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CA Adwatch: Marín radio ad introduces her to GOP voters
Sac Bee ^
| 1/31/04
| Adwatch
Posted on 01/31/2004 3:26:15 PM PST by NormsRevenge
Edited on 04/12/2004 6:04:59 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
A new 60-second radio advertisement paid for by Rosario Mar
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: 2004; ads; calgov2002; electability; electionussenate; gopveters; introduces; radioad; rosariomarin
To: *calgov2002
posted on
01/31/2004 3:26:36 PM PST
(Semper Fi Mac ...... /~normsrevenge - FoR California Propositions/Initiatives info...)
To: NormsRevenge
She would be tons better than Barbara Boxer. But I think Bill Jones is a better choice in the primary.
posted on
01/31/2004 3:33:33 PM PST
To: JohnnyZ
She called me yesterday with a prerecorded message. It sounded like she was against illegals and allowing them to drive.
posted on
01/31/2004 4:09:08 PM PST
Uncle Hal
To: Uncle Hal
It sounded like she was against illegals and allowing them to drive. Before you fall pray to her ads and the hoard of Republican loyalists who will swarm onto this forum in about 2 weeks, take the time to investigate her record in Huntington Park and as Secretary of The Treasury with regard to her attitudes about immigration in general and illegal immigrants in particular.
A little bit of knowledge is a powerful weapon when the mob is at your door.
To: NormsRevenge
So Rosario Marin is aligning herself with Bush. If that's the case, there's no way in hell I'll vote for her. America does not need another RINO who will just rubber-stamp Bush's liberal agenda.
To: JohnnyZ
At least we know where she is on issues.
Better than Bill Jones who says one thing, then stabs us in the back when push comes to shove.
He backstabbed Ross Johnson for Caucus Leader. He led the fight in the legislature for Pete Wilson's tax increases. He supports open primaries. And he stabbed George W in the back.
Bill Jones. Bad for Conservatives. Bad for Republicans. Bad for California.
posted on
01/31/2004 8:43:51 PM PST
To: NormsRevenge
She supports Bushes amnesty for illegal aliens. Enough said.
posted on
01/31/2004 11:05:29 PM PST
Be active
To: NormsRevenge
I've heard the ad twice, and it's good. But I fail to see why I shouldn't vote for Kaloogian and then, if Marin still wins the primary, just vote for her later in the general election.
posted on
02/03/2004 3:39:27 PM PST
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