Hmmm ... let's examine Hillary's recipe for success
Attend Yale
Meet Slick
Defend murdering Black Panthers
Marry Slick
Serve as a lawyer for the Justice Committe during Watergate and get a negative reference from Jerome Zeifman
Join a crooked Arkansas law firm
Have a kid with someone other than Slick
Have your husband become attorney general of Arkansas.
Ignore the fact that your husband raped someone
Have your husband become Governor of Arkansas, only to lose his re-election bid because you're a pinko liberal who won't change her name
Watch your husband get back to the Arkansas governor's mansion
Make a 100 grand on shady cattle futures deals
Con retirees out of their life savings
Ignore your husband's affairs live on 60 Minutes to get into the White House
Fire the Travel Office Staff
Make a royal mess of health care reform
Boink Vince Foster one last time for the hell of it
Get Vince Foster's records under the nose of Park Police after he's killed
Get a bunch of GOP FBI Files
Lie under oath
Help your husband blame the OKC bombing on Rush Limbaugh
Lie under oath
Watch your husband get re-elected
Lie to the American people about your husband's dalliances with Monica
Somehow position yourself as a sympathetic figure after that lie blows up in your face
Continue to ignore the fact that your husband raped someone, while having the gall to position yourself as an advocate for battered women
Kick one of the few last respectable Democratic Senators into retirement
Become a Yankees fan
Lie under oath
Run for Senate
Arrange to swap pardons for votes
Win a Senate seat
Steal the White House silverware
Become a lackluster Senator who could care less about the serfs she represents
Arrange to get Buddy popped
Tell Bill to go screw a horse
Interfere with the 2002 Dem elections, to the detriment of the Dems
Somehow emerge from that fiasco as their last great hope
Sabotage Howard Dean's campaign
Hope that another Ross Perot emerges as your only chance to divide the country and become President.
Yeah, that should be a a formula for success that millions of American women can emulate ... NOT!