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We Bombed the Wrong Side, Kosovo's Terrorists Continue to Wage War
The Plain Dealer ^
| January 9, 2004
| Tanja Gavrilovic
Posted on 01/11/2004 4:09:44 AM PST by Doctor13
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posted on
01/11/2004 4:09:45 AM PST
To: Doctor13
It's quite simple. If Bush had bombed and done the exact same way that Clinton did, the media would be howling with daily stories.
posted on
01/11/2004 4:24:33 AM PST
(The islamofascists and the democrats are trying to destroy this country)
To: Doctor13
Another brick in the Clinton Legacy.... Any wonder there is almost a Balkans aftermath major media news black out?
posted on
01/11/2004 4:25:28 AM PST
Bob Eimiller
(Kennedy..Kerry..Leahy...Pelosi..Kucinich.."Catholics" who Promote Partial Birth Abortion.)
To: All
posted on
01/11/2004 4:25:45 AM PST
Support Free Republic
(Freepers post from sun to sun, but a fundraiser bot's work is never done.)
To: Doctor13
Talk about a quagmire, Ms. Albright, General Clark, Senator Clinton.
It is not like the the Serbs have moderated themselves either. They assasinate Zoran Djindjic, their reformist Prime Minister. Then, they turn around and elect a bunch of ultra-nationalist Milosevistas to their parliament.
Good thing they don't have any oil.
posted on
01/11/2004 4:32:01 AM PST
To: Doctor13
"The public has a right to know what is happening in the Balkans." We also have responsibilities - a public apology would be a good place to start.
Thank you for posting, great article.
posted on
01/11/2004 4:44:15 AM PST
To: Gaetano
Interesting comments.
It is my belief, however, that although Bosnia does not have oil, per se, the war against the Serbs was exactly for that reason. The Saudis had signed a letter of intent to buy $6 billion dollars worth of Boeing aircraft. The day after we bombed the Serbs in 1995 based on a self-inflicted massacre committed by Bosnian Muslim forces at Sarajevo's main market place, the Markale, the Saudis' signed on the dotted line. A coincidence? I don't think so. Saudi Arabia wanted the first Islamic state in the belly of Europe, and we wanted Saudi oil and money. What we now have is that Bosnia has become Islam's corridor into Europe, along with al-Qaeda terrorists.
As for Djindjic, it appears that it was a gangland-type murder with which he had previously been involved. Other Serbs regarded him as selling them to the West.
Much is written about the "ultra-nationalist Milosevitas" coming back into power (although it will thankfully never happen), almost nothing is mentioned to the fact that the former Croatian "ultra nationalist" party of Franjo Tudjman has also been elected back into power with no outrage from the West's media. Tudjman is quoted as saying, "Thank God my wife is neither a Serb nor a Jew," referring to the one and a half million who were exterminated in Croatia's death camps so brutally that even the German Gestapo were appalled. Hitler had rewarded his loyal ally, the Croats, by recognizing them as the "Independent State of Croatia" in 1941. With U.S. military aid and technology, the Croats today have their pure Croatian state that Hitler could only promise.
posted on
01/11/2004 4:55:39 AM PST
To: Doctor13
At the time it did seem strange to me.. as Serbs have traditionally been our ally.. the entire 'affair' was confusing.
posted on
01/11/2004 5:21:57 AM PST
(Write inTancredo in 2004)
To: Doctor13
Why was there no media follow- up of the accomplishments of peace-loving and newly liberated Kosovo Albanians? Maybe for the same reason the media has been strangely reluctant to report on the paradise we created in South Africa?
posted on
01/11/2004 5:25:40 AM PST
The Duke
To: Doctor13
But isn't this the area to which Weasley Clark brought "peace" and "harmony"?
Weasly says so, it must be true.
posted on
01/11/2004 5:26:00 AM PST
(Liberal method - Repeat lie until someone else quotes it, then use that quote as proof.)
To: Doctor13
The Clinton agenda against the Bosnian Serbs (and eventually against all Serbs) was set into motion by the first Bush administration.
In his book, "The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace, 1989-1992," former Secretary of State James Baker significantly wrote, "After the meeting, I had Larry Eagleburger take [Haris] Silajdzic [former Bosnian Prime Minister] to see the EC troika political directors (who happened to be visiting the Department) and asked Margaret Tutwiler to talk to the foreign minister about the importance of using Western mass media to build support in Europe and North America for the Bosnian cause. I also had her talk to her contacts at the four television networks, The Washington Post, and the New York Times to get more attention focused on the story."
In other words, President George Bush, the First, Mr. Baker, Mr. Eagleburger, et. al, never intended to be impartial in theBosnian civil war and were willing, if necessary, to present a distorted, anti-Serbian bias to the American people and a favorable image of the Bosnian Muslims regardless of their shadowy part in the war. This, then, was to be our foreign policy and we are reaping what we have sown.
posted on
01/11/2004 6:41:24 AM PST
To: getgoing
You are right! A public apology would be in order, but don't hold your breath. Not only have the Turks not apologized for the genocide of 3.5 million Christians in Asia Minor, they do not even admit to it. 1.8 million Armenians were slaughtered, 1.5 Greeks and I later learned that there were 750,000 or more Assyrians.
To admit to our role in the unnecessary deaths of all innocent civilians in a Balkan civil war would land us at The War Crimes Tribunal. We must remember that at the Lisbon Agreement in 1992 whereby all sides agreed to divide Bosnia up into three regions, our then U.S. ambassador, Warren Zimmermann went to Bosnian President, Alija Izetbegovic, and said that if he didn't like it, "why sign it?" They knew right then and there, they had Uncle Sam where they wanted him (you can use your own imagination)to fight their jihad for them.
posted on
01/11/2004 6:51:20 AM PST
To: Doctor13
Typographical error. It should have read, "1.8 Armenians, 1.7 Greeks. This was the static that was given at the 75th memorial services for the Christian victims in Asia Minor in Washington, D.C. As I stated, I later learned that over 750,000 Assyrians were also slaughtered.
posted on
01/11/2004 6:56:04 AM PST
To: Doctor13
Waddya mean We?? It was Clintack. That attack was really "Not in my name"
posted on
01/11/2004 7:01:51 AM PST
To: Doctor13
Well, now we have slammie, Wahabbi inspired states of Bosnia, Albania, Axerbaijan, Turkey and hte rest of hte Middle East, Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia. All Threats. And we're letting them build up here.
posted on
01/11/2004 7:03:40 AM PST
To: Doctor13
...but....but....the movers-and-shakers of America's foreign policy, like Christiann Amanpour, assured us that we should be helping the poor Muslims.
posted on
01/11/2004 7:07:38 AM PST
(Thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.)
To: tkathy
Flip side: If Bush had bombed and done the exact same way that Clinton did, the Cult of Personality on this board would be shouting off the rooftops that this was the right move and they supported it, Kosovo was of strategic importance to the United States, Milosovic was another Hitler and anyone who disagrees was either a bitter Go Pat, Goer or a DU Disruptor.
Anybody paying attention knew we were bombing the wrong side.
posted on
01/11/2004 7:09:09 AM PST
To: Doctor13
It's also pertinent to understand many of the battalion to regimental sized Al-Qaida like units imported from outside the area fought intensively in the Balkans. It's also interesting how the US mistakenly hit the Chinese embassey communications center which had there been ulterior liaisons between Isalmic militants and the Chinese, would have been their hub of command and control back for supporting arms.
Make no mistake about it, the Clintons didn't want that tie to be severed if it existed.
Mistakes happen in warfare, and in that situation with the Chinese Comm Center,...well in the words of those explaining it at the's the damnedest thing.
War is a dynamic thing. Today we live in a mottled domain. National groupings aren't represented by countries as much as they are portrayed in various profit and non-profit organizations. Many of the most dangerous are closer to us than we believe, yet we chalk up their differences as merely a diverse environment.
Through faith in Christ each of us can influence far more than any grouping of countries in righteousness. God Bless.
posted on
01/11/2004 7:09:11 AM PST
To: Doctor13
A good friend served in the 'Vo with the 101st. He's now in Iraq. He saw the facts on the ground. His take is simple...the place is a sleeping volcano with both sides gathering strength and steeling will. As soon as we leave it will explode in a fast, violent spiral that will kill thousands upon thousands.
posted on
01/11/2004 7:15:25 AM PST
(I would like at least to know his name)
To: riri
Milosevic was nothing more than a two-bit dictator who never invaded any country. Hitler wanted to rule the world. As Gen. Charles Boyd, USAF (Ret.) Former Deputy Commander in Chief, European Command said, "The Serbs are not fighting to conquer new territory, but to hold on to what was already theirs."
You also seem to put the entire blame on Milosevic without commenting on the role of the Bosnian Muslims, the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo (KLA, an army that was armed and trained by Osama bin Laden) and the fascist Croats. Tudjman was worst because he wished to continue his thoughts of Hitler's fascism against the Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, and Izetbegovic is undoubtedly the worse, for he slaughtered his own people in order to turn Bosnia into an Islamic state. "Muslims 'slaughter their own own people'" The Independent, (Also Toronto Star, 1992). "Serbs 'not guilty' of massacre," "The Sunday Times, 1 Oct. 1995.
Must continue later. I've run out of time, for now.
posted on
01/11/2004 7:35:37 AM PST
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