To: Tacis
Edwards is not running for re-election. (He would lose anyway.) I don't think Kerry's seat is up in 2004. The Dems don't need the South, they need Florida. If I were Kerry, I'd pick Bob Graham for Veep. Plus, as much as Edwards is holding back on negativity, it'll get nasty if this lasts too long.
3 posted on
01/24/2004 1:43:08 PM PST by
To: AmishDude
{If I were Kerry, I'd pick Bob Graham for Veep.}
Agreed. I was surprised how little traction Graham's White House run got. Graham's experience makes him a far more credible VP than Edwards. Graham is a 2-term Governor, 3-term Senator, and served on the Intelligence committee. But most of all, Graham on the VP could put FL in play for the RATS.
10 posted on
01/24/2004 2:02:05 PM PST by
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