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Last Copter Out of Baghdad: Bush Flees Iraq Mess On The Campaign Express
Village Voice ^ | January 14 - 20, 2004 | Rick Perlstein

Posted on 01/13/2004 11:11:20 AM PST by dead

George Bush is selling out Iraq. Gone are his hard-liners' dreams of setting up a peaceful, prosperous, and democratic republic, a light unto the Middle Eastern nations. The decision makers in the administration now realize these goals are unreachable. So they've set a new goal: to end the occupation by July 1, whether that occupation has accomplished anything valuable and lasting or not. Just declare victory and go home. The tyranny of Saddam Hussein will be over. But a new tyranny will likely take its place: the tyranny of civil war, as rival factions rush into the void. Such is the mess this president seems willing to leave behind in order to save his campaign.

"The Bush game plan is to have pictures of some U.S. troops leaving and the Iraqis opening their own government, the U.S. having presided over the birth of this new embryonic democracy," observes former Clinton White House adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The problem is, there will be no Iraqi democracy. There might not even be a viable Iraqi government. Instead, Baghdad will become Beirut: Iraq's three major religious and ethnic groups, the Sunnis, the Shiites, and the Kurds, will consolidate their respective positions in the center, south, and north of the country, recruit their militias, and get down to fighting for control of the power vacuum that is the post-war "peace."

Once again, as so often in these last few months, an analogy is Vietnam. And, as so often in the last three years, the analogous president is Nixon.


In 1975, President Gerald Ford, setting out to bind up the wounds of a nation divided by Vietnam, read these words drafted by a speechwriter for an address to Congress:

"And after years of effort, we negotiated a settlement which made it possible for us to remove our military forces with honor." Then he crossed out "with honor." There was nothing honorable about the way his predecessor had ended the Vietnam War, Gerald Ford knew. Instead, Richard Nixon had negotiated a settlement that made two things a near certainty. The first was his own landslide re-election. The second was the imminent collapse, through civil war, of the very Saigon government we were supposedly at war to save.

Why were we in Vietnam? To hold off the Communists in their march to take over the world, they said. But that became less tenable as it grew evident that the two great Communist powers were more interested in fighting each other than conquering anyone else. To save an ally, South Vietnam, from invasion by a Communist enemy, North Vietnam, they said—but that explanation wore thin as it grew evident that the South Vietnamese were not working particularly hard to save themselves.

The war was already very unpopular, its prospects none too promising, when Nixon became president in 1969. It had only gotten worse by 1971, when Nixon began thinking hard about re-election. As with Bush recently, his approval rating in the middle of that year was around 50 percent; without at least appearing to quell the bloodshed, he couldn't get re-elected. But failure—a North Vietnamese takeover—could only be held off by continuing to kill. And failure would render Nixon the first American president to lose a war.

The solution he hit upon was to change the definition of "failure," to move the goal line.

The word victory was banned from all White House discussion, in favor of the bland substitute "peace with honor"—repeated more and more mellifluously, with each passing month systematically emptied of actual meaning. By late 1971, the phrase signified nothing more than an absence of U.S. troops on the ground and the freeing of American prisoners of war. "Following the President's lead," Nixon's shrewdest historian, Jonathan Schell, has written, "people began to speak as though the North Vietnamese had kidnapped four hundred Americans and the United States had gone to war to retrieve them."

Secretly, and behind the back of the South Vietnamese government, Nixon's emissary, Henry Kissinger, negotiated a face-saving exit with the enemy, one that let the enemy keep troops in South Vietnam—guaranteeing South Vietnamese collapse. Publicly we proclaimed the fiction that our allies were strong enough to get along without us. Actually, Nixon and Kissinger knew they could only hold on long enough for the American people to forget about them. On October 26, 1972, Henry Kissinger announced that negotiations had succeeded, that "peace is at hand." On November 7, Richard Nixon won his 49 states against the Democrat, George McGovern. A weary nation had proved perfectly willing to acquiesce in a political swindle. Nixon had moved the goalpost to the 50-yard line, then awarded himself a touchdown.


Things move quicker in Iraq—"Vietnam on crack," as one columnist has described it. With breathtaking speed, the liberators have been tarred as home-invading thugs.

In one mid-December briefing, the Coalition Provisional Authority boasted that 24 hours of raids on 1,620 suspected rebel hideouts yielded 107 arrests—a success rate, 7 percent, of the sort that once turned South Vietnamese peasants into Vietcong insurgents.

The insurgent war of attrition against American soldiers has gotten very desperate, very fast, the latest sign being a number of downed helicopters; eyewitnesses say Thursday's crash south of Fallujah, killing nine, was the result of a missile strike—as was the crash in November that killed 16. A mortar strike on a base Wednesday killed one and wounded 30. The American death toll in Iraq approaches 500; the number of medical evacuations, as of mid December, is 10,854, most not reflected on the Pentagon's website.

Once again a war has gone wrong, and the denouement still must be leveraged for maximum political advantage—or at least to minimum disadvantage. A scary story must be capped off with a happy ending. And for that reason, the Bush administration must make sure certain things are forgotten: namely, the aims it said we were going to war for in the first place. George Bush must keep on moving the goal line, as he has ever since this war's beginning.

Why are we in Iraq? The notion of an imminent threat from Saddam's weapons of mass destruction washed out with the tide. We hear less, too, about making Americans safer from terrorism; the threat level as of this writing has only lately been lowered from orange, a degree of warning that, the Department of Homeland Security informs us, calls for "taking additional precautions at public events and possibly considering alternative venues or even cancellation." (Have fun at the Super Bowl.) And no one in power wants to talk about all the Middle Eastern nations that would start democratizing just as soon as Iraq's newly liberated people showed them the way.


That brings us to the latest war aims fallen by the wayside, the ones put in place last spring, after the end of "major hostilities" was declared. As it happens, Coalition Provisional Authority head Paul Bremer laid these out in June with a clarity and sweep the administration is certainly coming to regret. Goal No. 1 was the creation of a capitalist and transparent economy. "Getting inefficient state enterprises into private hands is essential for Iraq's economic recovery." And the idea was to do it fast. Said one of his advisers in July, citing Eastern Europe as a template, "Experience shows us that the faster you do it, the more beneficial it is for the economy." The other aim was the establishment of a constitutional government. For the Iraqi people to get back their sovereignty before a constitution was written under American supervision, Bremer insisted, "invites confusion and chaos."

There they are: two straight-ahead, clear benchmarks of success—giving Iraq a functioning private economy and giving it a constitution—right from the administration's mouth. But we've gotten nowhere on either one. The drive for economic reform "just disappeared from the agenda," one occupation official told The Washington Post last month. "It was just too risky." As for the constitution, by November, negotiations between the Coalition Provisional Authority and the interested Iraqi factions bogged down, and America announced a new plan: The American occupation would end July 1, 2004, and there wouldn't be any constitution, just a bare-bones, nonspecific "basic law." The original timetable for self-rule in Iraq was late 2004 or early 2005. It's not that things are ahead of schedule. It is that we have lopped off half the game clock, and moved the end zone to our present stalemate point, the 50-yard line. Touchdown! Game over! Everyone into the locker room!

There is only one problem, says Sidney Blumenthal: "It could be that by setting these artificial deadlines and abdicating a good deal of responsibility that the Bush administration simply accelerates the centrifugal forces within Iraq." Just as in Vietnam, we leave a nation behind to its own civil war. Only this time, we leave it even more unstable than we found it.


Violent factions across the country appear to be gearing up for . . . something. After the capture of Saddam Hussein, a call from clerics to their followers to refrain from attacking one another held for a few days; then assailants in a passing car opened fire on a Sunni mosque in Baghdad—drive-by sectarian warfare. Now Sunnis are arming themselves in militias, a counterbalance, they say, to the "Mahdi Army" of Shiite cleric and occupation critic Sheikh Muqtada al-Sadr. They promise to turn their new forces, part of a "Clear Victory Movement," against the Americans unless Sunnis get sufficient power in the post-war settlement.

Meanwhile, the Bush administration has bowed to pressure to keep the Kurdish region semi-autonomous—for fear that any other decision would set off a Kurdish uprising—and Kurds now talk of annexing oil-rich Kirkuk. That angers the Turks—raising the possibility of a regional conflict—and sets a precedent for dividing Iraq into Yugoslavia-style ethnic enclaves. Which paves the way for possible Yugoslavia-style ethnic cleansing, considering that the greatest population of Kurds lives not in the protected north but in Baghdad. Will Sunni militia leaders start demanding these Kurds return to "their" homeland?

As in Vietnam, the allies we plan to leave behind in our stead inspire little confidence. Here is one friendly faction of Sunnis: The Iraqi National Accord, former Baathists whose favor with us stems from their early-'90s collaboration with the CIA (a level of trustworthiness Orwell might call "doubleplusungood"). They assert their intention to do business with Syria, call for a new Iraqi secret police, and proclaim that "elections right now are impossible." Another of our allies, a member of our handpicked governing council, has a grasp of democracy so rudimentary he called the notion of a freshly elected leader replacing the incumbent's staff "this idiotic American system."

You don't read much about Basra, in the southern part of the country, because it is under British, not American, occupation: Shiite territory, where unemployment approaches 70 percent, and where religious gangs with names like "Revenge of God" and "The Organization of Islamic Rules" firebomb Christian-owned liquor stores and shoot their proprietors.

Welcome to the new Iraq. Recently Lloyds of London has begun selling insurance to U.K. firms with reconstruction contracts, to pay off if America quits the scene before reconstruction is complete. An American insurer, Marsh & McLennan, has chosen not to offer its usual line of insurance for political risk, expropriation, and terrorism. The smart money in Iraq, it appears, is betting on a bugout.

"This is a plan that is entirely geared to create political peace in the United States from June to November," Blumenthal observes. "Whether it has any relations to the facts on the ground is another question."

War opponents might be tempted to take heart: If President Bush wants to end an ugly and wasteful war in order to get elected, let him.

They might want to heed the example of Richard Nixon. Little more than one month after he won his 1972 re-election, he initiated the most savage bombing campaign in the history of the war—in the history of warfare. It was a little shock and awe at Christmastime. He was still convinced America could prevail militarily: No peace, no honor. Here's to hoping George W. Bush is a little less cynical.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: handwringers; iraq; lefties; liberalrag; perlstein; quagmire; quitters; rickperlstein; villagevoice; wimps; wot
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1 posted on 01/13/2004 11:11:22 AM PST by dead
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To: All
I received a Freep mail last night from the author, expressing his eagerness to discuss this article amongst Freepers. His FR screenname is “Perlstein”.
You never seem to miss 'em on your own, but I thought I'd give you a head's up that I'll have a piece in the Voice tomorrow--arguing that Bush is willing to countenance a bloody civil war in Iraq, bugging out to save his reelection. I'm actually looking forward to my monthly FREEP party!

Rick Perlstein

2 posted on 01/13/2004 11:13:43 AM PST by dead (I've got my eye out for Mullah Omar.)
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To: dead
Utter BS. Or is it wishful thinking?

There is only one problem, says Sidney Blumenthal:

Old Grassy Knoll himself! As if...

3 posted on 01/13/2004 11:14:01 AM PST by Howlin (WARNING: If you post to me, Tard and Buttie Fred are gonna copy & paste it to LP!!!!!!!)
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To: dead
With breathtaking speed, the liberators have been tarred as home-invading thugs.

Not by the Iraqis. Only by leftist nitwits in the media.

4 posted on 01/13/2004 11:14:44 AM PST by My2Cents ("Well....there you go again.")
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To: dead
So, in other words, this article is simply an ego-trip for Mr. "Perlstein." Throw the dog-doo into the fan, and watch the Freepers scurry around the forum....
5 posted on 01/13/2004 11:16:30 AM PST by My2Cents ("Well....there you go again.")
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To: dead
Saturday, Jan. 10, 2004 7:37 p.m. EST E-mail Traffic in Iraq Shows the Positive

Making the rounds of GI e-mail traffic in Iraq these days is the following missive. It is reproduced below in its entirety and exactly as written.

Quote: Since President Bush declared an end to major combat on May 1:

The first battalion of the new Iraqi Army has graduated and is on active duty (~60,000 Iraqis providing security to citizens).

Nearly all of Iraq's 400 courts are functioning.

The Iraqi judiciary is fully independent.

Power generation hit 4,518 megawatts (Oct), exceeding prewar output.

All 22 Universities & 43 technical institutes/colleges are open

Nearly all primary and secondary schools are open.

Coalition has "rehabbed" 1,500+ schools (500 ahead of schedule).

Teachers earn from 12-25 times their former salaries.

All 240 hospitals and more than 1200 clinics are open.

Doctors salaries are at least 8 times what they were under Saddam.

Pharmaceutical distribution has gone from almost zero to 12,000 tons.

Coalition has helped administer 22 million+ vaccinations to children.

Coalition has cleared 14,000+km of Iraq's 27,000km of weed-choked canals which now irrigate tens of thousands of farms. This project has created 100,000+ jobs for Iraqi men & women.

Coalition has restored over 3/4 of prewar telephone services and 2/3+ of potable water production.

4,900+ full-service telephone connections (~50,000 by year-end).

Commerce is expanding rapidly (bicycles, satellite dishes, cars, trucks, etc) in all major cities and towns.

95% of all prewar bank customers have service and first-time customers are opening accounts daily.

Iraqi banks are making loans to finance businesses.

The central bank is fully independent.

Iraq has one of the world's most growth-oriented investment and banking laws.

Iraq has a single, unified currency for the first time in 15 years.

Satellite TV dishes are legal.

Foreign journalists are not on "10-day visas" paying mandatory fees to the Ministry of Information for minders. There is no such Ministry.

There are 170+ newspapers.

Foreign journalists (and everyone else) are free to come and go.

A nation that had not one single element - legislative, judicial or executive - of a representative government, now does.

In Baghdad alone, residents have selected 88 advisory councils.

Baghdad's democratic transfer of power (1st in 35 years); city council elected its new chairman.

Iraqi Chambers of commerce, businesses, schools and professional organizations are electing their leaders all over the country.

25 ministers, selected by the most representative governing body in Iraq's history, run the day-to-day business of government.

The Iraqi gov't regularly participates in international events.

Since July the Iraqi gov't has been represented in 24+ international meetings, including UN General Assembly, the Arab League, the World Bank, IMF and the Islamic Conference Summit.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it is reopening 30+ Iraqi embassies worldwide.

Shia religious festivals (all but banned) are no longer illegal.

For the first time in 35 years, in Karbala, thousands of Shiites celebrate the pilgrimage of the 12th Imam.

The Coalition has completed 13,000+ reconstruction projects, large and small, as part of a strategic plan for the reconstruction of Iraq.

Uday and Queasy are dead, and no longer feeding Iraqis to the zoo lions, raping the young daughters of local leaders to force cooperation, torturing Iraq's soccer players for losing games, or
murdering critics.

Children aren't imprisoned or murdered when their parents disagree with the government.

Political opponents aren't imprisoned, tortured, executed, maimed, or forced to watch their families die for disagreeing with Saddam.

Millions of long-suffering Iraqis no longer live in perpetual terror.

As a side effect, in neighboring countries, (1) Saudis will hold municipal elections, (2) Qatar is reforming education to give more choices to parents, (3) Jordan is accelerating market economic reforms,
(4) The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded (first time) to an Iranian
(Muslim woman) who speaks out for human rights/democracy & peace.

Saddam is gone.

Iraq is free. Little or none of this information has been published by the Press Corps that prides itself on bringing you all the news that's important. Iraq, under US-led control, has come further in six
months than Germany did in seven years or Japan did in nine years following WWII. Military deaths from fanatic Nazis and Japanese numbered in the thousands and continued for over three years
after WWII victory was declared. It took the US over four months to clear away the twin tower debris, let alone attempt to build something else in its place.

Now, take into account that many people in our government and media continue to claim on a daily basis on national TV that this conflict has been a failure. Taking everything into consideration, even
the unfortunate loss of our sons and daughters in this conflict, do you think any other country in the world could have accomplished as much as the United States and its coalition partners have in so
short a period of time?

Karl Nielson LT, CHC, USNR 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Chaplain
6 posted on 01/13/2004 11:19:02 AM PST by joesnuffy (Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
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To: dead
Anyone who quotes Sidney Blumenthal has lost any and all credibility.
7 posted on 01/13/2004 11:19:53 AM PST by TheBigB (You tryin' ta tell me Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball?)
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To: dead
Interesting. Sid Vicious is the ONLY source cited for this article, and he is cited twice. I thought Sid was a newspaperman himself. I wonder why he wanted to use a sock puppet to get this hillarygram out?
8 posted on 01/13/2004 11:21:31 AM PST by Cicero (Marcus Tullius)
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To: dead
How do you stand to read that crap? I could only get a couple of lines or so, before I was forced to go hurl.
9 posted on 01/13/2004 11:21:45 AM PST by AxelPaulsenJr (Excellence In Posting Since 1999)
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To: dead
Dream on Mr. Dean.
10 posted on 01/13/2004 11:22:50 AM PST by W04Man (Bush2004 Grassroots Campaign visit for FREE STICKERS)
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To: dead
to apply the Vietnam parallel as Mr. Perlstein seems so anxious to do, we've occupied Hanoi, captured Ho Chi Minh and put him in lockup, intimidated the Chinese into not uttering a peep when we conduct raids into their territory and kill and/or capture their border guards and yet we are going to bug out. Sounds like only someone like Jimmy Carter would do that.
11 posted on 01/13/2004 11:23:43 AM PST by vbmoneyspender
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To: dead
Iraq Deployment: Bellwether For South Korea's Future?

South Korea is planning to send 3,000 troops to Iraq this spring to take up duties in the restive city of Kirkuk. Though there are many possible -- and overlapping -- motives for the deployment, it appears that South Korea is trying to prepare itself strategically for the coming drawdown of U.S. forces on the Korean peninsula and is seeking to take a greater role in global affairs to safeguard its own growing international interests.

Stratfor's take. I can't get to the whole article - not a member - but it's worth a look.

12 posted on 01/13/2004 11:25:05 AM PST by liberallarry
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To: dead
Gee, I thought it was called, "ending the occupation."

"We're stuck in a quagmire! We'll never get out... We'll be stuck here for-- What, we're leaving??"

"Oh, no, we're leaving too soon! We've got a job to do!... (ad nauseum)..."

13 posted on 01/13/2004 11:25:53 AM PST by dangus
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To: dead
Little more than one month after he won his 1972 re-election, he initiated the most savage bombing campaign in the history of the war—in the history of warfare.

Poor author has apparently never heard of Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, etc.

14 posted on 01/13/2004 11:26:01 AM PST by Restorer
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To: My2Cents
So, in other words, this article is simply an ego-trip for Mr. "Perlstein." Throw the dog-doo into the fan, and watch the Freepers scurry around the forum....

Actually, he doesn’t write the article merely to annoy us. He gets paid to do it.

The fact that he participates in this forum shows a rare willingness by a journalist to hang around and defend his nonsensical opinions, IMO.

15 posted on 01/13/2004 11:26:05 AM PST by dead (I've got my eye out for Mullah Omar.)
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To: dead
"they've set a new goal: to end the occupation by July 1, whether that occupation has accomplished anything valuable and lasting or not."

Oh, good grief. They are just THINKING about trying to turn over the government to the Iraqis by then. The sky isn't falling, Chicken Little.

16 posted on 01/13/2004 11:28:55 AM PST by MEGoody
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To: dead
But a new tyranny will likely take its place:

According to people like Perlstein the entire mid East including Israel should have already been engulfed in a holocaust style Islamist war by now.

But their predictions were wrong on that too.

17 posted on 01/13/2004 11:33:30 AM PST by finnman69 (cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
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To: dead
Interesting article. Glad to see the author lurks on this site and encourages discussion of his work.

A question for the author: you seem to posit that this Administration has no desire to "see reconstruction through", leaving behind a mess that will result in chaos and not democratic order.

Why, therefore, did we go to war in the first place? To be more precise, if "Bush and the boys" ginned up this war in order to line the pockets of "big business", then prematurely abdicating authority and leaving behind a "business-unfriendly" environment is a very, very strange way of accomplishing that goal, is it not?

The only logical conclusion one can reach, if one agrees with your premise, is the President merely wanted to kill a bunch of Iraqis, not to liberate millions of oppressed people and pave the way to long-term stability in the region but to help Halliburton and others post impressive 1-year post-war profits before leaving Iraqis to fend for themselves once again.

That's a helluva lot of cost and effort for very, very little gain, don't you think?
18 posted on 01/13/2004 11:34:08 AM PST by LincolnLover
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To: AxelPaulsenJr; dead
My thoughts exactly Axel!
19 posted on 01/13/2004 11:34:10 AM PST by countrydummy ( You will love the chat room!)
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To: dead
"The fact that he participates in this forum shows a rare willingness by a journalist to hang around and defend his nonsensical opinions..."

So, where is he? I would like him to refute the achievements mentioned in the above post #6. I'm sure he or Sid will have the data to shoot down all of the points mentioned, right? Or will he give the typical, "Well, that's just White House propaganda put out to mask the reality of what's going on in Iraq" dribble?

20 posted on 01/13/2004 11:38:20 AM PST by Hatteras
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