This Mir (Pakistan Bob) guy has been on Fox more than anybody in the last week. He has a different story every time. Shepard did finally ask him the tough questions about his affiliation with Al Qaeda. He was on Greta tonight too, but I turned it off. I'm just sick of hearing his baloney.
On a happier note here are a few tidbits from Sheps bio on Fox.
Is there one story you've covered that stands out in your mind? Not one story but one kind of story. I enjoy reporting on triumph over tragedy. From Columbine to 9/11 and Oklahoma City, the strength, courage and unity of people blindsided by hate and tragedy is ever inspiring. I remember standing at our worksite in OKC 10 days or so after the attack at a moment when the gravity of it all left me pretty down and out. That much grief and pain is difficult to absorb. There had been a steady stream of families coming to the site with flowers for the victims and cookies for the rescue workers. One family caught me in a very low moment and shared some love. I was working for a local station out of Florida so these people had no idea who I was. They knew everyone was hurting and wanted to help someone in need. Anyone. That's the living spirit of this nation. When times are tough we come together.
What's one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?
I don't own a car. I haven't had one for 6 years. I take the subway to work. I love mass transportation.
What's the deal with you and the weather?
I've always been fascinated by weather. I've covered 13 or so hurricanes for five different employers. I'm a weather geek. A "Weatherman Wanna-B" as the Studio B crowd labels me. Name another natural event that we know is coming well in advance but have no idea how strong it will be or exactly when it will hit until the final hours, if then. With all our sophistication and science we still can barely predict them much less control them. That makes for interesting television.
Who's had the greatest influence on your life?
I'm grateful to have passed so many amazing people along life's road. My family gave me a base from which to build a life and tried their best to teach me right from wrong. They're still trying. I can't name a single greatest influence. I can only be thankful for the dozen or so people who, by example, have made me a better, easier to tolerate guy. We're products of our environments. I'm trying not to pollute.