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Just wanted to explain the Catholic HAIL MARY... It's a 2 part prayer...the first part..are the words of the angel Gabriel when he announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of JESUS......hmmmm Bible recitation...seems ok to me..

The second half is a petition to MARY (Blessed among ALL women) pray for us sinners NOW and at the hour of our death hmmm I can't think of a better saint to pray for me at my death..especially if I'm not in any condition to pray...(for example) maybe hitting a tree at 40 miles per hour...I will be stone dead in 7/10 of a second! Not much time to pray I suspect.

Another problem with and I'm sure our Lord loves you just as much as he does any Catholic or ANY Human for that matter... Everything you believe seems to be based on TIME...D you realize time doesn't exist in eternity...? hmmm think about that.. and when Jesus dies on the cross..IN ETERNITY which is where GOD is right now..isn't He?...

God is seeing His SON die... RIGHT NOW! ..remember HE sees the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning... HIS SON dies for our sins, GOD sees us..(Humanity) all die at the exact same time... all he sees is JESUS dying for our sins..

Guess what..GOD also sees ALL of HUMANITY rising at the exact same time... hmmm quite profound..but also quite CATHOLIC because people who die before us are prayed for because we...IN GOD"S "TIME" are all dying together... Unless you think HE is looking at HIS Rolex

BTW are all the humans who were born before JESUS in hell? Little unfair..unless you have that answer too....

And... when Jesus was praying and taught us how to pray, was the prayer he was praying for only the people living at that time? or for all Humanity...hmmm I guess praying for the "dead" and the Dead who have, "IN THE PAST" prayed for us my deceased grandmother who prayed constantly for me... meant those prayers are all used that right? hmmm you seem to think you know the mind of GOD.. I'm sorry to have to tell haven't a vapor of the capacity to know anything divine. Accept it.... accept the faith of all Christians and judge not lest...well you know the rest...

368 posted on 03/19/2004 6:28:44 PM PST by Bob Eimiller (Kennedy..Kerry..Leahy...Pelosi..Kucinich.."Catholics" who Promote Partial Birth Abortion.)
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To: Bob Eimiller
1) "Just wanted to explain the Catholic HAIL MARY...
The second half is a petition to MARY (Blessed among ALL women) pray for us sinners NOW and at the hour of our death hmmm I can't think of a better saint to pray for me at my death.."
I see no scripture that says that saints not on this earth intercede on our behalf. While I think Mary WAS one of the greatest women who ever lived, if I were to chose a "not present saint" to pray for me it would be John the Baptist:

Matthew 11:11 - Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

But for Interceding Prayer, I ask my closeth Believer friends and Pastor who are still walking around in flesh and bone to pray for me.
In the meantime I pray directly to Jesus Christ! __________________________________________

2) "Everything you believe seems to be based on TIME..."

My belief has nothing to with "TIME". Jesus Christ + nothing else is my belief --- that the atoning death of Jesus on the Cross gives me Eternal Salvation. Mary, John the Baptist, Abraham, Moses, Paul, ets, are all good folks but "yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he (them)".
442 posted on 03/20/2004 7:27:56 AM PST by TRY ONE (NUKE the unborn gay whales!)
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