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Angel of Death: The Rachel Corrie Incident PART II

On Sunday, March 16, 2003 Rachel Corrie was either purposely or accidentally ran over by an Israeli Soldier in a bulldozer. Miss Corrie, a member of a radical anti-semitic group called the International Solidarity Movement, knowingly placed herself in front of the advancing bulldozer in an attempt to defend munitions tunnels. The very tunnels used by numerous Terrorist organizations like Hamas and Islamic Jihad to bring explosives into the region from Egypt and other areas. Explosives used by the enemies of the United States and Israel to blow up innocent men, women and children via homicide bombers.

Last week I gave my opinion on Miss Corrie which some of you found disturbing, even disgusting. I stated that the now deceased Rachel Corrie was a terrorist and a murderer of babies. I will tell you right off the bat that I'm an Old Testament kind of guy. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I would imagine that the readers that expressed anger or disgust over my comments are coming from more of a New Testament view of the World or turn the other cheek. Or maybe you are just an extremist liberal who doesn't believe in personal responsibility. That's just fine by me. I thrive on debate and diverse opinion and I recieved plenty in my E-mail box. However, after reading all the opposing views brought by my readers I found none that could sway my thoughts on Rachel Corrie. To me if you aid in a First Degree murder you are guilty of First Degree murder whether you physically perform the deed or not. I believe that is even the standing law in the States. Miss Corrie without a doubt aided Terrorist murderers by defending those tunnels. Her organization as reported by Frontpage has active militant members who take up arms against Democratic Israel. To me the organization then is a terrorist one itself. Let's not split hairs here or be so naive as to think Corrie was oblivious to the anti-semitic vein running through the I.S.M. They are a group that considers mass murderers to be "freedom fighters". Regardless of the fact that even if the group they sanction were victorious and every Jew was ran into the sea the State of Palastine would be in no way Democratic but a land ran by Islamo Fascists. Like we need another Syria or Iran on our hands.

Being a Mastermind however one has to go beyond this one specific case and look deeper. I ask myself just how did a Rachel Corrie come about? She and her comrades obviously were not born with a deep hatred for the United States or the Jews in Israel. So ruling out nature we only have one broad category left to explain what went wrong.


Corrie and other leftist radicals were taught to hate. Now an even more important question pops up and that is exactly who were the teachers? The brainwashers who are taking bright young human beings and turning them into operatives for evil. Thinking long and hard on this I came up with a root cause and three seperate branches that sprouted from it that are clearly responsible.

The Evil Seed is Planted

Sometime around 1919 the communists started organizing and plotting strategy inside the United States becoming fully legal and recognized in Dec. 1921. From the very beginning the American Communists goal was to destroy the United States from within. In Ted Morgan's new book entitled Reds: McCarthyism in 20th-Century America the author speaks about the American communists working hand in hand with Lenin . While he pulled troops out of France in the first World War leaving American forces to fend for themselves his minions inside the U.S. according to Morgan were running a Terrorist bombing campaign. Surprised? Terrorist bombing back in 1919?? An exerpt from the book explains.

The wife and maid of Sen. Thomas Hardwick unwrapped a postal parcel which exploded, blowing off maid Ethel Williams' hands and blasting shrapnel into Mrs. Hardwick's face. An alert postal clerk read about the mail bomb and remembered similar packages had been set aside because of insufficient postage. All the packages contained bombs and alerts to other post offices turned up more bombs prior to delivery.

Altogether, radicals had mailed 30 bombs to congressmen, judges and other public figures. Only the postage error and the alert clerk had saved dozens from maiming and murder. A few weeks later, a radical planting his bomb accidentally set it off prematurely, killing himself, blowing the porch off the U.S. attorney general's house, and showering Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer with glass fragments. Not surprisingly, the public and government reacted with fury and some panic.

The Communist initially used militant actions against the U.S. while it was weakend after the war effort. When that failed and was met with harsh repercussions they decided to go another route. Infiltration of key areas via the use of deception. Namely the education system, mass media and political positions under the umbrella of the labor Unions and their Democratic Party. A brilliant strategy of using the freedoms provided in our own Constitution. Not to destroy said Constitution outright but to slowly and methodically morph it into a form of Marx's Communist Manifesto In other words.

The evil seed was planted.

Now that I have set a historical base or root cause let us look at what I consider to be the three most dangerous results of this infiltration that continues to this day as it pertains to our youth.

The Parents

One logically has to start with the childhood of these activists and to take a long hard look at their custodians. When you do so many times you will find that they were themselves leftist radicals during the period of the Vietnam War. One has to realize the importance of that war and that it was a turning point for the Communists inside the United States. Not surprisingly as the U.S. was actively fighting the spread of Communism into that country members inside the United States began actively opposing the War. Having infiltrated the key areas of education, media and politics they began a three pronged assault using free sex, drugs and anti-war music to fuel activism on campuses across the nation. Added to this was the now left leaning presses continual footage of negative scenes such as soldiers killed or injured along with stressing war losses while ignoring war victory's or other positive results in the theater of operations. Sound familiar? The dates can change but the tactics haven't. Communist organizations backed by money from the Soviet Union and Cuba had succesfully defended Vietnam for the Reds. They also used their newly created foothold on the media to crush troop morale and their sedition cost the United States the war and Vietnam it's freedom.

Those students in turn, who were useful idiots for the Soviet cause, then went on to teaching professions, important positions in the media and on Capital Hill. You see only the first wave had to deceive. Once rooted in place and after brushing McCarthy aside they ensured only people of their political orientation would excell to the best spots within their chosen profession. While all this was occuring those same useful idiots began having children. Children like Rachel Corrie.

The Indoctrination System (Public School System)

Many arguments I've heard from the left ask why the United States is invading a Country like Iraq when the real schools of terrorism are located inside Saudi Arabia. Schools named Madrassas which teach children from Kindergarten up to hate all things Western. Especially the United States and Israel. While I agree that is a very important problem I always have to ask them to tell me exactly why they are so against Madrassas in a foriegn country when we have them right here on our own soil? The only difference is we call them "Universities", we call them Primary schools or Middle Schools or High Schools. We call it Public Education.

However, instead of Islamic extremism in American schools what we have is radical Liberalism. Both are dangerous to Democracy, both teach to hate America and Israel, and sadly both are funded by the State. Don't believe me? In 2002 the American Council of Trustees and Alumi, a bipartisan group ran by Lynn Cheney and Democrat Joseph Lieberman put forth a brilliant study entitled Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America And What Can Be Done About It.. In it they discuss the vastly different opinions of the country at large versus college campuses across the country. Citing over 90 percent approval for invading Afghanistan (NY Times/CBS Poll Sep 25, 01) even if casualties would occur. However on Campus when the same question was asked a meager 28 percent approved. The report cites well over 100 anti-American type comments from Professors and Students, some even taking up for the Terrorists (our enemy) while blaming their own country. I will not go into detail as there is to much info to relay here. I urge you to take a look at this PDF file from the goacta website however. It pacts a lot of unbiased info into such a short report and should please both sides of the fence considering it is ran by Republicans and Democrats who simply want our heritage protected. I will cite one more disturbing stat from the document which references another article on goacta. That being that of the top 55 schools in the nation only three of them require a course in the History of Western Civilization to graduate. What's worse is that out of those 55 schools 78 percent do not require any history at all!! LINK TO REPORT

Do I need to repeat that? Nothing else has to be said on leftist bias in the colleges other then it needs to be stopped dead in it's tracks. Keep the dissent, keep the lawful and peaceful protests yes but for the love of God practice what you preach. Allow both sides of the issue to be presented. Allow a student to publicly disagree with a leftist Professors views without being penalized with poor grades. Allow Conservative Professors to gain tenure once in a blue moon.. What is our Educational system, which you and I fund,worth if it can't even hold true to it's fundamental principle of a broad and diverse education? Nothing. to freedom loving Americans but everything to our enemy. One of the principles of Fifth Column tactics is to reach the youth of your enemy at the earliest age possible. Then flood them with your propaganda. Rachel Corries fate was already set in motion after being born to leftist parents. Raised in Ohio where there are numerous highly sought after schools her parents instead purposely picked out one of the most radical anti-American colleges in the Country. Probably in the top five in the nation. A school so warped and left leaning that they named the school center, a place where students congregate "Red Square". A place so radical and anti-establishment they even invited Convicted Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal to give their commencement speech at graduation. See how all this is coming together now? The Parents start the process and then send their child off to an anti-American indoctrination camp. Once there the majority leftist faculty and radical upper classmen take full advantage of the highly impressionable youthful minds. Kids trying to adjust to life far from home and desperately willing to do anything to fit in and be accepted among their peers.

So we've gone over the early beginnings of Communism which was the root to this nasty weed. We've gone over the Parents role and then the biased, leftist dominated Universities who are totally out of touch with mainstream America. What's the final piece of the puzzle that works to produce Terrorists like Rachel Corrie? Why no revolution would be complete without it. I'm talking about the....

Propaganda machine

Yes once we leave the leftist controlled Campuses we should be back out in mainstream America right? I mean 92 percent was for kicking butt in Afghanistan. Go U.S.A. all the way right? Well yes and no. You see the PEOPLE of America outside of the very powerful and very small elitist left are freedom loving people who cherish Democracy. Why then is our media, namely our so called free press, radically leftist then? Shouldn't the media REFLECT the nation or should it ignore the popular opinion of the people and try to warp said opinion through the saturation of anti-American propaganda? We all saw it with our own eyes as we started the Invasion of Iraq. Papers around the country like the New York Times, Washington Post and L.A. Times filled their editorials with anti-war sentiments bashing President Bush as the very troops that he commanded were in harms way. Calling it another Vietnam (irony of ironies) and using the word "quagmire" hundreds of times. Every set back was on the front page no matter how minor while every victory was ignored. Seems I remember talking about a similar situation somewhere else in this column. See if you can remember. Image after image of mutilated Soldiers or crying Iraqi women and children were plastered up front for all to see. Meanwhile we swept through the front dominating every battle along the way taking the entire country with the least amount of casualties civilian or military in recorded history. Not two weeks after I read an article from Helen Thomas a radical editorialist stating that the outcome was always known. Everyone knew now apparantly that it would be a cakewalk.

These are the people Rachel Corrie read on a daily basis. This was the machine feeding her hate and rage. Apologists for Terrorist, dictators and cop killers. Check out the BBC lately? The publicly funded news outlet for Great Britain? They seemingly are very angry at the U.S. airing those pictures of Saddam being checked for lice. How humiliating treat that man with respect! Their editors warned their reporters to refer to this man who murdered hundreds of thousands of people as "the leader of Iraq" and not a dictator. See folks the machine rolls on. Rachel Corries death pleased them. If it bleeds it leads in their business and especially if it's America or Israels fault. However, the pic of her burning the flag leaked out to their dismay. The useful idiot they had made out to be a martyr was no longer so useful. So she fell off the radar and they continued their mission. We are talking about complete saturation by the leftist using their winning combination of meaningless sex, drugs and music from the sixties but blowing it up a million fold via the use of new existing technologies. The point being on the entertainment end to degrade our culture with lewdness and irresponsibility catering to human kinds more animalistic tendencies. Then on the information end to flood these young,doped out, lunatic minds with message after message promoting anti-American sentiment and pushing any agenda possible that goes against what made this Country the strongest and most envied place on Earth.

The result?

See for yourself.

~ Seth Monroe

3 posted on 12/29/2003 3:54:25 PM PST by CounterCounterCulture (America works best without union pests --- UNION NO!)
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To: CounterCounterCulture
X ring!
7 posted on 12/29/2003 3:59:45 PM PST by tet68
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To: CounterCounterCulture
Whoever says that Communism is dead is a liar.
26 posted on 12/29/2003 4:42:14 PM PST by semaj (" their fruit you will know them.")
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To: CounterCounterCulture
Outstanding article. A real keeper.
29 posted on 12/29/2003 5:26:12 PM PST by Search4Truth (When a man lies he murders some part of the world.)
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To: CounterCounterCulture
I think I read somewhere that Rachel C. was actually Jewish herself. Do you know if that is true?
36 posted on 12/29/2003 6:53:48 PM PST by Burn24
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To: CounterCounterCulture
Blue stars on white field with horizontal red and white stripes? What was that silly little girl trying to say anyway.

The antebellum federal peacetime flag had blue stars but vertical stripes.

Seems like Evergreen College needs to better instruct their art students in the history of national symbols.

47 posted on 12/30/2003 12:01:34 AM PST by throopmanley (strike hold)
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To: CounterCounterCulture
I agree with this guy all the way. I don't think Ann Coulter was out of line when she called it treason. I think it's treason all the way what these leftists and liberal propaganda ministers do.
51 posted on 12/30/2003 1:20:39 AM PST by #3Fan
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To: CounterCounterCulture
What I wouldn't give to have that article to be published in campus newspapers across the country. Corrie's stupidity and naivete played the major role in her death, but the idiot lefty college instructors who have probably never been out of their own state (sans the required pilgrimage to San Francisco in the '60s - their 'Mecca') should shoulder their share of the blame.

And to paraphrase one of their deities, Enimem, there's a million of them out there, just like Corrie, waiting to be brainwashed into thinking the U.S. and Israel are the evil forces and the Palestineans are the poor little defenseless victims.

While it is wrong to exult in the death of another, it is impossible to escape the warm, smug feeling one gets when witnessing this person so full of hate and anger getting their due come-uppance. My only regret is that her $95,000 a year, 60-year-old, Bush-bashing peacenik college history teacher didn't have the testicular fortitude to got to Palestine himself.

But this is just a preview, folks, of 2004. Rachel Corrie represents the Democratic Party, and President George W. Bush is driving the bulldozer that's going to finally put it under.
57 posted on 12/30/2003 5:58:42 AM PST by RabidBartender (Gracias por la tarjeta del registro del votante, Senora Boxer)
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