of us being lumped in with the Baby Boomers and the rest thrown in with Generation X. Then, the Baby Buster label was transfered to also mean Gen-Xers.
Sorry, about ranting over something so seemingly nit-picky, but I really, really, hate being called a Baby Boomer. I had Farrah Fawcett hair in high school for Pete's sake! How could I possibly be a Baby Boomer?
Pictures please!! (I hope yer a girl!)
All us Baby Boomers thought Farrah was quite a FOX!
(I was born 1959)
Me too...only I have been complaining about this for some time...and for reasons on the other end of the spectrum...you'd be surprised how many of the kiddos born after 1980 call themselves GenXers...but they are not.
I see the GenXer as those born between 1961-1979. 1980 was the beginning of a WHOLE new era largely because of Ronald Reagan. You compare the attitude of the country with Jimmy Carter to that of the country with Ronald Reagan and you'll remember why that decade was called the Reagan Revolution.
I dont hate boomers. There are plenty of them in my life that had lots of positive influence. What I hate is how pleased with themselves the majority seemed to be in 'creating a better world' for me and everyone else...when I can objectively (and SUBjectively with quite a bit of emotion to boot) point out how sadly off track they have steered my country.
I was nine in the year 1976. That was our country's Bicentennial. Only because my parents were on the tail end of the Depression Baby segment did I ever gain any real sense of pride for the history of this country. I seriously doubt that all the hatred and bile the VietNam protestors and Marxist students forced down the country would have given me that. I am only thankful when those same people wake up and realize just how they have been used. My next hopeful question would then be : do you support what *I* stand for???