Message #44:
From: caveofdarkness
Date: Mon Mar 22, 2004 5:45am
Subject: Israels and American pigs, you have opened the gates of hell
From the heart of Al-Qaida and the mojahideen to the heart of the Palestinian people and to the Muslim Umma, we send our condolence's to the death of the warrior shaikh Ahmad Yasseen. Israel will not pay for his death alone, America and the rest of the west will pay for backing up of Israel. What Israel and America don't understand is that when ever a leader like shaikh Ahmad Yasseen is assassinated a thousand new leaders are born! This is an Umma that never dies thanks to God almighty. Punishment will follow soon, but this time it will be from all the Muslims at once, in other words Al-Qaida's surprise is coming and we will have a word in the heart of Israel, and you will see soon. Israel's and American pigs, you have opened the gates of hell
Alaah akbaar
Liar Liar your Pants are on Fire!