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Krolicki decides not to challenge Reid
Review Journal ^
| February 10, 2004
Posted on 02/10/2004 11:53:45 AM PST by Pubbie
State Treasurer Brian Krolicki will announce today that he won't be running against Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., saying Monday it is doubtful that any Republican candidate can beat the minority whip, who has amassed a $6.2 million campaign fund.
"These things are extraordinarily expensive," Krolicki said of a potential run. "The money issue will certainly be a large inhibitor in anyone making a successful run."
Krolicki, who had established with the Federal Election Commission an exploratory committee for the Senate seat, said he now plans to focus on his family, completing his second four-year term as treasurer, and on national efforts to reform Wall Street and corporate America. He is also eyeing a potential run for the House in 2006.
"I believe that if Jim Gibbons does run for governor, I would take a long, hard look in trying to succeed him in Congressional District 2," Krolicki said of the Republican congressman.
Reid is now standing with more than $4.3 million in the bank and has raised $6.2 million, all without a top-tier opponent.
"We're looking forward to running a competitive statewide campaign," said Sean Sinclair, Reid's campaign manager. "We always said no matter who runs, we will be very focused on the issues and the campaign."
Republicans Richard Ziser, who chaired the ballot initiative banning gay marriage in Nevada, and Ken Wegner, a disabled Persian Gulf War veteran, are running largely self-funded campaigns for the party nomination.
Secretary of State Dean Heller has yet to decide whether he will run. Another Republican, state Controller Kathy Augustine, continues to explore a bid and was introduced at a Douglas County Lincoln Day Dinner on Sunday as "a candidate for the U.S. Senate."
That Gibbons did not decide until August not to challenge Reid had the effect of keeping some Republicans from beginning fund raising and entering the race.
Krolicki, who had raised just over $130,000 in his exploration, said Reid has locked up too much money and support from Republicans to be easily beaten.
"I think in terms of Nevada contributors, the door has been dead-bolted since last summer," Krolicki said.
Krolicki said his exploration did increase his visibility nationally with the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the White House.
He has also gained national media coverage through his role as co-chairman of Wall Street's Committee on Corporate Governance and as immediate past president of the National Association of State Treasurers.
Krolicki said if Gibbons does not run for governor in 2006, he would consider running for the state's top job. He said he would also consider running for lieutenant governor, a move also dependent upon what Gibbons does.
And while Krolicki said it would be "extremely difficult" to unseat the Senate's assistant minority leader, he said there is still time for a strong candidate to emerge and, he said, ride on the president's coattails.
"These things are always competitive," Krolicki said. "The economy, taxes, Iraq, international terrorism -- all of those things would create coattails nationally."
Krolicki said there could also be statewide coattails for Republicans as they try to win back the state Assembly and as numerous candidates vie for the state Supreme Court, many of them in opposition to a court ruling last year paving the way to record tax increases.
He plans to announce his decision formally today in interviews with reporters around the state.
TOPICS: Politics/Elections; US: Nevada
KEYWORDS: 2004; electionussenate; harryreid; krolicki; reid
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posted on
02/10/2004 11:53:46 AM PST
To: JohnnyZ; Theodore R.; Nathaniel Fischer; AuH2ORepublican; LdSentinal; Kuksool; Coop; ...
Calling Jack Woodcock, come in Mr Woodcock...
posted on
02/10/2004 11:55:31 AM PST
(I hate both the NeoConservatives and the PaleoConservatives - What does that make me?)
To: Pubbie
Geez. This race went from quite promising to downright depressing.
posted on
02/10/2004 11:57:01 AM PST
(God bless our troops!)
To: Pubbie
Krolicki out of Nevada's U.S. Senate race
Las Vegas Sun (ASSOCIATED PRESS) ^ | February 10, 2004 | BRENDAN RILEY (AP)
Posted on 02/10/2004 2:48:42 PM EST by JohnnyZ
posted on
02/10/2004 11:58:45 AM PST
To: Coop
When all else fails, recruit the MultiMillionaire Real Estate Devoloper...
posted on
02/10/2004 11:59:16 AM PST
(I hate both the NeoConservatives and the PaleoConservatives - What does that make me?)
To: JohnnyZ
This is not an AP Story so nah nah.
posted on
02/10/2004 12:00:13 PM PST
(I hate both the NeoConservatives and the PaleoConservatives - What does that make me?)
To: Pubbie
posted on
02/10/2004 12:02:28 PM PST
To: Pubbie
Guess it's going to be either Woodcock, Dean Heller, or Kathy Augustine.
posted on
02/10/2004 12:02:29 PM PST
Galactic Overlord-In-Chief
(What does it say on the bottom of Coke bottles at DU? It says "Open Other End.")
To: Pubbie
Okay, Slow Talkin' Jones, I still beat you by 5 minutes.
I think that hair could go places.
posted on
02/10/2004 12:10:54 PM PST
To: Galactic Overlord-In-Chief
I don't think Heller or Augustine will run.
posted on
02/10/2004 12:11:05 PM PST
(I hate both the NeoConservatives and the PaleoConservatives - What does that make me?)
To: JohnnyZ
posted on
02/10/2004 12:12:35 PM PST
(I hate both the NeoConservatives and the PaleoConservatives - What does that make me?)
To: Coop
I don't get this. What the HELL is wrong with Nevada Republicans that they can't mount a viable challenge to this TOAD, Reid!?
posted on
02/10/2004 12:22:15 PM PST
(CNN is the Amtrack of news.)
To: LS
I guess Gibbons prefers an arid climate to humid D.C. And since he took his time making a decision, Reid built up an intimidating pot of money. I dunno.
posted on
02/10/2004 12:24:42 PM PST
(God bless our troops!)
To: LS
I so agree. I think the answer is partly bad luck and partly that Reid gives good "constituent service" (in the sense of getting old ladies their SS checks, etc.) and puts up a conservative facade at home. He doesn't fool the Review-Journal on the latter score, but he fools enough others to hang on by his fingernails.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:11:36 PM PST
To: Pubbie
If Heller doesn't run, I guess Woodcock will have to do. But I'm not too optimistic regarding his chances, unless he's really thinking of going for the jugular and attacking Reid for his hypocritical voting record.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:34:51 PM PST
(Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.)
To: AuH2ORepublican
I'm very disappointed that you passed right over Kathy Augustine and her hair.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:38:54 PM PST
To: Pubbie; JohnnyZ
""I believe that if Jim Gibbons does run for governor, I would take a long, hard look in trying to succeed him in Congressional District 2," Krolicki said of the Republican congressman."
I tell you what, if Krolicki isn't man enough to take on Reid when he's one of the few GOP candidates with some name recognition, why should we support him if he decides to run for Gibbons's safe House seat? Especially since we could elect someone 10 times more conservative than the moderate Krolicki. I would much rather support Maurice Washington ( a conservative black state senator from Washoe County) to run for Congress if Gibbons runs for Governor in 2006. See
posted on
02/10/2004 1:45:18 PM PST
(Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.)
To: JohnnyZ
"I'm very disappointed that you passed right over Kathy Augustine and her hair."
That hair of her won't attract any votes in Nevada. On the other hand, if she ran in Jersey . . . : )
posted on
02/10/2004 1:47:15 PM PST
(Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.)
To: AuH2ORepublican; JohnnyZ
"But I'm not too optimistic regarding his chances, unless he's really thinking of going for the jugular and attacking Reid for his hypocritical voting record."
Woodcock said that he would run if no Statewide GOP officeholders did - so it looks like he will jump in since Heller is probably out.
Woodcock also said he would be willing to spend $500,000 just to get his campaign started.
If he is willing to contribut over $2 million of his own money then he has a fighting chance against Reid.
posted on
02/10/2004 2:01:19 PM PST
(I hate both the NeoConservatives and the PaleoConservatives - What does that make me?)
To: Pubbie
Woodcock said that he would run if no Statewide GOP officeholders did - so it looks like he will jump in since Heller is probably out. Aaargh! Now YOU'RE dissing my girl Kathy!
posted on
02/10/2004 2:12:05 PM PST
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