Sometimes the available facts are insufficient to totally circumscribe and contain pessimistic speculation as to what the future holds. One must make do as to what one has, and hopefully that will somewhat contain the more severe cases of angst among the more reasonable.
By the way, did you know that about once every million years of so a huge volcanic eruption or asteroid wipes out the bulk of life on this planet, and every 100 million years of so, a mega asteroid wipes out almost all non aquatic life, and that about 3 asteroids a week allegedly get within about 100,000 miles of earth? Also, did you know that Yellowstone is overdue to blow again, and that is the biggest volcanic formation under land on Earth, and if it blows a big one again will kill everything within several hundred miles, and put the grain belt in America under a foot or so of ash? I didn't either until I read the wrong chapter in Bill Bryson's most fascinating book about A Short History of Nearly Everything.
Maybe we should get out worry beads out about THAT!
And then?...
How often does "the government" actually have to offer something up on immigration?...Unless your talking illegal immigration, but that's already been "offerd up by the government" as illegal.
You too? We've been waiting twenty years for that.
Since this invasion of our country has been going on for well over 20 plus years, how long are you prepared to wait? Look at the facts. It's no wonder people are speculating, worrying and getting very angry.
This titanic invasion of millions of illegal aliens has been going on long before Bush's Dad was President. His Did also did absolutely nothing about it on his watch. Years later, we have upwards of 15 million illegal aliens in country.
The epic chaos being caused by this invasion is nationwide. They are taking jobs, driving up our taxes, many of our hospital ERs are standing room only, full of illegals that don't pay the bills, our land fills are full, our highways and freeways are jammed, they are choking off our social services that were met for American Citizens, and have created massive coast to coast fraud.
This government approved invasion is not only a national disgrace, it's now a national security nightmare.
It's a ticking time bomb, as hundreds of thousands continue to pour into our nation illegally.
So it quite understandable to see people extremely concerned about this never ending invasion. The solutions to this madness have been many, yet the government does not act.
The solutions are many and they have been suggested thousands of times. So what are these facts and ideas you speak of or are waiting for?