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To: gubamyster
2 posted on
02/02/2004 9:10:20 AM PST by
Marine Inspector
(Tancredo for President 2004 / Russell Pearce for Congress 2004)
To: Marine Inspector
catch and release
what fun
an illegal alien rape suspect WALKED away from a dentention center in Central Texas.. I wonder if people care?
3 posted on
02/02/2004 9:11:58 AM PST by
( ............... Support a FReeper for Congress)
To: Marine Inspector
Catch & Release. What's the bag limit??
4 posted on
02/02/2004 9:13:44 AM PST by
(Combat Apple '69)
To: *immigrant_list; A Navy Vet; Lion Den Dan; Free the USA; Libertarianize the GOP; madfly; B4Ranch; ..
To: Marine Inspector
6 posted on
02/02/2004 9:16:52 AM PST by
(Folks who deny the President's proposal is an amnesty are being intellectually dishonest.)
To: Marine Inspector
It's a complete farce," Jernigan says. "It tells me that our doors are wide open for anyone to come in."Just the way our farcical little man in the White House wants it.
7 posted on
02/02/2004 9:19:27 AM PST by
(No to Amnesty. No to Merger with Mexico.)
To: Marine Inspector
If we get hit again, and they came over the MX or CA border, our government leaders should be tried for treason. All of them.
8 posted on
02/02/2004 9:23:33 AM PST by
To: Marine Inspector
I think this is good example of the reason that illegals have to be stopped BEFORE they cross the border: Land mines and concertina wire from the Gulf to the Pacific and "Survivors will be shot again" signs.
At the very least, why can't we dump 'em back in Mexico where they started? Seems Mexico has better immigration enforcement than we do...
To bad nobody has the guts to do what needs to be to done.
9 posted on
02/02/2004 9:26:46 AM PST by
Little Ray
(Why settle for a Lesser Evil? Vote Cthuhlu for President!)
To: Marine Inspector
The idiocy continues.
10 posted on
02/02/2004 9:27:08 AM PST by
(Flood waters rising, heading for more conservative ground. Write in Tancredo in 04'!)
To: Marine Inspector
Insanity rules.
To: Marine Inspector
The pandering politicians are making a mockery of American law for the sake of votes. What a disgusting situation. I guess American citizens are the only ones who have to obey the laws, hundreds of new ones every year enacted by the people who sit and plan how to squeeze even more money from citizens.
12 posted on
02/02/2004 9:35:11 AM PST by
(WANTED: A President Who Will Enforce Immigration Laws)
To: Marine Inspector
The Border Patrol is considering a similar logo.
13 posted on
02/02/2004 9:40:00 AM PST by
("It is as it was." JPII)
To: Marine Inspector
"OTMs" - Other than Mexican Sorry, I can't resist...
16 posted on
02/02/2004 10:10:27 AM PST by
(McClintock - In Your Heart, You Know He's Right)
To: Marine Inspector
No foreign aid, trade, or diplomatic relations with countries who refuse to take their citizens back. Mucho Arms sales to bordering nations who are unfriendly to them until they reconsider.
Invasion is a hostile act. We would be within our rights to instigate a regime change.
20 posted on
02/02/2004 10:26:53 AM PST by
To: Marine Inspector
pathetic, why not just send border patrol home and give them their paychecks to sit there?
22 posted on
02/02/2004 10:54:23 AM PST by
To: Marine Inspector; gubamyster; Pro-Bush; FairOpinion; FITZ; moehoward; Nea Wood; Joe Hadenuf; ...
23 posted on
02/02/2004 11:20:13 AM PST by
(Register Republican and Write-In Tom Tancredo in March)
To: Marine Inspector; keri; international american; Kay Soze; jpsb; Capitalist Eric; hershey; ...
"Thousands of illegal immigrants, mostly from Central and South America, are being released into the USA almost immediately after they are picked up by the Border Patrol as part of a policy that U.S. officials acknowledge represents a significant gap in homeland security. The treatment of illegal immigrants from Mexico has not changed. U.S. Border Patrol agents continue to catch and deport waves of Mexican illegals, who last year accounted for most of the 905,000 people caught sneaking into the USA along the 2,000-mile Southwestern border."
At one point in time within the past decade there was a war over the Mexican-American Border.
Mexico won.
The terms of surrender are being worked out between George Bush and Vincent Fox and are time-sensitive with a release date expected to be mid November, 2004.
The conditions of surrender will be published first in the Mexican media, to be followed by a short announcement from a yet to be determined Vincent Fox-appointed official to advise the former American citizens that there is no calm for alarm - Viva La Mexico!
27 posted on
02/02/2004 12:45:54 PM PST by
(U.S. borders - Controlled by CORRUPT Politicians and Slave-Labor Employers)
To: Marine Inspector
It's time to unleash the states. If the feds don't want to do their job, then it's time to allow the states full authority to set and enforce punishments for illegal aliens caught within their borders.
Actually, no, scratch that. The states should just assert that authority regardless, pursuant to the 10th amendment.
29 posted on
02/02/2004 12:53:42 PM PST by
(The only problem with partisanship is that it leads to bipartisanship)
To: Marine Inspector
"Thousands of illegal immigrants, mostly from Central and South America, are being released into the USA almost immediately after they are picked up by the Border Patrol as part of a policy that U.S. officials acknowledge represents a significant gap in homeland security."I know I know Reagan did the same.
But that was PRIOR to 9/11!
All is well... all is great...beep.
33 posted on
02/02/2004 1:42:52 PM PST by
Kay Soze
("If you act like a liberal to get Democrat votes, you can't do something conservative when you win")
To: Marine Inspector
You do realize that by posting news articles you are helping a ....
never mind!
How about those Patriots?
Did ya see the half time show?
34 posted on
02/02/2004 1:44:18 PM PST by
Kay Soze
("If you act like a liberal to get Democrat votes, you can't do something conservative when you win")
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