To: AmishDude
{If I were Kerry, I'd pick Bob Graham for Veep.}
Agreed. I was surprised how little traction Graham's White House run got. Graham's experience makes him a far more credible VP than Edwards. Graham is a 2-term Governor, 3-term Senator, and served on the Intelligence committee. But most of all, Graham on the VP could put FL in play for the RATS.
10 posted on
01/24/2004 2:02:05 PM PST by
To: Kuksool
The perfect ticket from the Dems would be Dean/Graham.
You could call it the "double dementio' ticket.
16 posted on
01/24/2004 4:55:53 PM PST by
To: Kuksool
Does the fact that Graham is a certifiable nutjob have anything to do with his not getting far? Please, please, let's hear more about the "diaries"! Come to think of it, they're ALL idiots, stupid, arrogant, and completely void of new ideas. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson