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AQ THREAT THEAD #2 INDEX (Posts #3001 - #4000)

Alalog: #3300, #3386, #3412
Al Aqsa: #3887
Al Qaeda - threat behind cancelled flights: #3116
- involved in OKC bombing: #3461
- looking for blonde recruits in the Balkans: #3809, #3869
Al-Zawahiri, Ayman: #3029
Air France - cancelled flights to US (Wash. & Philadelphia): #3049, #3096, #3098, #3125, #3135, #3147, #3157
- tracking flights: #3405, #3407, #3411, #3420, #3430, #3434, #3438, #3443, #3458
Anthrax - in Canadian cattle? #3649

Bangladesh - mystery disease kills 14: #3483, #3522
Bin Laden - his tape to be released by 2/2? #3061
- Karzai says he’s alive & may be in Afghanistan: #3127, #3144, #3149, #3411
- his purchase of nuclear material: #3588, #3615
- his reaction to 9/11: #3675, #3678, #3686, #3694
- theory re: his plans in the ME: #3707, #3710, #3851
Bioattack theories: #3057, #3169, #3345, #3668, #3681, #3689, #3696, #3697, #3702, #3703, #3714, #3846, #3850, #3901, #3922, #3926, #3927, #3934, #3980
- detection: #3446, #3841
Bird flu - possible human relay: #3856
British Airways - 3/5 flights from London to DC & Miami cancelled for security reasons: #3005, #3008, #3015, #3016, #3019, #3037, #3043, #3085, #3098, #3125, #3135, #3147, #3157, #3158, #3215
- tracking flights: #3389, #3393, #3401, #3405, #3420, #3443
- cancellation of BA223 associated w/ UN resolution? #3549, #3553, #3845
Brooklyn cop dies chasing suspect: #3826

Call to prayers: #3362, #3369, #3370, #3377, #3385, #3387, #3450
Cargo plane theories: #3853, #3908
Carnegie-Mellon students become ill: #3243
- UNC students w/ same symptoms: #3269, #3274
- MD student from HI ill: #3770, #3860
Castro - postings from Omar Abdullah: #3367
Chem. Plant (BASF) guard shot: police look for suspects, FBI still doubts story: #3151, #3435
Chicago - police warn parents about drug-laced candy: #3462, #3757
Cindy’s links: #3367, #3544, #3566, #3592, #3609, #3642, #3729, #3737, #3794, #3801, #3808, #3809, #3811, #3813, #3818, #3819, #3827, #3951, #3956, #3958
CNV2 posting banning EOM: #3780, #3781, #3783, #3849, #3862
Cold War: #3002, #3003
Computer bugs/viruses: #3502, #3529, #3659
- advice: #3525, #3526, #3529, #3541, #3547
Congress - working on legislation to change election cycle: #3074, #3079, #3211
Continental flight cancellation: #3464, #3465, #3472, #3476, #3484, #3924, #3944, #3970
- due to radiological concerns: #3487, #3530
“Countdown clock”: #3038, #3112, #3115, #3409
- link: #3427, #3618

Daleel Almojahid - 1/28 post/files: #3403
- 1/31 post re: period of silence: #3403, #3523
- posting again: #3739
Death of another scientist: #3276, #3469

Economic impact of terror threats: #3133, #3146, #3155, #3163, #3200
Eid, feast of: #3195, #3322, #3359, #3371, #3374, #3378, #3381, #3470
EOM - Feb. 1 post re: Death to Amerikkka: #3918, #3941
- other posts: #3940
- pre-9/11 warning archived: #3975, #3995
- latest posting: #3986, #3989, #3997, #3999, #4000
Explosion in PA @ propane plant may have been caused by cell phone: #3165

Falcons - use in bio-attacks: #3689, #3711*(links), #3714, #3728 (links)
FBI - raids on Infocom, a Muslim web hosting co. in 2001: #3879 (see WTC connection)
- website link: #3956
- tips concerning strange occurrences: #3971, #3987, #3993
Feb. 1 timeline references: #3586
Flight tracker link: #3395, #3445
Flu - MD student from Hawaii dies of “flu-like symptoms”: #3059
France - sympathetic to AQ? #3035

Guantanamo Bay - drill focuses on AQ attack: #3363, #3811, #3815

Hajj: #3172, #3319, #3322
- 244 Muslims die in stampede: #3883
Houston - attack theories: #3259, #3261

Illegal immigration - 3 aliens carjack SUV, caught quickly by Border Patrol: #3045
- ongoing thread: #3055
- alien involved in murder of TN DMV worker had visited WTC prior to 9/11: see WTC
Index - AQ Threat Thread #2 (Posts #2001 - #3000): #3279
Iran - Pres. Khatami in hospital: #3207, #3208, #3262
- reformers resign to protest election bans: #3795, #3872
- hosting leading terrorist groups @ a conference next week: #3808, #3867
Iraq - 2 large explosions in Baghdad: #3583
- suicide attacks in Irbil: #3887
Ireland - 2 foreigners held in terror probe: #3205
Islam - & threats to Christians in Iraq: #3134
- the ultimate goal of radicals: #3148, #3191, #3354
- MEMRI report: contemporary ideology now approving genocidal murder: #3247
- roots: #3329
Israel - forces enter Jericho, kill members of Al Aqsa: #3887

Jihad websites: #3873
- posting theories: #3034, #3932
- posting re: Day of Sacrifice: #3212, #3218
- posting from 6/26/03: #3300
- the next hit on America: biological? #3345
- posting on ItsHappening re: assassination of ME leaders: #3517
- links: #3813
- latest posting re: imminent attack: #3830, #3877, #3886, #3892, #3947, #3957, #3972
- & another: #3874
- posting taking responsibility for Kurdish attack: #3920
- rap video: #3968, #3992

Khabab, Abu: #3588, #3615, #3876

Langley-Portar: #3806
Links of Interest: #3958

Media - dinner w/ Ridge re: coverage of next terror attack: #3355
- downplaying threats so as not to alarm the sheeple? #3536, #3898, #3921, #3966
Mortar attack theory: #3828, #3829, #3839, #3894
Mt. Weather: #3452
Mubarak - mentioned in jihadi posting? #3174
- is an Arabic greeting: #3206
- threatened in Arabic posting: #3454, #3573
Muslims - prisoners in Gitmo (links): #3367

NEIN - 1/31 threat matrix: #3408, #3409 (link), #3878
- jihad posting: #3469
Nuclear attack - theories: #3062, #3428, #3433, #3442, #3523, #3533, #3535, #3537, #3540
- detonation pic: #3351
- detection: #3446
- threat to be smuggled on board flights: #3506, #3518
- nuclear warhead (link): #3538
- detection squad: #3542, #3550, #3709
- radiation detectors: #3610, #3611, #3672, #3832, #3841, #3844
- triggers: #3617, #3688, #3716

Ohio sniper - threatening call: #3495, #3556, #3559, #3562, #3566, #3587
- complete coverage link: #3827
OKC bombing - ex-Congressman’s home raided for evidence: #3928 (see also AQ connection)

Pakistan - founder of nuclear program removed from gov’t. advisory position amid probe: #3021, #3126
- Khan now under house arrest: #3417
- US planning “spring offensive”: #3394
- extremists a top terror threat: #3904
Phone systems - Call blocking/tracing: #3514, #3524, #3769, #3776
- technical: #3786, #3797, #3802, #3805
Plane - crash into ocean @ Port of LA; no plane missing from local airports: #3414, #3515, #3756, #3847, #3882
- F-16s divert small plane as Bush leaves Philly: #3516, #3767
- suspicious passenger comes to attention of air marshals: #3701, #3720, #3744
- wheel well stowaways: #3784, #3789, #3796, #3864, #3876
- American Eagle flight diverted to Dulles Sat. : #3897
Primasheet: #3865
Prophecies: #3719, #3732

QM2: #3328, #3331, #3342, #3532

Reid, Richard: #3421
Rewards for Justice - link: #3956
Russia - holding nuclear exercise: #3003, #3117, #3119
- & AQ? #3029
- bomb found in Moscow: #3130
- links: #3256

Saddam - his oil bribes; the complete al-Mada list: #3095
- Bremer says he’s to be handed over to a special court: #3139
- pic: #3152
- useful in US interrogation: #3885
Saudi Arabia - time zone: #3201
- extremists a top terror threat: #3904
Seattle - high alert: #3546, #3782, #3785, #3799
- Somali cab driver found slain: #3801, #3803
- Sea/Tac screener’s letter prompts federal probe: #3801
September 11, 2001: Attack on America -link: #3607
Shoulder-fired missile threat: #3111
SPETSNAZ: #3291, #3496
Spirit of Truth: #3427, #3544
Star Alliance: #3943, #3945
Stock market indicators: #3489, #3859
Suitcase nukes: #3030, #3337, #3600, #3670,
- Lockerbie explosion: #3881
Super Bowl - security concerns: #3250, #3275, #3309
- “no fly” zone: #3392, #3545
- terror threats theories: #3251, #3258, #3260, #3263, #3270, #3273, #3282, #3419, #3857
- game time: #3486
- 4 men try to use expired passes to enter stadium: #3818 (also see: Mortar attack theory), #3842, #3900, #3912, #3916, #3950
- 2 shot downtown during festivities: #3819
- Reliant Park: #3823, #3894
Survival tips - for upset stomach: #3086, #3089, #3105
- Nukalert: #3442, #3844

Tahiya: #3450
Taliban - chief Mullah Omar threatens US-led Afghan gov’t. for destroying Islamic values: #3144
Taliya - links: #3642
TERROR - threat alert level: #3039, #3081, #3173, #3234, #3425, #3551, #3782
- DHS receives new threats on planes to be hijacked (Air France & British Airways): #3014, #3018, #3224, #3298, #3884, #3895
- flights cancelled on advise of UK intel: #3224, #3298
- flights cancelled based on re-examining holiday threats & new intel: #3250, #3298
- flights cancelled due to WMD threat: #3663, #3852, #3853, #3854, #3936
- specifics on cancelled flights: #3565, #3857
- air attack theories: #3022, #3024, #3025, #3030, #3033, #3099, #3101, #3102, #3104, #3110, #3111, #3118, #3120 - #3123, #3133, #3143, #3146, #3148, #3155, #3161*, #3168, #3180, #3181, #3222, #3266*, #3268, #3402, #3436, #3717, #3721
- more flights may be cancelled; radiological concerns: #3166, #3168, #3176, #3177, #3179, #3189, #3223, #3224, #3232, #3242, #3306, #3307, #3506*
- radiological theories: #3216, #3225*, #3240, #3251, #3254, #3257, #3280, #3317, #3789
- target cities: NY, Newark, DC, Miami, Las Vegas, Houston, LA
- the next hit on America: biological - Arabic forum postings: #3345
- general attack theories: #3362, #3519, #3539, #3576, #3577, #3725
- holiday flight cancellations included AeroMexico: #3364
- sea infiltration: #3496
- Somalian man held in Detroit as terror suspect: #3580, #3582, #3584, #3592, #3624, #3633
- Somalian from Canada held in MN as terror suspect: #3639, #3641
- Somalian Omar Abdi Mohamed, terrorist banker, slips out of Australia: #3691, #3737
- illegal aliens/several cos. investigated for terror ties & WTC visit prior to 9/11?:#3589, #3591, #3599, #3863, #3875 -see also WTC
The 300: #3982, #3988

UNC/Chapel Hill - still unsure what made students sick: #3274

Virgin Atlantic - flight to NY turns back after burning smell detected: #3044, #3078, #3170, #3188, #3302

WTC - terrorist involved in TN DMV scandal/murder had worked on sprinklers prior to 9/11: #3599, #3604, #3607, #3612, #3619, #3620, #3622, #3625, #3631, #3634 (link), #3636, #3643, #3644, #3645, #3654, #3662*, #3863, #3875, #3879
- controlled demolition? #3644, #3645, #3652, #3655, #3656, #3666, #3669, #3678, #3742
- banning of poster “honway”: #3629, #3638, #3647, #3648, #3651, #3653, #3657, #3658, #3660, #3661, #3665, #3834, #3909
4,058 posted on 02/01/2004 11:24:12 AM PST by liberallyconservative
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To: liberallyconservative; All
That index would be a lot more useful with actual links to the posts instead of just numbers, so allow me:

AQ THREAT THEAD #2 IN DEX (Posts #3001 - #4000 )

Alalog: #3300 , #3386 , #3412
Al Aqsa: #3887
Al Qaeda - threat behind cancelled flights: #3116
- involved in OKC bombing: #3461
- looking for blonde recruits in the Balkans: #3809 , #3869
Al-Zawahiri, Ayman: #3029
Air France - cancelled flights to US (Wash. & Philadelphia): #3049 , #3096 , #3098 , #3125 , #3135 , #3147 , #3157
- tracking flights: #3405 , #3407 , #3411 , #3420 , #3430 , #3434 , #3438 , #3443 , #3458
Anthrax - in Canadian cattle? #3649

Bangladesh - mystery disease kills 14: #3483 , #3522
Bin Laden - his tape to be released by 2/2? #3061
- Karzai says he’ s alive & may be in Afghanistan: #3127 , #3144 , #3149 , #3411
- his purchase of nuclear material: #3588 , #3615
- his reaction to 9/11: #3675 , #3678 , #3686 , #3694
- theory re: his plans in the ME: #3707 , #3710 , #3851
Bioattack theories: #3057 , #3169 , #3345 , #3668 , #3681 , #3689 , #3696 , #3697 , #3702 , #3703 , #3714 , #3846 , #3850 , #3901 , #3922 , #3926 , #3927 , #3934 , #3980
- detection: #3446 , #3841
Bird flu - possible human relay: #3856
British Airways - 3/5 flights from London to DC & Miami cancelled for security reasons: #3005 , #3008 , #3015 , #3016 , #3019 , #3037 , #3043 , #3085 , #3098 , #3125 , #3135 , #3147 , #3157 , #3158 , #3215
- tracking flights: #3389 , #3393 , #3401 , #3405 , #3420 , #3443
- cancellation of BA223 associated w/ UN resolution? #3549 , #3553 , #3845
Brooklyn cop dies chasing suspect: #3826

Call to prayers: #3362 , #3369 , #3370 , #3377 , #3385 , #3387 , #3450
Cargo plane theories: #3853 , #3908
Carnegie-Mellon students become ill: #3243
- UNC students w/ same symptoms: #3269 , #3274
- MD student from HI ill: #3770 , #3860
Castro - postings from Omar Abdullah: #3367
Chem. Plant (BASF) guard shot: police look for suspects, FBI still doubts story: #3151 , #3435
Chicago - police warn parents about drug-laced candy: #3462 , #3757
Cindy’ s links: #3367 , #3544 , #3566 , #3592 , #3609 , #3642 , #3729 , #3737 , #3794 , #3801 , #3808 , #3809 , #3811 , #3813 , #3818 , #3819 , #3827 , #3951 , #3956 , #3958
CNV2 posting banning EOM: #3780 , #3781 , #3783 , #3849 , #3862
Cold War: #3002 , #3003
Computer bugs/viruses: #3502 , #3529 , #3659
- advice: #3525 , #3526 , #3529 , #3541 , #3547
Congress - working on legislation to change election cycle: #3074 , #3079 , #3211
Continental flight cancellation: #3464 , #3465 , #3472 , #3476 , #3484 , #3924 , #3944 , #3970
- due to radiological concerns: #3487 , #3530
“ Countdown clock” : #3038 , #3112 , #3115 , #3409
- link: #3427 , #3618

Daleel Almojahid - 1/28 post/files: #3403
- 1/31 post re: period of silence: #3403 , #3523
- posting again: #3739
Death of another scientist: #3276 , #3469

Economic impact of terror threats: #3133 , #3146 , #3155 , #3163 , #3200
Eid, feast of: #3195 , #3322 , #3359 , #3371 , #3374 , #3378 , #3381 , #3470
EOM - Feb. 1 post re: Death to Amerikkka: #3918 , #3941
- other posts: #3940
- pre-9/11 warning archived: #3975 , #3995
- latest posting: #3986 , #3989 , #3997 , #3999 , #4000
Explosion in PA @ propane plant may have been caused by cell phone: #3165

Falcons - use in bio-attacks: #3689 , #3711 *(links), #3714 , #3728 (links)
FBI - raids on Infocom, a Muslim web hosting co. in 2001: #3879 (see WTC connection)
- website link: #3956
- tips concerning strange occurrences: #3971 , #3987 , #3993
Feb. 1 timeline references: #3586
Flight tracker link: #3395 , #3445
Flu - MD student from Hawaii dies of “ flu-like symptoms” : #3059
France - sympathetic to AQ? #3035

Guantanamo Bay - drill focuses on AQ attack: #3363 , #3811 , #3815

Hajj: #3172 , #3319 , #3322
- 244 Muslims die in stampede: #3883
Houston - attack theories: #3259 , #3261

Illegal immigration - 3 aliens carjack SUV, caught quickly by Border Patrol: #3045
- ongoing thread: #3055
- alien involved in murder of TN DMV worker had visited WTC prior to 9/11: see WTC
Index - AQ Threat Thread #2 (P osts #2001 - #3000 ): #3279
Iran - Pres. Khatami in hospital: #3207 , #3208 , #3262
- reformers resign to protest election bans: #3795 , #3872
- hosting leading terrorist groups @ a conference next week: #3808 , #3867
Iraq - 2 large explosions in Baghdad: #3583
- suicide attacks in Irbil: #3887
Ireland - 2 foreigners held in terror probe: #3205
Islam - & threats to Christians in Iraq: #3134
- the ultimate goal of radicals: #3148 , #3191 , #3354
- MEMRI report: contemporary ideology now approving genocidal murder: #3247
- roots: #3329
Israel - forces enter Jericho, kill members of Al Aqsa: #3887

Jihad websites: #3873
- posting theories: #3034 , #3932
- posting re: Day of Sacrifice: #3212 , #3218
- posting from 6/26/03: #3300
- the next hit on America: biological? #3345
- posting on ItsHappening re: assassination of ME leaders: #3517
- links: #3813
- latest posting re: imminent attack: #3830 , #3877 , #3886 , #3892 , #3947 , #3957 , #3972
- & another: #3874
- posting taking responsibility for Kurdish attack: #3920
- rap video: #3968 , #3992

Khabab, Abu: #3588 , #3615 , #3876

Langley-Portar: #3806
Links of Interest: #3958

Media - dinner w/ Ridge re: coverage of next terror attack: #3355
- downplaying threats so as not to alarm the sheeple? #3536 , #3898 , #3921 , #3966
Mortar attack theory: #3828 , #3829 , #3839 , #3894
Mt. Weather: #3452
Mubarak - mentioned in jihadi posting? #3174
- is an Arabic greeting: #3206
- threatened in Arabic posting: #3454 , #3573
Muslims - prisoners in Gitmo (links): #3367

NEIN - 1/31 threat matrix: #3408 , #3409 (link), #3878
- jihad posting: #3469
Nuclear attack - theories: #3062 , #3428 , #3433 , #3442 , #3523 , #3533 , #3535 , #3537 , #3540
- detonation pic: #3351
- detection: #3446
- threat to be smuggled on board flights: #3506 , #3518
- nuclear warhead (link): #3538
- detection squad: #3542 , #3550 , #3709
- radiation detectors: #3610 , #3611 , #3672 , #3832 , #3841 , #3844
- triggers: #3617 , #3688 , #3716

Ohio sniper - threatening call: #3495 , #3556 , #3559 , #3562 , #3566 , #3587
- complete coverage link: #3827
OKC bombing - ex-Congressman’ s home raided for evidence: #3928 (see also AQ connection)

Pakistan - founder of nuclear program removed from gov’ t. advisory position amid probe: #3021 , #3126
- Khan now under house arrest: #3417
- US planning “ spring offensive” : #3394
- extremists a top terror threat: #3904
Phone systems - Call blocking/tracing: #3514 , #3524 , #3769 , #3776
- technical: #3786 , #3797 , #3802 , #3805
Plane - crash into ocean @ Port of LA; no plane missing from local airports: #3414 , #3515 , #3756 , #3847 , #3882
- F-16s divert small plane as Bush leaves Philly: #3516 , #3767
- suspicious passenger comes to attention of air marshals: #3701 , #3720 , #3744
- wheel well stowaways: #3784 , #3789 , #3796 , #3864 , #3876
- American Eagle flight diverted to Dulles Sat. : #3897
Primasheet: #3865
Prophecies: #3719 , #3732

QM2: #3328 , #3331 , #3342 , #3532

Reid, Richard: #3421
Rewards for Justice - link: #3956
Russia - holding nuclear exercise: #3003 , #3117 , #3119
- & AQ? #3029
- bomb found in Moscow: #3130
- links: #3256

Saddam - his oil bribes; the complete al-Mada list: #3095
- Bremer says he’ s to be handed over to a special court: #3139
- pic: #3152
- useful in US interrogation: #3885
Saudi Arabia - time zone: #3201
- extremists a top terror threat: #3904
Seattle - high alert: #3546 , #3782 , #3785 , #3799
- Somali cab driver found slain: #3801 , #3803
- Sea/Tac screener’ s letter prompts federal probe: #3801
September 11, 2001: Attack on America -link: #3607
Shoulder-fired missile threat: #3111
SPETSNAZ: #3291 , #3496
Spirit of Truth: #3427 , #3544
Star Alliance: #3943 , #3945
Stock market indicators: #3489 , #3859
Suitcase nukes: #3030 , #3337 , #3600 , #3670 ,
- Lockerbie explosion: #3881
Super Bowl - security concerns: #3250 , #3275 , #3309
- “ no fly” zone: #3392 , #3545
- terror threats theories: #3251 , #3258 , #3260 , #3263 , #3270 , #3273 , #3282 , #3419 , #3857
- game time: #3486
- 4 men try to use expired passes to enter stadium: #3818 (also see: Mortar attack theory), #3842 , #3900 , #3912 , #3916 , #3950
- 2 shot downtown during festivities: #3819
- Reliant Park: #3823 , #3894
Survival tips - for upset stomach: #3086 , #3089 , #3105
- Nukalert: #3442 , #3844

Tahiya: #3450
Taliban - chief Mullah Omar threatens US-led Afghan gov’ t. for destroying Islamic values: #3144
Taliya - links: #3642
TERROR - threat alert level: #3039 , #3081 , #3173 , #3234 , #3425 , #3551 , #3782
- DHS receives new threats on planes to be hijacked (Air France & British Airways): #3014 , #3018 , #3224 , #3298 , #3884 , #3895
- flights cancelled on advise of UK intel: #3224 , #3298
- flights cancelled based on re-examining holiday threats & new intel: #3250 , #3298
- flights cancelled due to WMD threat: #3663 , #3852 , #3853 , #3854 , #3936
- specifics on cancelled flights: #3565 , #3857
- air attack theories: #3022 , #3024 , #3025 , #3030 , #3033 , #3099 , #3101 , #3102 , #3104 , #3110 , #3111 , #3118 , #3120 - #3123 , #3133 , #3143 , #3146 , #3148 , #3155 , #3161 *, #3168 , #3180 , #3181 , #3222 , #3266 *, #3268 , #3402 , #3436 , #3717 , #3721
- more flights may be cancelled; radiological concerns: #3166 , #3168 , #3176 , #3177 , #3179 , #3189 , #3223 , #3224 , #3232 , #3242 , #3306 , #3307 , #3506 *
- radiological theories: #3216 , #3225 *, #3240 , #3251 , #3254 , #3257 , #3280 , #3317 , #3789
- target cities: NY, Newark, DC, Miami, Las Vegas, Houston, LA
- the next hit on America: biological - Arabic forum postings: #3345
- general attack theories: #3362 , #3519 , #3539 , #3576 , #3577 , #3725
- holiday flight cancellations included AeroMexico: #3364
- sea infiltration: #3496
- Somalian man held in Detroit as terror suspect: #3580 , #3582 , #3584 , #3592 , #3624 , #3633
- Somalian from Canada held in MN as terror suspect: #3639 , #3641
- Somalian Omar Abdi Mohamed, terrorist banker, slips out of Australia: #3691 , #3737
- illegal aliens/several cos. investigated for terror ties & WTC visit prior to 9/11?:#3589 , #3591 , #3599 , #3863 , #3875 -see also WTC
The 300: #3982 , #3988

UNC/Chapel Hill - still unsure what made students sick: #3274

Virgin Atlantic - flight to NY turns back after burning smell detected: #3044 , #3078 , #3170 , #3188 , #3302

WTC - terrorist involved in TN DMV scandal/murder had worked on sprinklers prior to 9/11: #3599 , #3604 , #3607 , #3612 , #3619 , #3620 , #3622 , #3625 , #3631 , #3634 (link), #3636 , #3643 , #3644 , #3645 , #3654 , #3662 *, #3863 , #3875 , #3879
- controlled demolition? #3644 , #3645 , #3652 , #3655 , #3656 , #3666 , #3669 , #3678 , #3742
- banning of poster “ honway” : #3629 , #3638 , #3647 , #3648 , #3651 , #3653 , #3657 , #3658 , #3660 , #3661 , #3665 , #3834 , #3909

4,087 posted on 02/01/2004 12:39:45 PM PST by Ichneumon
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To: liberallyconservative
Thank you! The index is wonderful and represents a lot of work. It is much appreciated and invaluable for catching up.
4,705 posted on 02/01/2004 10:43:22 PM PST by windchime (Podesta about Bush: "He's got four years to try to undo all the stuff we've done." (TIME-1/22/01))
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