He's trashing Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and as a participant in both OEF and OIF I can tell you they deserve it
It must be nice to be so certain about everything
Out of curiousity, how much time have you spent in the Middle East?
Just wondering
According to Zinni (and I must assume you agree with him since you are publicly defending Zinni at President Bush's expense on this issue) President Bush conned the American people into removing Saddam Hussein from power. It's the Democrat line. It's the Saudi line. Zinni had close ties with the Arab states and was content for Saddam Hussein to remain in power for the rest of his natural life (despite an attempt on President Bush Sr's life).
Out of curiousity, how much time have you spent in the Middle East?
sakantu hunak qalilan wkuntu fialquwat ajjawiyah alamrikiah wanta ?