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Border Patrol catches, then releases, illegals
USA Today ^
| 02/02/2004
| Kevin Johnson
Posted on 02/02/2004 9:09:37 AM PST by Marine Inspector
Edited on 04/13/2004 1:41:46 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
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Comment #61 Removed by Moderator
To: NewRomeTacitus
Or you can go low tech historical with your idea.
In the post civil war years cavalry deserters from the western territory posts would receive as the last act of being drummed out a great big D branded on their forehead with a hot iron .
posted on
02/02/2004 8:54:04 PM PST
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: cum_grano_salis
Ha (choke) haaack! (oh great, another hair ball)
We're not talking Soylant Green here. Or Soylant Gringo for that matter.
posted on
02/02/2004 8:58:29 PM PST
(Why can't you people speak Spanish like you're expected to?)
To: Marine Inspector
The result: With no place to put thousands of captured illegals from Central and South America, the Border Patrol has begun releasing them after giving them written orders to appear at deportation hearings in nearby U.S. cities. Immigration officials acknowledge the exercise is futile: About 86% of those issued such notices never show up for the court hearings. This would make me laugh out loud if it weren't so serious. These are the actions of a nation that has given up policing itself. What aterrible security and potentially criminal risk this policy is.
To: SandRat
In Tennessee History class I learned that 2nd-time losers had the letters H and T branded on their cheeks for stealing horses. The guys with P ant T brands were the un-kosher sub-class that probably just shriveled up and died of shame. They even nailed peoples ears to posts while the people were still attached to them in the public squares.
Kind of puts a different perspective on the recent uproar over what our children are exposed to.
posted on
02/02/2004 9:07:46 PM PST
(Why can't you people speak Spanish like you're expected to?)
To: NewRomeTacitus
Have you ever seen the post punishment for a barracks thief? They: 1 had to wear a sign around their neck proclaiming them as a thief, 2 sit astride an inverted V shaped "horse" that was high enough to keep the thief's feet at least 3 foot above ground, 3 would have weights tied to their ankles, and four have to endure this from sun up to sun down for an entire day. No one wanted to ride the mare as this form of punishment was unaffectionately known.
posted on
02/02/2004 9:18:27 PM PST
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
You've made me tear up, wishing for a return of punishments designed to suit the crimes and actually reform criminals.
Heaven forbid we return to anything so outlandishly sensible today.
Trial lawyers and special interest groups have degraded what was a legal system into a farce. I'm not calling for extremism like the Saudi's practice, just a return of justice to judicial proceedings. Just because the woman is blindfolded doesn't mean she can be thrown down and raped.
posted on
02/02/2004 9:49:38 PM PST
(Just because my tagline's interchangable doesn't mean you can do it.)
To: JustPiper
posted on
02/03/2004 12:52:35 AM PST
(Heads up...We're coming and we've got tongue blades!!)
To: NewRomeTacitus
Trial lawyers and special interest groups have degraded what was a legal system into a farce. I'm not calling for extremism like the Saudi's practice, just a return of justice to judicial proceedings.
How about we just bring back old fashion dueling with swords (made of modern lighter and stronger materials) and call it a day.
posted on
02/03/2004 1:07:20 AM PST
Paul C. Jesup
(Voting for a lesser evil is still an evil act and therefore evil...)
To: NewRomeTacitus
On the up side a return of the Stocks and the Pillory for public humiliation and punishment would be nice.
posted on
02/03/2004 4:32:10 AM PST
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: Paul C. Jesup
Dueling went out due to the fact that vile and evil men usually spent little time practicing or seeing to physical fitness (my theory, anyway). This led to "Seconds", who evolved into "Trial Lawyers". I think the next step down this ladder of de-evolution would be Democrat congressmen, who's shining example of cowardice and deceit would have to be one Theodore Kennedy, who would last roughly seven or eight minutes if left alone in the company of real men in Ireland.
It can be argued that the practice of dueling minimized every blood-line in Europe that ever possessed the qualities of courage and honor, France suffering the brunt of this. The toll was so great that all that remained were cheese-sucking cynics who shared a fear of hygeine.
To: NewRomeTacitus
Don't kid yourself, lawyers been around since the time of Ancient Greece.
posted on
02/03/2004 8:24:53 AM PST
Paul C. Jesup
(Voting for a lesser evil is still an evil act and therefore evil...)
To: Marine Inspector
I'll bet half of these OTMs are Mexicans. All they have to do is learn to sing the national anthem of
Quatamala or Chile.
Bush has really made the Border Patrol into a joke.
posted on
02/03/2004 8:36:54 AM PST
(a "has-been" Republican)
To: texastoo
I'll bet half of these OTMs are Mexicans. Actually, its the other way around. The Mexicans will not claim to be an OTM, because they get locked up and wait in jail for a few days. By that time, its discovered that they are Mexican.
The OTMs claim to be Mexicans, so they can get a free ride to Mexico and try to enter again.
Marine Inspector
posted on
02/03/2004 9:19:29 AM PST
Marine Inspector
(Tancredo for President 2004 / Russell Pearce for Congress 2004)
To: Marine Inspector
LOL! That is interesting. I would have thought the other way around.
However, what is to stop th Border Patrol from returning them all across the border? After all that is where they came from. Maybe, the "don't ask, don't tell" policy would work here.
posted on
02/03/2004 10:01:35 AM PST
(a "has-been" Republican)
To: texastoo
what is to stop th Border Patrol from returning them all across the border? Our laws and the Mexican immigration officials. If they find out they are OTMs they wont let them be released into Mexico.
Marine Inspector
posted on
02/03/2004 3:29:04 PM PST
Marine Inspector
(Tancredo for President 2004 / Russell Pearce for Congress 2004)
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