from "Although those who work with Warren say he's openly gay, it wasn't reported publicly until San Francisco magazine made a passing reference to it in a lengthy article on the case. Warren declined Bay Windows request for an interview. His clerk, Mary Melvin, said that although he gave KRON-TV an interview after the dog-mauling verdict, he decided not to talk to the media again at least until after the case completely leaves his court."
from: "There was at least one article on FR in the last couple of days about the judge being homosexual. He had a name that looked Navajo, and he looked Indian (American style) in a photo.
The sick thing is that judges in CA must recuse themselves from any case involving homosexuals if they are members of the notorious homophobic Boy Scouts of America. Everyone should be aware of this.
A homosexual judge can preside over momentous cases such as this "gay" marriage crap, but a judge who is a member of BSA must not. In fact, they tried to fire all the judges in CA who were members of the BSA, but watered it down to recusal.