Industrial employment is dropping WORLDWIDE (in Brazil, Mexico and most of Asia) due to higher worker productivity and automation. This is a fact of life that aint gonna change for you LUDDITES!
Homelessness and starvation are facts of life, too. Most humans can starve far more quickly than they can master robot repair. A starving man will kill a fat man for his marbled meat, even though the fat man may dangle a hands free vacuum cleaner in front of him and insist that the starving man may purchase it much more cheaply now.
Of course the more likely scenario is for fat men to simply pay more in taxes to fund more government protection from the angry skinny guys. Government sponsored blackmail (socialism).
Another alternative is to simply disenfranchise the jobless, and send wackenhut troops door to door to remove any guns that the un-incorporated may harbor, and not worry about it. (fascism)
Either way, it's the death of the Republic.