Inside baseball on the shenanigans of the Mass. legislatures disenfranchisement of the voters.
To: Redcoat LI
One screeching Liberal = 20 quiet conservatives.
Until this changes, we are in trouble, people...
2 posted on
02/15/2004 10:11:17 AM PST by
To: airforce19811985; American; antiliberal; Aquinasfan; Arioch7; AStack75; awestk; bd56; betty boop; ..
Please Freepmail me if you want on or off my infrequent Massachusetts ping list.
3 posted on
02/15/2004 7:15:50 PM PST by
(Why vote for Bush? Imagine Commander in Chief John F'in Kerry!)
To: Redcoat LI
The homosexuals and their enablers stayed on message throughout - it was ``a civil-rights issue.'' And this approach is winning, because the other side has nothing except "let's let the people decide." Seems pretty weak in comparison. Few of those who oppose homosexual "marriage" can bring themselves to call it unnatural, perhaps because they're afraid of alienating a constituency, but more likely because they're incapable of promoting that argument. In fact, most legislators are in the camp of one lawyer/legislator who I heard say, "I still don't know what 'natural law' is." Sad but true.
6 posted on
02/16/2004 4:58:30 AM PST by
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