I practically expect to see GWB running around, biting his lip, and telling those laid-off due to out-sourcing, "I feel your pain". Or, maybe we can expect a new book out "It takes a Global Trade Village to raise a child..."
This whole election will be unspeakably close because the administration cow-towed to the enemies of our industrial supremacy.
I don't know about that. Look how artfully the Pubbies dodged the assault weapons ban extension bill the other day. Don't think for a minute Karl Rove wasn't twisting arms to the breaking point to get a 90-8 avalanche to kill that bill.
You ask me, John Kerry is a train wreck waiting to happen. He's going up against a $150 million Bush war chest. No wonder GWB signed campaign finance reform. His war chest is filled to bursting whether campaign finance gets reformed or not.
If Kerry doesn't get buried under the weight of all the media blitzes that money can buy, you can bet he'll be torpedoed by Bill Clinton. Just think what a monkeywrench it would throw into Hillary's '08 campaign if Kerry won.
I don't think Kerry stands a chance in November.