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The best solution is to divide Iraq into Kurdistan and Iraq.
Kurdistan Observer ^ | Dec 5, 2003 | Raza Tataii

Posted on 02/09/2004 2:48:57 PM PST by Blue87

The best solution is to divide Iraq into two Nations based on ethnicity: The Republic of South Kurdistan, and the Republic of Arabistan.

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TOPICS: Australia/New Zealand; Canada; Editorial; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Israel; News/Current Events; Russia; US: New York; United Kingdom; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: arabistan; iraq; kurdishstate; kurdistan; kurds; middleeast; rebuildingiraq
The best solution is to divide Iraq into two Nations based on ethnicity: The Republic of South Kurdistan, and the Republic of Arabistan.

By: Raza Tataii, Dec 5, 2003

Let's make one thing clear about the wrongfully created demography of the "old Iraq". Iraq was "Created" by the 2-4 politically ambitious countries after the fall of the Ottoman empire in a completely insensitive and irresponsible fashion to its "Two" main ethnic groups, namely "Kurds", today comprising a strong 25% of the population, and second: "Arabs", comprising the rest or about 70%, further to the South of Kurdistan.

As history shows Religion can not and will not decide the formation of an Independent Country, unless the profiteers want to fabricate such a false and ridiculous doctrine, to repeat and try to recreate the "old Iraq" of the 1920's" for their own gains in oil deals they may never get, disrespecting the natives' rights over their own natural resources.

There are many examples I can give you as to why this works best for what we call colonial powers, presumably gone, but appearing to resurface again at the expense of our American "Iraq Liberation undertaking by the brave decision of President Bush's use of executive power to go it practically alone, not to remiss the other coalition forces joining us along the way"."

Your December 3, 2003 article "The only hope now is to divide Iraq into three" by Simon Jenkins, published on December 3, 2003, leaves out the most critical fact about "Iraq's" demography, which was totally ignored in the 1920's as stated by its manufacturing agents, insensitively disregarding to secure a peaceful and livable environment.

This racially exploited, and greedy profit making goal in the 1920's failed attempt to guarantee their ulterior motives on South Kurdistan's oil, and the Arabs' oil to their South in the oil fields of Basra province and its immediate surroundings.

As seen today, such failed attempts brought forward vicious monsters like Saddam, ultimately using his ongoing secret chemical and biological weapon projects, slowed down to first complete his long rage missiles to be armed with these chemical agents, and so on as we have now discovered, would have made him unstoppable.

This has been why our U.S. President had to hit Baghdad preemptively, and hit them hard or face the gravest consequences against world community very shortly if we had not done so. Those "election opportunist" Democrats and naïve "anti war" activists, shamelessly making wrong comparisons with Vietnam war and other wars are too short sighted to open their minds and see the aforesaid absolute and unequivocal truth about why we went to war.

I only hope; that their views on the most victimized, the largest nation, forcefully left without Independence due to the 1920's League of Nations' negligence, "the Kurds", will not remain bigoted. I hope; that they will join the rest of other pro Kurdish nations, diligently seeking Kurdish independence, will quickly see the light, and allow the establishment of a permanent Kurdish State out of the wrong demography of "the old Iraq". Two new nations reinstated as "the Republic of Kurdistan" and "the Republic of Arabistan" in my opinion as suggested is better than the three nations as Mr. Simon Jenkins in his December 3, 2003 "The Times" article insists.

You be the Judge. Again, religion and ethnicity in the region are completely two separate issues. One ought to put himself/herself in place of the people of the region to understand why, and I've given you some of the main reasons in this article. For example in Kurdistan you'll find Kurds from many denominations, even though they are Muslims by majority, but live peacefully side by side.

We must keep in mind; that Arab Sunnis and Arab Shi'a are ethnically the same: "Arabs". Their difference in the sect of their religion, "Islam", has nothing to do with the factor in sharing Independence under the same Government. What went on under B'as party was not religious, but an attempt by Saddam in trying to use religion as one of its weapons to strengthen the inner circle of "the old Iraq" as a whole for as long as he could drag it on to survive as a Tyrannical regime's dictator.

They (Ba'sists) obviously see now; that their poor vision for a future no more, using the two sects in Islam between Arabs did not get Ba'si Saddam far, especially when he knew Kurds will never stop fighting for the Liberation of their homeland, but tried to divide their own ethnic Arabs, using sect's differences within the religion to maneuver easier, surrounded with a smaller Arab inner circle, which were primarily Saddam's Tikrit hometown closer Arab group, grown to the bigger "Sunni Triangle" or as some put it "Sunni Rectangular".

Saddam's vision to last longer in such a setting made sense, but his poor distinction between world's acceptance of respect for "human rights" verses national rights, the latter he had enjoyed through UN recognition and all other diplomatic and national benefits enjoyed by members of the UN were the two factors not attended to since the 1920's. This became vividly recognized and noted not only by other member states, but also by all human rights organizations in an increasing number over time, as well as world's citizens from all nations such as yours truly living in the United States since 1971, who once lived in the nearby region until the age 20.

Therefore, under those increasing international attentions, news, and facts, now reaching us in a much more rapid pace compared to pre-computer age, in essence, Saddam Hussein became his own grave digger.

It would be a clear misunderstood fact interrelated within our world's human ethnic "family trees" if you will, if we disregard the direct ethnic relation between the two Arab groups. Religion, by no means, and under no logic is capable of deciding the "post Saddam" Arab nationalistic inspiration. I repeat: "post Saddam" Arab nationalistic inspiration, but not in the pre-Saddam era, which I wrote was engineered to control the country with much more strength, rather than a weak one, which would have involved dealings with keeping a much larger population satisfied and involved, including the underprivileged Arabs (Sunni and Shia), and Southern Kurdistan's Kurds in the North of the "old Iraq".

He chose to brutally exterminate Kurds in the North in as much as possible with a blood thirsty gang of his Generals, using the already brainwashed Arab military (Sunni and Shia) first, and secondly, even other minorities, basically as human shields in great battles and wars fought against Kurds, using his most cowardly warfare, the chemical weapons, because he knew too well about the bravery of the Kurdish defenders, defeating malicious invaders like him for thousands of years, and a decade long war against Iran, forceful military recruitments, as well as the unfavorable members of his own ethnic Arab groups, primarily "Shia" Arabs, and even some undesirable Sunni Arabs. As documented, Saddam used tens of thousands of misplaced Kurds as human shield in the first Gulf war in 1991.

Time has now changed all that. No one should be confused about this dramatic change, which has appeared merely by eliminating the Ba'si Saddam governmental infrastructure. We all should let the Sunni Arabs come with grips to see this change. I'm certain they already have, and if we create two Arab states from the "old Iraq", comprising Sunni Arabs and Shia Arabs rather than one Arab state or nation, this would be the biggest mistake, because it would create a terrorist safe-haven in the land-locked Sunni triangle or "Rectangle", which in turn prolongs and further flourishes an everlasting terrorist land base used by fanatics.

This base would facilitate housing for other Arab Terrorists from all other 22 Arab Independent nations, which will waste all the hard work our President Bush has done in the Liberation of Iraq. The result will be most catastrophic. The ultimate sacrifices given by thousands of our Kurdish Peshmarga in the past 83 years, as well as our own recent American, as well as Italian, British, and others' ultimate sacrifices will go to vain.

No, we certainly do not want to see such a disgrace to happen by the misunderstood and treasonous acts of some who have chosen not to read, see, nor hear the sounds of facts and reality before their eyes, ears, and lying ahead in our near future unless eradicated substantially to its minimum or nil.

We must vindicate the loss of heroic actions these martyrs, together with our other most recent human tragedy from the September 11 victims left behind. September 11 must never be forgotten nor should it ever happen again. Our brave martyrs deserve the highest and most honorable recognitions. Their families deserve our moral and financial support, to cope and recover from the loss of their loved ones, our brave freedom fighters and other innocent victims caught in the crossfire everywhere during this 83 years old war and terrorist campaign caused.

[There is actually a proverb in a Kurdish poem: "the voice of free and Freedom must deafen the voice of Tyranny, and vicious. The enemy must go. It must let go of this land of the free. It must let go his hands, stained with the blood of our innocent seeking to live in peace on their motherland. It must go. Or we shall make this land we call our homeland their everlasting graveyard.]

If we help the formation of Two countries: Kurdistan, and Arabistan (comprised of Sunni and Shia); this would create the strongest democracy in the two new and rightfully formed countries.

South Kurdistan, as we have seen in the news; has already proven beyond any doubt; that it has been a role model for all Democratic states, perhaps even the ones outside the region.

South Kurdistan itself is the best example to show democracy and civility at its best and in action for the past 12 years. This role model can be followed Kurdistan's neighbors in the South: "the Arabs". The way to do this is quite easy. I truly believe; that the great Ambassador Paul Bremer III, and the honorable General Abisaid are the most qualified leaders already working in their capacity in the Region, and hope that they will read this article of facts and strategically essential to win the rest or the toughest part of the rest of our mission: "Operation Freedom".

With just a bit of more understanding of the present complex hostile Sunni Arab militancy to join in the Nation Building rather than retaliations and destructive attacks, not mentioning other infiltrated Turkish agents at work among the same nuisance crowd; I believe; that the two countries of Kurds and Arabs can quickly and beautifully be shaped, and soon become two members of the other member nations within the United Nations.

Certainly Secretary Kofi Anon of UN must help the Kurds, who will become the first permanent Kurdish State in the region for the first time in history, and clarify the distorted images by those who oppose this basic natural right of Kurds to Self-determination, fighting and dying to become independent in the past 83 years, caused by the unforgivable negligence of its predecessor, "League of Nations", while UN has catered, supported, and recognized about 22 already independent "Arab" states, having enjoyed the International recognition in the past same 83 years.

Regretfully, this has been the ultimate discrimination by UN against the largest nation, "The Kurds", left without an Independence of their own, abused, persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, and murdered in a the unbelievable estimated number of more than 3 million killed since the 1920's (and at least beginning from 1915) mainly by Turkey and "the old Iraq".

Turkey knows, and must know; that an independent South Kurdistan will not be an issue for its own North Kurdistan. Turkey, as a mature and independent country since the 1920's, and ought to resort to civilized and democratic solutions to gain the support of North Kurdistan's 25,000,000 Kurds, as well as other civilized nations it so diligently tries to associates itself with by becoming a member of the EU.

Anything short of those basic and long over due human rights violations, will not only benefit Turkey, but it will lead to the indictments of its "Responsible military and government officials, acting like deaf and blind, with questionable honor, human dignity, honesty, and clear conscience", to sit on the witness stands of International Courts of Justice for their crimes against Humanity, namely the 1.5-2 million murdered "Kurds", as well as the ongoing repression of the North Kurdistan's 25,000,000 Kurds.

For the starters, Let's ask them why is "Layla Zana" still in still in prison, and why have they not released the freedom loving Kurdish leader: "Abdolla Ochalan", who stopped ordered his army to stop fighting 3-4 years ago, and why don't they leave his 5000 Freedom loving Kurdish Human rights defenders, wrongfully labeled as "terrorists", abusing their worldwide diplomatic power, placing the group namely "PKK" in that distorted list? PKK land base was and remains on their own Kurdish motherland?

These are the most trivial questions, which has not been answered by these "Supposedly" Responsible Turkish Officials. Any government, incapable of respecting basic human rights, and persecuting the natives of a homeland it continues to occupy is not worthy of joining the EU, and must immediately be removed from power the same way as Saddam's regime was removed.

I have a feeling; that we may soon have to witness teaching another lesson to another Tyrannical regime "Turkey", because it just doesn't get it.

Our American administration will not be dictated by Turkish criminally behaved government to harm our precious human right defenders "PKK", because as I wrote, their operation base has never gone beyond their Kurdish motherland. Therefore "PKK", their affiliates, friends, and their supporters, which would include an entire nation, are not "terrorists", and we, as Americans, will not go to fight with PKK, nor will we interfere with what they wish to do to defend their people by the principles of our constitution.

To fight any such freedom loving groups, trying to Liberate their oppressed and terrorized people, other than the real terrorists, who have gone beyond their territory, is against the main articles engraved within our U.S. Constitution, and that of the UN charters. I like to read or hear your comments if you wish to contact me. My email is:, and phone at: 808-845-5716. You may also send letters and your support to:

1 posted on 02/09/2004 2:48:57 PM PST by Blue87
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To: Blue87
Sure, if you want a civil war.
2 posted on 02/09/2004 2:54:54 PM PST by Patrick1
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To: Blue87
There is an even better solution: Before WWI, when Iraq was part of the Ottoman Empire, it was divided by the Turks into three vilayets: the Kurdish north, the Sunni center, and the Shiite south. That is still the best arrangement: three autonomous areas in a federal or confederal state centered on Baghdad. Baghdad itself could become a "Federal Department" like Mexico City.
3 posted on 02/09/2004 2:57:44 PM PST by Malesherbes
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To: Malesherbes
I'll put it like this. If America moved all there troops to the Kurdish section and put Kirkuk and Mosul under joint U.S Kurdish control. There would be barely any U.S Casualties. All the Kurds support America. The U.S troops wouldn't have to worry about being shot in the back, like whats happening in Bagdad and the Shiite section.
40 percent of the oil is in Kirkuk and Mosul.
4 posted on 02/09/2004 3:06:13 PM PST by Blue87
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To: Malesherbes
Thanks. I didn't know that. I agree with you 100%.
5 posted on 02/09/2004 4:24:30 PM PST by gcruse (
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To: Malesherbes
In three pieces the Sunnis get no oil, if I recall the geography correctly.
6 posted on 02/09/2004 4:25:36 PM PST by Ingtar (Understanding is a three-edged sword : your side, my side, and the truth in between ." -- Kosh)
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To: Blue87
Food for thought Bump.
7 posted on 02/09/2004 4:27:18 PM PST by DoctorMichael (Thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.)
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To: DoctorMichael
Turkey promised to invade if this happens.
8 posted on 02/09/2004 5:02:04 PM PST by WVNan
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To: WVNan
I'm well aware of that.

I am also aware they promised us access to Iraq via Turkey before this war and then couldn't get the wackjobs in their Parliament to go along. This alone should get us to stand up and take notice of their wishes {/sarcasm}.

9 posted on 02/09/2004 5:09:57 PM PST by DoctorMichael (Thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.)
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