To: ConservativeMan55
Oh, maaaannnn
I was hoping this was an Opus (no offense C55 -- its just that Opi are so darned fun)
22 posted on
03/19/2004 6:46:26 PM PST by
(If your cat has babies in the oven you don't call them biscuits!)
To: freedumb2003
Whats an Opus?
27 posted on
03/19/2004 6:47:47 PM PST by
(There is no problem so great that it cannot be solved with high powered explosives.)
To: freedumb2003
Opi are so darned fun
I believe that the plural of that word is opera.
128 posted on
03/19/2004 7:21:42 PM PST by
(cogito, ergo freepum)
To: freedumb2003
If I ever go nuts and decide to post an opus, I will be sure to work on it for weeks.
178 posted on
03/19/2004 7:40:05 PM PST by
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